Category: Все

Order № 509 of November 26, 2019

On amendments and additions to the order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 18, 2008 No. 125 “On approval of the Model Rules for the ongoing monitoring of academic performance, intermediate and final certification of students for organizations of secondary, technical and vocational, post-secondary education”

2019-12-19 11:24:23

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Director's speech at the solemn meeting dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Good afternoon, dear teachers, students! Please accept my sincere congratulations on the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan! Independence is, first of all, the fruit of the dreams and aspirations of the Kazakh people for freedom.

2019-12-18 08:58:54

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Memo for parents on communication with strangers

There are situations when the best facets of a childish character - trusting openness, friendliness, curiosity - lead to trouble, and even to misfortune. Nowadays, with significant parental employment, children are forced to remain alone from time to time, therefore, our goal is to TEACH CHILDREN TO BE ATTENTIVE AND CAREFUL.

2019-12-09 11:25:48

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The 10th issue of the school scientific and environmental magazine "Zhasyl Otan" has been released ...

In December, the 10th issue of the school scientific and environmental magazine Zhasyl Otan was released. In order to equip students with scientific theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of nature conservation, each issue of our journal is full of positive news and achievements.

2019-12-04 15:00:36

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The speech of the school director for December 1 - the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan ...

The speech of the school director for December 1 - the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan ...

2019-12-04 14:36:03

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Legal acts regulating trilingual education

Legal acts regulating trilingual education

2019-12-04 14:14:04

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Dear Parents! We are pleased to inform you that by the academic year 2019–2020, new digital lessons of updated content are already available on!

Summer holidays are the time when schoolchildren and teachers relax and gain strength and inspiration for the next school year. The BilimLand team never stops its work, and every day our experts develop and implement interesting and high-quality content. It is important for us to share relevant and useful materials with you at the right time! So, what new courses appeared on during this time?

2019-11-12 12:51:29

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Speech at the pedagogical council "Improving teacher education - the main path of professional, creative development"

A modern teacher needs not only deep knowledge of his subject, but also historical knowledge, pedagogical - psychological literacy, political and economic education, and information literacy.

2019-11-06 08:53:51

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3rd place in the regional competition-game "I am an Ecologist" ...

On October 26, the young ecologists of our school, as part of a memorandum of cooperation with KEU in the city of Karaganda, took part in the regional competition-game "I am an Ecologist", where they defended the project "School Ecopark" and took 3rd place. And also visited the station of young naturalists of the city of Karaganda with an orientation tour. Good luck and success to our children, the head of the Department of Ecology and Assessment, Professor G. Baikenova and Deputy Director of the Young Naturalists Station Nickel N. A.

2019-10-29 19:10:01

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In the school greenhouse ...

Again in our greenhouse joyfully nodded flowers, which safely moved from school beds. Marigolds, geraniums, chrysanthemums will again delight children with their colors. Thuja and roses were also transplanted for warmth in winter time. Cucumbers, tomatoes and beets showed their sprouts.

2019-10-21 15:32:57

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Staffing and rating list MPI "Secondary sanatorium boarding school № 2 named after M.P. Rusakov of Balkhash town"

Staffing and rating list MPI "Secondary sanatorium boarding school № 2 named after M.P. Rusakov of Balkhash town"

2019-10-17 10:24:53

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About collaborative work planning ...

In the framework of the memorandum of bilateral educational relations between boarding school № 2 and the Department of Ecology and Assessment of the Karaganda Economic University of the city of Karaganda, a meeting was held at the station of young naturalists on planning collaboration in environmental education and upbringing of the younger generation.

2019-09-24 15:29:36

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