


On approval
standard of the state educational institution " Department of Education
cities of Balkhash»

    In accordance with paragraph 2 of article 10 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 18, 2015 "on combating corruption", I ORDER:
    1. Approve the attached anti-Corruption standard of the state institution (hereinafter-the state institution) "Department of education of the city of Balkhash".
    2. The head of the sector for guardianship and guardianship of the state institution "Department of education of the city of Balkhash" (Aristambekova P. K.) to publish this order on the official Internet resource of the Department of education of the city of Balkhash ( and in local media.
    3. I reserve control over the execution of this order.

                                                                                                     G. Agdarbekova

                                                                           The Contractor Arystanbekova P. K.

Draft anti-corruption standard

1. Name of the sphere of public relations: Local state administration in the field of education;
2. Name of the developer of the anti-corruption standard: state institution " Department of education of the city of Balkhash»
3. When exercising the rights and legitimate interests of individuals and legal entities in the area affected by the anti-corruption standard:
- to ensure the observance and protection of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens and legal entities, to consider in accordance with the procedure and terms established by law, citizens ' appeals, to take the necessary measures on them;
- constantly take measures to improve the quality of public services, fully focusing on the needs of the population as a consumer of public services;
- do not allow the request of documents that are not provided for, as well as avoid all red tape (bureaucracy) in the course of providing public services and other licensing functions;
- in cases of non-compliance with regulatory legal acts regulating the performance of certain duties, immediately report in writing to the authorized body;
- be guided by the principle of legality, the requirements of the Constitution, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- make every effort for highly professional work, use optimal, economical and other competent ways to solve the tasks;
3.1. When preparing and making management and other decisions within its competence:
- not allowing conflicts of interest, and if they occur, take measures to eliminate them in accordance with the law;
- when conducting control measures and other actions that involve making a decision, consider issues objectively, make decisions only in accordance with the Law.
- when making decisions that are within the competence of a public servant, do not accept any material goods, services or other privileges related to the performance of their Legal duties;
- strictly observe labor discipline, effectively dispose of the powers granted; conscientiously, impartially and efficiently perform their official duties; rationally use working time;
- do not use your official position to influence the activities of state bodies, organizations, civil servants and other persons when dealing with personal issues.
3.2. in the preparation of draft normative legal acts:
- when preparing regulatory legal acts, strictly observe the provisions of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 6, 2016 No. 480-V "on legal acts»;
- prevent the development and adoption of normative legal acts without prior public discussion in cases where their content affects the rights and freedoms of citizens;
do not allow the adoption of regulatory legal acts affecting the interests of private entrepreneurs, without expert advice from accredited associations of private entrepreneurs and the National chamber of entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- must contain normative or individual power legal regulations;
- prevent the adoption of regulatory legal acts for the purpose of extracting benefits for yourself or third parties;
- must be addressed to an indefinite circle of persons or to individually defined persons;
- strictly comply with the terms established by law;
3.3. in other relationships that arise depending on the specifics of the sphere of life:
- resist actions that harm the interests of the state, hinder or reduce the effectiveness of the functioning of state bodies;
- prevent the Commission of misdemeanors and other offenses for which the law provides for disciplinary, administrative or criminal liability.
- observe business etiquette and rules of official behavior.
- provide only objective and reliable information in the course of execution of Executive orders;
- ensure the safety of property, use property, including motor vehicles, efficiently, efficiently and only for official purposes;
- improve your professional level and qualifications for effective performance of official duties;
3.4 In other relationships that arise depending on the specifics of the field of activity:
1) specifically and clearly define the tasks and scope of office of subordinate officials;
2) to prevent uneven distribution of the work load between officials who are subordinate;
3) show fairness and objectivity in assessing the results of their activities, as well as in applying incentives and penalties;
4) not to allow unfounded accusations, facts of rudeness, humiliation of human dignity, tactlessness, incorrect behavior in relation to subordinate employees;
5) not to give clearly impracticable orders or go beyond the scope of their official duties, as well as contrary to the law;
6) not to use the official position to influence the activities of subordinates when solving issues of an off-duty nature;
7) not to force subordinates to commit corruption offenses;
8) take timely and comprehensive measures to resolve the conflict of interest that has arisen among colleagues in the course of their official duties;
9) ensure the safety of property, efficiently and effectively use it for official purposes, including vehicles.

4. Other restrictions and prohibitions:
- strictly observe the anti-corruption restrictions imposed by civil servants when applying for a job;
- participate in actions that interfere with the normal functioning of state bodies and the performance of official duties.