
Cognitive hour "Life without drugs" ...

Category: News
Date: 2019-06-21 12:09:16
Cognitive hour
    On June 18, in the summer health center "Bolashak" was organized the cognitive hour "Life without drugs". The purpose of the event is to help children and adolescents to realize the destructiveness of addiction to psychoactive substances and its consequences. To consolidate in the minds of students the understanding that health is the most important social val...

The national information campaign “12 days against the exploitation of child labor” continues ...

Category: News
Date: 2019-06-12 11:53:33
The national information campaign “12 days against the exploitation of child labor” continues ...
    From 1 to 12 June, with the support of the International Labor Organization and IPEC in Kazakhstan, the National Information Campaign "12 days against the exploitation of child labor" is held due to the fact that June 1 is International Children's Day, and June 12 is World Day Against Child Labor . The goal of the action is to contribute to the elimination of the...

Excursion to the water-rescue station ...

Category: News
Date: 2019-06-06 15:00:32
Excursion to the water-rescue station ...
    On June 6, vacationers from the Bolashak summer recreation center made an excursion to the water-rescue station. During the tour, the rescue service specialists talked with the guys about how rescue work and “reconnaissance” are conducted, showing in practice. The students listened with interest and asked questions. The guys also promised to continue to strictly maint...

Walking in the open air...

Category: News
Date: 2019-06-06 14:39:25
Walking in the open air...
    On June 5 children of the summer health center "Bolashak" went for a walk to the city park together with their tutors. Everyone knows that walking in the fresh air is very useful. Staying outdoors in sunny weather helps the body to produce vitamin D. Children breathed fresh air, played with each other, took a photo for memory.

Solemn line dedicated to the Day of State Symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan ...

Category: News
Date: 2019-06-04 22:28:01
Solemn line dedicated to the Day of State Symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan ...
   On June 4, a solemn line dedicated to the Day of State Symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held in the summer children's recreation center "Bolashak". Objective: To deepen students' knowledge about the Motherland, the Republic of Kazakhstan. Formation of the correct attitude to the state symbols of their homeland. Fostering patriotism, morality, teaching...

Information about the passage of the national information campaign "12 days against the exploitation of child labor" ...

Category: News
Date: 2019-06-04 22:25:02
Information about the passage of the national information campaign
    Since June 1, in the camp "Bolashak" at the boarding school № 2 named after M. P. Rusakov according to the preliminary plan, information was posted on the stand and the school website for conducting the national campaign “12 days against the exploitation of child labor” ... June 2, choreographer Ayekey I. organized a flash mob on the theme "We are aga...

The festive event dedicated to the International Children's Day and the opening of the "Bolashak" summer camp ...

Category: News
Date: 2019-06-03 09:37:07
The festive event dedicated to the International Children's Day and the opening of the
    On June 1, at the boarding school № 2 on the International Children's Day, the opening ceremony was held under the motto “The Sky of My Childhood”, devoted to the International Children's Day and the opening of the "Bolashak" summer camp. The school yard according to subject, was issued by spheres, the stand, music sounded. The concert was started...

Digital literacy courses for the public ...

Category: News
Date: 2019-05-30 17:44:17
Digital literacy courses for the public ...
    Residents of the city of Balkhash! Boarding school № 2 invites you to free digital literacy courses for the public, organized by the State Educational Institution of Balkhash City Department, which include 4 basic digital skills: 1) Basic computer skills; 2) e-gov skills (e-government); 3) OpenGov Skills (Open Government) 4) E-commerce skills (E-commerce); Two additiona...

Last bell celebration for students in grades 9 ...

Category: News
Date: 2019-05-27 20:08:18
Last bell celebration for students in grades 9 ...
    On May 25, the last bell rang for 9th grade students. During the festive event, students danced, sang, played kui on the dombra, and thanked their teachers. The first teachers came to the celebration and wished their already mature students a bright road. For the children, words of guidance were heard from the teachers, who walked hand in hand with them along the road of knowledg...

Round table on the topic "The best electronic manual" and "Educational-methodical complexes" in the framework of the project "Polyglot" ...

Category: News
Date: 2019-05-22 17:00:29
Round table on the topic
    On May 21, 2019, a round table was held with teachers on the topics “The best electronic manual” and “Educational and methodical complexes” within the framework of the "Polyglot" project. A round table is planned in the framework of the "Club Profi" and "Polyglot" projects of the school development program for 2016-2019. The...

Participation in the graffiti competition ...

Category: News
Date: 2019-05-21 08:29:48
Participation in the graffiti competition ...
    On May 20, the children of the boarding school № 2 of Balkhash took part in a graffiti competition (wall painting) on the theme “Bright World”, organized by the schoolchildren’s palace. The guys are 4 students from 7-8 classes Amankeldi Zamankhan, Adambekov Dias, Sagyndykov Dosymzhan, Moldybaev Ilyas under the guidance of Musabekova R.Ye. depicted a graffiti on...

A holiday of farewell to an elementary school...

Category: News
Date: 2019-05-20 09:39:27
A holiday of farewell to an elementary school...
    May 17, 2019 in the 4th grade of our school is a holiday of farewell to an elementary school. Aims and objectives: Summarizing the results of education in primary school, developing the creative abilities of students, developing the ability to express their feelings, their attitudes to current events in life, foster a positive-emotional attitude towards school and teachers. T...

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