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Results for the IIІ quarter of the 2017-2018 school year, including grades 1-4

Results for the IIІ quarter of the 2017-2018 school year, including grades 1-4

2018-03-28 00:59:18

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Parents and students for the spring break period

It was time to rest children, interesting things, new experiences. Your children have more free time for adventure and childish fantasies, and you have worries and concerns for their safety.

2018-03-28 00:29:59

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How to make ikebana with your own hands from flowers and other handy things?

Ikebana is the oldest Japanese art for making bouquets. And it is very suitable for decorating the house with your own hands. In this art, not only flowers are used, but also the most diverse natural material: branches, leaves, snags, cones, dried flowers. Ready-made compositions can decorate any room as a floor decor, installed in niches, on shelves, on a coffee table.

2018-02-21 00:35:04

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Protocol № 2 meeting to limit student access to the resources of Internet, is not consistent with the objectives of training and education at KSU "Comprehensive sanatorium boarding school № 2 M. P. Rusakov of Balkhash ", 2017-2018

On the agenda: 1. Information on keeping a journal on visiting Internet content in the computer class "Safety rules for computer classes". Alieva Sh.A., Aldakiyarova A.A. 2. Organization of work within the framework of the "Analysis of social networks" program, provided by the company "Integro" Rakhimberlina N.S.

2018-02-20 11:55:06

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When there is a threat of flooding...

MEMORY Emergency prevention teams of the Emergency Department of Balkhash town

2018-02-20 08:38:48

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Memo on the prevention of viral hepatitis "A"

Viral hepatitis "A" is a serious disease. The causative agent of hepatitis is a virus that affects the liver, which plays an important role in the activity of the whole organism. Hepatitis "A", like intestinal infections, is called a disease of unwashed hands. The disease is widespread in countries with a low level of hygiene culture.

2018-02-05 21:47:47

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Memo for parents

Dear fathers and mothers! Conflict situation can radically change your life! Try to make these changes for the better!

2018-01-20 22:36:24

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Types of contamination in the use of Balkhash Lake

At present, the level of contamination of Lake Balkhash lake is very dangerous. The main sources of water pollution are:

2018-01-17 14:44:04

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Protocol № 1 meeting to limit student access to the resources of Internet, is not consistent with the objectives of training and education at KSU "Comprehensive sanatorium boarding school № 2. MP Rusakov of Balkhash ", 2017-2018

Protocol № 1 meeting to limit student access to the resources of Internet, is not consistent with the objectives of training and education at KSU "Comprehensive sanatorium boarding school № 2. MP Rusakov of Balkhash ", 2017-2018

2018-01-12 16:37:49

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Results for the II quarter of the 2017-2018 school year, including grades 5-11

Results for the II quarter of the 2017-2018 school year, including grades 5-11

2018-01-10 16:42:50

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Results for the II quarter of the 2017-2018 school year, including grades 2-4

Results for the II quarter of the 2017-2018 school year, including grades 2-4

2018-01-10 16:41:30

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Results for the I quarter of the 2017-2018 school year, including grades 5-11

Results for the I quarter of the 2017-2018 school year, including grades 5-11

2018-01-10 16:37:12

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