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Category: Все

"Ecological route along the Balkhash region"...

For several years, the pupils of the sanatorium boarding school № 2 have been researching the eco-routes of the Balkhash region, which are aimed at preserving the natural ecosystem of their native land. These are Lake Balkhash, our hometown, Bektauata tract, Turangovaya grove, rural tourism. Young eco-journalists have created and presented the book "Ecological route along the Balkhash region" for adults and children, as well as for guests of our city.

2020-10-29 12:08:32

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To the attention of parents!

Dear Parents! In pursuance of paragraph 2 of subparagraph 4 of the Resolution of the Chief Sanitary Doctor of Balkhash City № 24 of October 23 of this year, the State Institution "Education Department of Balkhash City" informs that the movement of children studying in duty classes, as well as children attending additional education organizations, mugs and sports sections are permissible without the accompaniment of an adult in the presence of tools (school backpack, sports uniforms, etc.) according to the schedule of lessons 1, 2 shifts. In cases of aimless movement of minors around the city, being in squares, alleys, playgrounds and streets, measures of administrative responsibility will be applied to parents.

2020-10-25 15:10:14

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Took an active part in the annual regional ecological game "I am the Ecologist"...

On October 23, 2020, pupils of grades 9-11 of our school took an active part in the annual regional ecological game "I am the Ecologist", which is being conducted online this year by the KARAGANDA ECONOMIC UNIVERSITY OF THE KAZakh CONSUMER UNION. "Problems of Ecology", "Volunteer Eco-Movement", "Clean Country", "Protection of Animals" and many other projects were presented by schoolchildren of the region. "The most creative team" - this nomination was given to our students, diplomas and gifts were presented.

2020-10-25 15:04:59

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Model curricula (with reduced workload)

Model curricula (with reduced workload)

2020-10-22 23:42:11

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EduMark (version 2.0.7) (1)

EduMark (version 2.0.7) (1)

2020-10-22 22:14:32

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REMINDER on formative assessment during training under restrictive measures

REMINDER on formative assessment during training under restrictive measures

2020-10-22 22:12:34

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REMINDER on formative assessment during training under restrictive measures

REMINDER on formative assessment during training under restrictive measures

2020-10-22 22:11:48

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REMINDER on formative assessment during training under restrictive measures

REMINDER on formative assessment during training under restrictive measures

2020-10-22 22:10:51

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Quarter grade calculation and formative grading explanations in Bilimal

Quarter grade calculation and formative grading explanations in Bilimal

2020-10-22 22:08:41

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Information on the updated scheduling functionality

Information on the updated scheduling functionality

2020-10-22 22:05:47

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Instruction for the journal of duty classes

Instruction for the journal of duty classes

2020-10-22 22:00:50

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Instructions for organizing distance learning in the system "Bilimal. Electrondy mektep "

Instructions for organizing distance learning in the system "Bilimal. Electrondy mektep "

2020-10-22 21:57:34

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