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In the school grennhouse...

Approaching the end of the first year of the school project "Do you need greenery in the classroom?" Our children studied various properties of indoor plants, found out which flowers are useful for the health of students, which of them can rightly be considered medicinal, how to care for and feed the flowers. The results of children's research will be shown at a school science conference in April of this year. And today, our students met in the school greenhouse with how to propagate indoor flowers at home without much effort and without monetary costs.

2019-03-19 13:52:39

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The results of the winter-spring works in the school greenhouse...

In anticipation of the great Nauryz holiday, young agronomists of our school sum up the results of winter-spring works. The last harvest of vegetables was harvested: beets, radishes, herbs - parsley, arugula, lettuce leaves. There is a preparation of the soil for planting flower seeds for the improvement of the school yard.

2019-03-15 16:34:41

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Review of the next XVIII congress of the Nur Otan party ...

Today, the XVIII regular congress of the Nur Otan party was held with the participation of President Nursultan Nazarbayev. The agenda included a discussion of the new party program “Fiscal Society: Ten Decade Goals” by 2030. The program is mainly social. In addition, the articles of the party, which has not changed since 2013, will include new articles.

2019-03-01 12:21:41

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Calendar of significant events for 2019

Calendar of significant events for 2019

2019-02-20 22:17:52

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We continue the school project “Do we need landscaping in the classroom?"...

We continue the school project “Do we need landscaping in the classroom?". The goal of this project is to expand knowledge about indoor plants. To deepen knowledge about plant care techniques. To develop educational interest. Today, pupils of the 6th grade studied indoor flowers on the theme “Does houseplants bring benefit or harm?” And studied the effect of indoor plants on the health of schoolchildren. And they came to the conclusion that the flowers are needed. The benefits of plants are invaluable. They purify the air, decorate the interior, create a great mood and even have healing properties.

2019-02-19 23:18:26

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There was a presentation of the next issue of the eco-magazine ...

A new ninth edition of «EcoOtan»magazine has been released at the boarding school. Young journalists, along with their leader Farida Mukhamedzhanova, presented it, introducing some pages and articles. The journal published all the work of the school for the period June-December 2018.

2019-02-19 23:16:01

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On the implementation of the regional project "Aikin" in order to conduct a substantive diagnosis for 2 quarter of students in grades 5-10

On the implementation of the regional project "Aikin" in order to conduct a substantive diagnosis for 1 quarter of students in grades 5-10

2019-02-08 14:09:22

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Feedback on the opening ceremony of the "Year of Youth"

This is a great gathering that contributes to the modernization of our young people to make them more active in today's thriving development process.

2019-01-24 16:16:38

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A workshop on the theme "Poisonous and non-poisonous indoor flowers. Medicinal indoor plants"

The school environmental project "Is gardening a classroom necessary and what is the extent to which student gardening has an impact on student health" is gaining momentum. Today, January 23, students of the 5 "A" class held a workshop on the theme "Poisonous and non-poisonous indoor flowers. Medicinal indoor plants".

2019-01-23 16:31:38

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Recommendations, a reminder to parents on media security

Point 1: Communicate with your child as much as possible to avoid Internet addiction. Introduce your child to culture and sports, so that he does not seek to fill free time with computer games. Remember! There are no children who would not be interested in anything but a computer. Remember! “For a child to fully and harmoniously develop his personality, it is necessary to grow up in a family environment, in an atmosphere of happiness, love and understanding”

2019-01-04 21:56:19

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About the rules of conduct and safety during the winter holidays

New Year and Christmas - the long-awaited holidays, beloved by all. Games, fun around green beauty for a long time remain in the memory of children. We sincerely hope that they will be joyful. But do not forget that it is during the holidays at home, on walks and away you can wait for the most unexpected dangerous situations. To avoid them or minimize risk, use the following rules:

2019-01-04 21:52:53

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We invite you to video tutorials in the greenhouse ...

On the eve of the New Year 2019, it’s time to take stock and get the results of your work. We invite everyone to the video lessons in the greenhouse of the sanatorium boarding school № 2. It is time to harvest the first crop.

2018-12-27 13:08:58

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