Category: Все

Psychological conversation " Internet addiction-the disease of the century»


2019-10-18 08:40:26

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Preventive action " Cigarette-on candy»


2019-10-18 07:44:18

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Round table on "Prevention of early pregnancy", " Protection of girls from cruel violence »


2019-10-18 07:40:33

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Instead of a bouquet - a newspaper, instead of a gift-crafts


2019-10-18 07:36:02

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"Thematic line on the topic: "anti-corruption"»


2019-09-30 08:19:30

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Information about the activities of " honesty Shop


2019-09-30 08:15:20

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Information about carrying out preventive RAID actions


2019-09-30 08:07:12

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Information about speech at the school Assembly


2019-09-30 08:03:54

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Healthy diet


2019-09-30 08:01:30

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The image of an honest and incorruptible citizen of Kazakhstan


2019-09-28 11:50:10

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Administrative responsibility of minors", " Violation of the Charter of the school


2019-09-28 11:41:58

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Report social pedagogue KSU " school № 1 them.M. Gorky» at the end of the 2018-2019 academic year


2019-09-28 11:22:50

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