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Category: Все

Tasks for 8th grade

Tasks for 8th grade

2020-03-28 22:32:56

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Tasks for 7th grade

Tasks for 7th grade

2020-03-28 22:31:54

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Tasks for 6th grade

Tasks for 6th grade

2020-03-28 22:30:26

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Tasks for 4th grade

Tasks for 4th grade

2020-03-28 22:01:05

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Tasks for Grade 3

3-сыныпқа арналған тапсырмалар

2020-03-28 21:59:28

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Tasks for Grade 2

Tasks for Grade 2

2020-03-28 21:58:11

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Tasks for Grade 1

Tasks for Grade 1

2020-03-28 21:50:25

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Dear parents!

Dear parents, for the safety of your child during the spring holidays, we ask you to strictly follow the following recommendations: 1. Be on the course of what your child is doing at the end of the day, and keep him under control as much as possible. 2. Try not to take children to crowded places and try not to walk on your own; 3. Strictly follow the rules of personal hygiene; 4. Effectively organize your free time in response to the interests of your child: reading literary and artistic works, drawing, strokes, creativity, participation in distance Internet Olympiads.

2020-03-28 18:33:06

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Математикадан тапсырма, 1 Ә сынып

Математикадан тапсырма, 1 Ә сынып

2020-03-19 15:00:24

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Әдебиеттік оқу, 3 сынып. Оқылым, жазылым

Әдебиеттік оқу, 3 сынып. Оқылым, жазылым

2020-03-19 14:59:59

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Дүниетанудан тапсырма, 3 сынып

Дүниетанудан тапсырма, 3 сынып

2020-03-19 14:59:31

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Жаратылыстану, 3 сынып. Тест № 2

Жаратылыстану, 3 сынып. Тест № 2

2020-03-19 14:58:15

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