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The order of work of the Administrator in the system "Bilimal. PedAtt"

The order of work of the Administrator in the system "Bilimal. PedAtt"

2021-11-08 08:14:59

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Staffing table and tariff list for 2021 / September /, KSU "Boarding School named after Mikhail Rusakov" of the Education Department of the city of Balkhash of the Education Department of the Karaganda Region

Staffing table and tariff list for 2021 / September /, KSU "Boarding School named after Mikhail Rusakov" of the Education Department of the city of Balkhash of the Education Department of the Karaganda Region

2021-11-03 13:39:48

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Meeting held for guardian's day

On October 29, Kazakhstan celebrates Guardian Day. This is a special holiday, a holiday for those who have taken upon themselves the heavy burden of raising children, who sincerely know the warmth of their souls, tenderness and attention to children who especially need it. “Guardian's Day is a special holiday, a holiday for those who, for various reasons, took upon themselves the heavy burden of raising children who do not have parents. On October 30, an online meeting dedicated to the Guardian's Day was held. It has become a good tradition to celebrate this holiday and thank the guardians who have become parents for children.

2021-11-01 18:15:54

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Raid "Children in the Night City"

On October 30, a preventive raid event "Children in the Night City" was held. During the event, gambling establishments, cafes, restaurants, banquets were visited, explanatory work was carried out with the owners that attracting minors to work at the wrong time, allowing them to play games entails legal liability Raid activities continue.

2021-11-01 18:13:34

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We became the winners of the Blooming Park competition ...

Man is part of nature. He cannot exist without nature. One cannot help but love her, one cannot but admire her. Today we have become the winners of the Blooming Park competition organized by the ecological museum of the city of Karaganda with the support of the Kazakhmys corporation. During the action, with the participation of schoolchildren and young environmentalists, we planted 65 tree seedlings on the territory of the schoolyard. Our people say - leave behind a tree, it is more valuable than all other riches. We believe that the duty of every citizen is to contribute to the prosperity of their homeland!

2021-10-30 15:53:43

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A Hour of Integrity with Esentugel Eleuken ..

On October 28, 2021, for students of grades 1-11, a viewing of the "Hour of Integrity" rubric was organized with the President of the KVN Union of Kazakhstan, Esentugel Eleuken. Objective: To provide students with an understanding of honesty and integrity. To instill in students spiritual and moral qualities. promote the development of noble human qualities. Learn to treat each other with respect and kindness.

2021-10-29 16:24:04

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Exhibition of drawings

On October 28, an exhibition of drawings on the theme "My Family" was organized. Purpose: to explain that parents have a special place in the upbringing of children, the formation of friendly relations between family members, the awareness that the family is a part of our state, fostering cohesion and collectivism of students.

2021-10-28 16:19:47

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By the day of the guardian ...

On October 28, by the day of the guardian, with the aim of fostering a healthy lifestyle, further improving subject knowledge, skills, using sports games, the relay race "We are for a healthy lifestyle" was held. The relay was fun, the participants competed in two teams. As a result of the relay, it was decided that friendship won.

2021-10-28 12:09:10

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Work on preparing seeds for the next season ...

October has come. It got colder. It's time to think about next spring and summer. Biology teachers Abdirbai A. and Tusubekova A. taught our students how to collect flower seeds. Various seeds of marigolds, zinnias, petunias will again be planted in the schoolyard. Economical and practical.

2021-10-06 16:27:10

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Final information about the campaign "Road to school"

From August 1 to September 30, 2021, the traditional nationwide charitable campaign "Road to School" started. The purpose of the action is to provide material and other assistance to students from among low-income, large families, orphans and children left without parental care during the preparation for the beginning of the school year and to prevent children from not going to school for social reasons. Each of us can show civic activity in providing feasible targeted assistance in preparing children from socially vulnerable segments of the population for school, attention and real care to each child, so that his road to school is the best and happiest!

2021-10-05 17:53:54

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Six ways parents can support their children during the coronavirus outbreak

Psychologist tips to help your kids deal with the many emotions they are experiencing right now

2021-10-05 17:44:07

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Typical curriculum for the subject "Primer" for grade 1 of primary school (teaching in the Kazakh language)

Appendix 1 to the Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 27, 2020 No. 496 Appendix 175 to the Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 3, 2013 No. 115

2021-10-05 16:55:21

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