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Protocol № 2 meeting to limit student access to the resources of Internet, is not consistent with the objectives of training and education at KSU "Comprehensive sanatorium boarding school № 2. M. P. Rusakov of Balkhash"

Date: 25.01.2017 Protocol № 2 meeting to limit student access to the resources of Internet, is not consistent with the objectives of training and education at KSU "Comprehensive sanatorium boarding school № 2. M. P. Rusakov of Balkhash "

2017-02-07 18:22:11

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Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 660 of November 16, 2016

On Amending the Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 18, 2008 № 125 "On approval of the Model Regulations for the ongoing monitoring of progress, interim and final assessment of students." Annex to the Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 16, 2016 number 660. Adopted Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 18, 2008 № 125

2017-01-24 08:49:06

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Reminder of life and health, students for the period of winter holidays

Reminder of life and health, students for the period of winter holidays

2016-12-22 11:39:13

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In cases of administrative barriers in obtaining public services

- Solicitation documents are not provided by public service standards; - Violation of the terms of the public service, approved standards; - Unjustified refusal to provide public services, etc.

2016-12-08 11:50:19

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Sections for parents in the "Bіlіmal"

Achievement Table Improve the quality of education program Monitoring card

2016-11-30 03:54:25

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List of sites, consistent with the objectives of training and education at boarding school № 2

List of sites, consistent with the objectives of training and education at boarding school № 2

2016-11-19 08:35:30

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Protocol № 1 meeting to limit student access to the resources of Internet, is not consistent with the objectives of training and education at KSU "Comprehensive sanatorium boarding school № 2. M. P. Rusakov of Balkhash "

Protocol № 1 meeting to limit student access to the resources of Internet, is not consistent with the objectives of training and education at KSU "Comprehensive sanatorium boarding school № 2. MP Rusakov of Balkhash ", 2016-2017

2016-11-19 08:29:26

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On the students' restricting access to resources on the Internet

Order № 73 from 31.08.2016

2016-11-19 08:25:13

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On Amendments to the Order of Acting Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 23, 2007 № 502 "On approval of forms of documents of strict accountability, used educational organizations in educational activities"

Order of Acting Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 14, 2009 № 425. Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan October 16, 2009 № 5822 In order to implement paragraph 23) of Article 5 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About education" I ORDER:

2016-11-07 05:38:48

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Ecological journal "Zhasyl Otan" issue № 5

Ecological journal "Zhasyl Otan" issue № 5

2016-10-28 10:04:15

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Order to establish a commission to restrict access to Internet resources is not consistent with the objectives of training and education

Order to establish a commission to restrict access to Internet resources is not consistent with the objectives of training and education

2016-10-20 11:53:53

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State obligatory standard primary education


2016-09-18 07:00:54

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