Category: Все

Planting roses...

To increase the variety of roses in the summer park of the school, were planted several roses seedlings. In the ecopark of the school was carried out sanitation .

2017-05-12 08:03:22

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The best seeds of cucumbers for greenhouses: Choose hothouse varieties for closed soil

Of course, it is simply impossible to list all varieties for greenhouses due to their wide range. In addition, every day they become more and more. However, you can still highlight a few of the most popular varieties.

2017-05-03 04:54:14

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Instruction sheet "Rules of conduct on the Internet"

Do not download or open unknown files or files sent by strangers from the Internet. To avoid infection of the computer with a virus, install on it a special program - antivirus!

2017-04-20 06:50:21

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Competition of ecoprojects

This material contains eco-projects of students on the improvement of the school grounds, playgrounds, eco-parks, recreational areas, etc. All these projects took part in an intraschool competition, where each project was evaluated in accordance with the topic, diversity and ability to use natural material, and Also aesthetic. All the works are placed in the school living corner. The works were exhibited on the school day.

2017-03-27 13:23:34

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Instructions for parents on UNT-2017

Are developed by the National center of testing the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The ENT new format differs in division into the Final Assessment (FA) for graduates of schools and the Uniform National Testing (UNT) for going to the universities.

2017-03-17 08:46:01

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Appointment of responsible persons for work in WEB system "Analysis of social networks"

Order № 21 of the director of the boarding school № 2 of March 10, 2017, the basis - letter № 1-11 / 158 of the State Institution "City Department of Education" of March 6, 2017

2017-03-11 10:13:14

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Rules the safety of children in the Internet

Today it is hard to imagine a child who is not an active Internet user. Year after year, we have seen, Internet users are becoming younger. Children of our time developing in the world, which is much different from the world in which they grew up Mom and Dad. One of the most important factors in the development of modern child becomes IT environment where the Internet has a leading position.

2017-02-20 03:00:32

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THE CALENDAR memorable and important dates Republic of Kazakhstan in the years 2016 -2020

(according to the documents stored in the collections of the National Archives of the Republic of Kazakhstan)

2017-02-07 19:14:03

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International holidays

International holidays

2017-02-07 19:00:48

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Calendar of professional and other holidays

Calendar of professional and other holidays

2017-02-07 18:59:32

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Calendar of significant and commemorative events for 2017

Calendar of significant and commemorative events for 2017

2017-02-07 18:57:23

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Holiday (weekend) days of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2017

Holiday (weekend) days of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2017

2017-02-07 18:55:31

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