Category: Все

Information about the action "Childhood without cruelty and violence"

The goal of the campaign: to create conditions for raising the level of legal culture of minors. Forming friendly relations with each other. The campaign included a wide range of activities aimed at sensitizing adults to the problems of abuse and disseminating information on the prevention of abuse among adolescents. To achieve the set goals, the following activities were carried out.

2020-11-18 19:49:13

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Parent meeting “Violence prevention. The problem of family, school, society ”“ Rights of the child ”.

On November 9 at 18:00 the parent meeting was held online. The agenda included the following questions: “Violence prevention. The problem of family, school, society ”“ Rights of the child”. Purpose: To draw attention to the problem of cruel and neglectful treatment of children and to form beliefs in which child abuse becomes unacceptable, and the life and well-being of every human being, regardless of age, level of development, social status, are highly valuable.

2020-11-18 19:44:50

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We express our gratitude to the sponsors who took part in the republican action "Road to School"

Since the future of our country depends on the educated generation, it is common for all children from low-income families to receive education and benefit society.

2020-11-18 19:39:36

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A meeting of the crime prevention council was held ...

On October 23, a meeting of the crime prevention council took place. Objective: The effectiveness of the prevention council. Control over the behavior and academic performance, extracurricular activities of students requiring special attention, children at risk. Explanation of the existing legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the rights and obligations of parents.

2020-11-18 19:35:06

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Training "The role of the father in raising a child"...

September 12-13 at the sanatorium boarding school №2 named after M. P. Rusakov passed the training "The role of the father in raising a child" and demonstrated a social video "Family is a happy country" dedicated to Family Day. Purpose: The educational role of the father in the family. Constant involvement of fathers in the process of purposeful educational work in educational institutions; increasing the social and pedagogical culture of fathers with the conduct of social and educational work.

2020-11-18 19:29:00

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To the attention of parents and students! Fire instructions

To the attention of parents and students! Fire instructions

2020-11-18 19:13:35

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"Leader's Hour"...

On November 14, 2020 at 13.00, the school hosted the "Leader's Hour" live on the ZOOM platform. During the meeting, parents were informed about the readiness of the school for the beginning of the 2nd quarter, about the work of the duty classes of primary school and 5th grades, the functioning of educational platforms, attention was paid to the issues of child safety and the prevention of juvenile delinquency, the headmaster of the school provided answers to all questions of interest to parents. ...

2020-11-14 23:37:15

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The school ecopark is getting ready for winter...

The school ecopark is getting ready for winter. Today we close the queen of flowers, a rose. And cuttings of cut flowers smoothly move into the greenhouse in order to continue their life and in the spring again decorate the flower bed of the park.

2020-11-08 21:05:29

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We invite you to read together!

Reading self-made books is interesting and informative. In the sanatorium boarding school № 2, pupils, young eco-journalists, with their educators and parents, are creatively approaching the creation of magazines and books on an ecological, nature conservation theme. We invite you to read together!

2020-11-08 21:01:28

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"On approval of state compulsory education standards at all levels of education"

On amendments to the order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 31, 2018 № 604

2020-11-08 16:53:38

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"Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements for Educational Objects"

Sanitary rules dated August 16, 2017 № 611

2020-11-08 16:50:50

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Methodological recommendations

Methodological recommendations on the organization of the educational process in secondary education organizations during the period of restrictive measures related to preventing the spread of coronavirus infection

2020-11-08 16:47:14

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