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Training hour "who will I be when I grow up"

In October, a training hour "who will I be when I grow up" was held in the 3rd grade to draw thoughts about the profession in the minds of children. Purpose: to teach students the ability to choose a profession by familiarizing them with the types of professions and owners of specialists. Career guidance.

2021-11-03 08:38:23

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Meeting of the good-natured Club "Adal Urpak"

A meeting was held among the city's schools through the zoom platform of the volunteer club "Adal Urpak".The meeting was attended by students of our school. The goal is to educate students in spiritual and moral values, love for the motherland and prevent corruption Members of the" Adal urpak " clubs took part. Chief Specialist of the legal department of our city M. Sadyrbekov took the floor at the opening ceremony. He stressed that it is necessary to promote the fight against corruption among schoolchildren and create a sense of patriotism. Students set an example for their fellow students and encourage them to stay away from prying eyes as much as possible.

2021-11-01 09:15:01

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In honor of the 180th anniversary of the birth of Ibray Altynsarin, an action was held "come, guys, learn! information about the event held during the Week"

On October 29, 2021, in the secondary school No. 9, in honor of the 180th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding Kazakh educator, writer, ethnographer, folklorist, public figure Ibrai Altynsarin, an action was held "come, children, learn! within the framework of the Week "a book exhibition "Oner bilim bar zhultar" was organized in the school library for 3rd grade students, a library hour was held. Purpose: to acquaint students with the life and work of the first teacher, the great educator Ibray Altynsarin. Education of morality, morality, diligence of students through the stories of Ibray Altynsarin. To cultivate memory, respect, and take an example from a great historical figure.

2021-10-29 13:52:21

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А.Байтұрсынұлына арналған іс-шаралар Ақпараты

Қазан айында мектебіміздің кітапханасында «Ахмет Байтұрсынұлы – ұлттың ұлы ұстазы» атты бастауыш, орта буындарда қазақ тілі мен әдебиеті пәнінің мұғалімі Г. Қозгуренова және кітапханашы К. Әбдуалидың ұйымдастыруымен танымдық сағаты өткізілді. Мақсаты: ақынның өмір, еңбек жолымен таныстыру, өскелең ұрпаққа бай мұраларын жеткізу.

2021-10-26 15:28:01

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10th grade adaptation information

Types of work with grades 10: 1. genotype-temperament 2. Sociomatrica 3. career guidance on choosing a profession First of all, I determined the temperament of children.

2021-10-26 08:31:17

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Information about the event" dos-azharyn, Zholdas-bazaryn " aimed at increasing inter-collective respect

At our school on October 20 with 10th grade students Psychological training "Dos-azharyn, zholdas-bazaryn" was conducted. Prevention was carried out with the students using the methods of "dating training", "invigorating moment", "Find a friend", "understand me friend". The students received good impressions from the training, their spirits rose, and friendship strengthened. The purpose of the training is to make sure that the qualities of friendly feeling present in a person are also feelings of awe. To cultivate a sense of friendship, the ability to lead it, to cultivate the ability to appreciate feelings of loyalty to a friend, boundless desire and to distinguish honest friendship from false.

2021-10-21 08:23:45

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"Honesty is a sign of humanity "What is honesty?"

For students of the 8th grade of secondary school No. 9 in Balkhash, "honesty is a sign of humanity" "What is honesty?"an "hour of honesty" was held. Purpose: to give students an idea of honesty, reality, to promote the mastery of the moral qualities of kindness, intelligence, truthfulness, mercy, etc. to instill spiritual and moral qualities in students. To cultivate a respectful attitude towards each other. It also absorbs human qualities, honesty, truthfulness, justice. Socially developed, energetic, able to think rationally, actively move, respectfully listen to other people's opinions.

2021-10-18 10:32:13

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KSU "secondary school No. 9" "Crime and teenager" Information

At our school on October 14, Psychologists: S.Abeuova F. Saduakasova Social pedagogue: J. Tolegen on the topic "crime and the teenager" among 5th grade students A meeting was held in the direction of "prevention of autodestructive behavior". Goal: 1. to form students' understanding of human rights and freedoms. 2. to develop students' ability for deep thinking, open and full expression of their thoughts, argumentation. 3. education through the inculcation of moral

2021-10-15 09:21:59

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A review of the thematic exhibition" Kazakh zhyryn aldaspany-Kasym " was held,and a reading hour was held

Today, on October 12, 2021, in honor of the 110th anniversary of the poet Kasym Amanzholov, a review of the thematic exhibition "Deception of the Kazakh song - Kasym" was held in the school library as part of the week "Pen and Pen in Hand". weapons "." The students of the class participated. The purpose of the exhibition is to reveal the personality of K. Amanzholov through a review of his life and work, to arouse children's interest in the poet's work, to read books in general.

2021-10-14 14:55:21

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The exhibition" secular state and high spirituality " was organized

October 18 is the day of stability and harmony in a society that unites all of us, regardless of nationality and religion. In honor of this holiday today. On October 12, 2021, an exhibition "Secular State and High Spirituality" and an information hour for 3rd grade students were organized in the school library. The goal of peace and unity of our people will contribute to the prosperity and progress of our country. To be able to appreciate this wealth, to instill it in the hearts of the younger generation is the key to a bright future for our country.

2021-10-14 14:51:20

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«Мектеп оқулығына қамқорлық жасаңыз!» акциясы

Акция барысында оқушыларға кітапты күту және дұрыс ұстау ережелерін айтып, мектеп бағдарламасындағы кітаптардың жөні тіптен бөлек екенін, олардан кейінгі буынның да ұстайтынын айтып өтті. Мектеп парламенті ұйымының мүшелері мен мектеп кітапханашысы 1-4,8,9сынып оқушыларының кітаптарын тексеріп шықты. Мектеп бойынша барлығы 50% оқулық тексерілді. Олардың 8%-ы бүлінген. Кітаптары қапталмаған, шимайланған және жыртылған оқушыларға және мұғалімдеріне ескерту айтылды. Айтылған ескертулерді түзету үшін мектеп парламенті ұйымының оқушылары мен мектеп кітапханашысы әр дүйсенбі сайын оқулықтарды тексеруді қолға алды.

2021-10-14 10:33:08

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«Оқушылардың қабілет ерекшеліктерін анықтау» әдістемесінің ақпары

Тренинг мақсаты: Оқушылардың болашақта кім болатынын сурет салу арқылы анықтау. Мектебімізде Қазан айында мектебімізде мамандық таңдауға психологиялық тұрғыдан бағыт-бағдар беру мақсатында 4 А, Ә, Б сынып оқушыларынан «Оқушылардың қабілет ерекшеліктерін анықтау» әдістемесі бойынша болашақта кім болатынын сурет арқылы анықтау жұмыстары жүргізілді.

2021-10-13 16:38:24

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