Category: Все

Who recommendations for the population in connection with the spread of a new coronavirus


2020-04-11 00:04:53

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Educational resources


2020-04-10 23:45:27

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Information chat " BALA QORGAU"


2020-04-10 23:36:49

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A reminder for students and parents on spring break!


2020-04-10 23:29:42

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Review of the article of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Elbasy "When we are United – we are invincible»


2020-04-08 10:51:28

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"I am the Motherland of my initiative» Republican creative projects


2020-04-01 23:03:27

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Of "Chance" the project is being implemented


2020-04-01 23:01:01

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In the competition


2020-04-01 22:57:47

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Reviews of the speech of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev on March 31, 2020


2020-04-01 11:14:18

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Address of the Minister of education and science Askhat Aimagambetov: about distance learning


2020-03-27 17:46:22

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Задания по математике 1-4 классы


2020-03-20 16:19:06

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Задания по информатике 10-11 классы


2020-03-20 15:45:21

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