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Category: Все

"Rules for working with photos and videos"...

As part of the "Digital World" week, which is held according to the plan of the Educational and Methodological Center for the Development of Education in the Karaganda region, seminars and classes on digital literacy for teachers are scheduled on February 2. At 10.00, a digital literacy lesson “Rules for working with photos and videos” was organized in an online format for educators. Purpose: to acquaint teachers with the rules for transferring photos and videos into different formats without losing quality, changing their size, creating various collages, as well as posting them on Internet resources. The digital literacy lesson provides useful links for teachers: https://converter-online.com/converter/compress-video/ https://video-converter.com/ru/ www.iloveimg.com/ru https:// mycollages.ru www.ilovepdf.com/ru/pdf_to_word. In practice, instructions and opportunities for working with photos and videos on these sites are given. As an added bonus, the digital literacy lesson provided information about the work in PDF format. Editing functions, signatures and other features of PDF documents were considered. The PDF format allows you to insert the necessary fonts (linear text), vector and bitmap images, images and multimedia inserts. Supports RGB, CMYK, Grayscale, Lab, Duotone, Bitmap, several types of raster information compression. It has its own technical formats for printing: PDF/X-1a, PDF/X-3. At the end of the lesson, the teachers shared their experience of working on platforms and applications known to them.

2022-02-02 15:31:34

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Work plan of the interdepartmental expert commission for monitoring the quality of meals for students in educational organizations for 2022

Work plan of the interdepartmental expert commission for monitoring the quality of meals for students in educational organizations for 2022

2022-01-28 10:36:55

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Аn essay competition on anti-corruption topics “Zhemkorlyk - indet, zhoyu - mindet!”...

As part of the implementation of the action plan of the Adal Urpak school club and the formation of an anti-corruption culture among the younger generation, from January 19 to 24, 2022, an essay competition on anti-corruption topics “Zhemkorlyk - indet, zhoyu - mindet!” Was held with students in grades 7-9! The purpose of the event is the prevention and prevention of offenses, increasing legal literacy, combating corruption with all the signs of its manifestation.

2022-01-24 15:45:27

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2022-01-18 15:16:13

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Methodological recommendations for the preparation of differentiated tasks of the SAU and SAT for academic subjects in terms of inclusion, grades 1-4

Methodological recommendations for the preparation of differentiated tasks of the SAU and SAT for academic subjects in terms of inclusion, grades 1-4

2022-01-18 15:13:10

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Methodological recommendations for the preparation of differentiated tasks of the SAU and SAT for academic subjects in the context of inclusion, 5-9 grades

Methodological recommendations for the preparation of differentiated tasks of the SAU and SAT for academic subjects in the context of inclusion, 5-9 grades

2022-01-18 15:11:10

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Leader's Hour...

On January 15, the "Leader's Hour" was held with the participation of the parents of the school. The main issue on the agenda is the start of the educational process in the third quarter. Parents were informed that our school will work as usual, strictly observing all sanitary requirements. Parents also asked questions and exchanged opinions.

2022-01-18 14:03:25

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A meeting was held with the director ...

On December 8, a meeting was held with the director. Issues considered: 1. Algorithm of actions of employees, students and pupils of educational organizations in the event of man-made emergencies and the threat of a terrorist act. 2. Intraschool control 3. Current issues.

2022-01-18 14:00:45

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Leader's hour ...

On December 4, the "Leader's Hour" was held for the parents of the school. Issues of student safety and prevention of addiction were raised on the agenda. Parents asked questions and received the necessary answers within the framework of the topic.

2022-01-18 13:52:29

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Formats of study in 3 quarters depending on the contingent of the school

Formats of study in 3 quarters depending on the contingent of the school

2022-01-18 13:37:09

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Safety measures during ice / memo /

To reduce the chance of a fall, the following rules of behavior in icy conditions must be observed: Opt for non-slip shoes with microporous soles, and avoid high heels. Look under your feet, try to bypass dangerous places. If it is impossible to get around the ice "puddle", then move along it, like a skier, in small sliding steps. Be extremely careful on the roadway: take your time and, moreover, do not run. Try to bypass all places with an inclined surface. You should step on the entire sole, slightly relax your legs at the knees. Keep your hands as free as possible, try not to carry heavy bags, do not keep your hands in your pockets - this increases the likelihood of falling. Older people are advised to use a cane with a rubber tip or a special stick with pointed spikes.

2022-01-18 13:35:05

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Digital literacy lesson "Scanning documents without a scanner. Fluent typing"...

On December 18, a digital literacy lesson was held among school teachers / subject teachers, educators / "Scanning documents without a scanner. Fluent typing". Purpose: to improve the ICT competence of teachers. The teachers got acquainted with the functions and features of applications available on a smartphone in the absence of a scanner, as well as instructions for fast typing on the keyboard.

2022-01-18 13:06:09

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