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Category: Information for Parents

Information for Parents

Parents and students for the spring break period

It was time to rest children, interesting things, new experiences. Your children have more free time for adventure and childish fantasies, and you have worries and concerns for their safety.

2018-03-28 00:29:59

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When there is a threat of flooding...

MEMORY Emergency prevention teams of the Emergency Department of Balkhash town

2018-02-20 08:38:48

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Memo on the prevention of viral hepatitis "A"

Viral hepatitis "A" is a serious disease. The causative agent of hepatitis is a virus that affects the liver, which plays an important role in the activity of the whole organism. Hepatitis "A", like intestinal infections, is called a disease of unwashed hands. The disease is widespread in countries with a low level of hygiene culture.

2018-02-05 21:47:47

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Memo for parents

Dear fathers and mothers! Conflict situation can radically change your life! Try to make these changes for the better!

2018-01-20 22:36:24

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Guide for parents: 6 important facts of the updated educational program

In many developed countries, such changes occurred in the eighties of the last century. During the ninth decade, these updates were completed. The transition to an updated program in Kazakhstan has just begun. In the 2016-2017 school year, all first-grade students switched to this program.

2018-01-09 11:40:35

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"Safe holidays - 2017" MEMORIES FOR PARENTS

Dear parents! Do you know that more than 55% of all offenses are committed by minors during the summer holidays? Most of the accidents with minors also occur during this period. Therefore, it is important to ensure the safety and employment of children.

2017-05-26 06:43:40

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Instruction sheet "Rules of conduct on the Internet"

Do not download or open unknown files or files sent by strangers from the Internet. To avoid infection of the computer with a virus, install on it a special program - antivirus!

2017-04-20 06:50:21

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Instructions for parents on UNT-2017

Are developed by the National center of testing the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The ENT new format differs in division into the Final Assessment (FA) for graduates of schools and the Uniform National Testing (UNT) for going to the universities.

2017-03-17 08:46:01

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Rules the safety of children in the Internet

Today it is hard to imagine a child who is not an active Internet user. Year after year, we have seen, Internet users are becoming younger. Children of our time developing in the world, which is much different from the world in which they grew up Mom and Dad. One of the most important factors in the development of modern child becomes IT environment where the Internet has a leading position.

2017-02-20 03:00:32

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Reminder of life and health, students for the period of winter holidays

Reminder of life and health, students for the period of winter holidays

2016-12-22 11:39:13

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In cases of administrative barriers in obtaining public services

- Solicitation documents are not provided by public service standards; - Violation of the terms of the public service, approved standards; - Unjustified refusal to provide public services, etc.

2016-12-08 11:50:19

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Sections for parents in the "Bіlіmal"

Achievement Table Improve the quality of education program Monitoring card

2016-11-30 03:54:25

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