Category: Все

Information on the work done to implement the "Anti-Corruption Strategy" for the 2020-2021 academic year at the sanatorium boarding school named after Mikhail Rusakov

Information on the work done to implement the "Anti-Corruption Strategy" for the 2020-2021 academic year at the sanatorium boarding school named after Mikhail Rusakov

2021-09-16 16:34:04

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"Learning kindness from nature!"

Nature is an environment, a common home, a place where people live. Man and nature are two inseparable concepts. On September 13, a survey was conducted under the heading "Learning Kindness from Nature!" among students in grades 2-9. 77% of students noted that they feel like “young environmentalists”. In addition to the questionnaire, explanatory work on eco-boxes was carried out for schoolchildren.

2021-09-15 17:10:32

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Excursion to the ecopark ...

And now in September, our children came to their native school again. They were also pleased with the school eco-park. Many questions were asked "Why? Where?" Young ecologists, we are sure, will not give offense to nature, they themselves will always take care of the plant world, when they grow up, they will contribute to the improvement of the schoolyard.

2021-09-11 12:57:53

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On Anti-Corruption Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 18, 2015

On Anti-Corruption Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 18, 2015

2021-09-10 14:31:19

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Review of the message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan K. Tokayev

Today, on September 1 at 11:00, at a joint meeting of the chambers of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, President K. Tokayev voiced another message to the people. Addressing a wide range of issues, the President touched upon the current state of the country's socio-economic development and outlined measures to be taken in the future.

2021-09-01 20:37:46

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"Leader's Hour"

On August 27, the "Leader's Hour" was held for parents of grades 1-11. During the meeting, the director of the school, PS Zhamshybaeva, spoke about the organization of the First Bell Celebration, the educational process in the new academic year and the rules of the canteen and the hostel. At the end of the meeting, answers were given to the parents' questions.

2021-08-31 12:56:22

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Name of normative documents and links to sources (Russian language)

2021-08-19 12:20:06

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“Headmaster's Hour”...

On August 18, 2021, the school director P. Zhamshybayeva held the “Headmaster's Hour” with parents. During the meeting, the school director spoke about the organization of the new 2021 - 2022 academic year. She also drew attention to school uniforms and textbooks for schoolchildren. Information was provided on the activities of the school cafeteria and hostel. At the end of the meeting, the headmaster gave detailed answers to the parents' questions.

2021-08-18 19:12:00

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On determining the beginning, duration and vacation periods of the 2021 - 2022 academic year in secondary education organizations

Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 27, 2021 № 368. Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan on July 28, 2021 № 23742

2021-08-06 00:22:49

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In the school eco-park ...

Mid summer. All the children went on vacation, the employees went on vacation, and our green friends are still blooming, thus giving joy to others. Blooming new flower beds in front of the school cafeteria delight the eye. The project "Multicolor" is decorated with marigolds, petunias, daisies, cannes. In honor of the anniversary date of independence of our country, a flowerbed in the form of the number 30 has been planted. A rose garden is blooming in the school eco-park. The flowers are already blooming and fragrant! The round flowerbed is decorated with various perennial plants. And the new project "Vegetable Garden", grown with experimental seeds, began to bear fruit. Hot summer is not a hindrance to our green friends, the main thing is that our students, the sun, air and water are nearby.

2021-07-12 16:23:06

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Congratulations to the graduates of 2020-2021

Dear guys, this is the very exciting moment in your life. It's time to say goodbye to school, it's time to grow up. Today you are graduates, and before you is a whole world of opportunities, aspirations. May you succeed in making the right choice - the right one not for someone else, but for yourself. We wish you guys to be brave and decisive, we wish you to firmly believe in your dream and fight for it to the bitter end! Good luck in all your endeavors, the support of your loved ones and the achievement of any goal! Be the pride of your family, school, city! We wish you every success!

2021-06-15 20:32:28

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These provisions comply with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Education" approved by the order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 25, 2003 No. 570, approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Republic of Kazakhstan on August 4, 2003. ", Developed in accordance with the State Standard of Compulsory Secondary Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the subject" Self-knowledge ".

2021-06-15 18:57:32

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