Category: Все

School day 2018

On the 8 th of February 8, 2018 in secondary school №1 carried out the traditional School day

2018-02-13 12:10:59

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"Self-knowledge: teaching of love and creativity»

During the decade, various activities were held in the school, in the arch and after hours.

2018-02-12 14:34:06

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School history


2018-01-31 10:17:23

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23. 12. 2017. The Board of Trustees KSU "Secondary school №1 im.M.Gorky of the city of Balkhash" Balkhash town, Lenin street, building 56. The venue of the meeting: Balkhash town, Lenin street, 56

2018-01-24 13:56:33

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On 11 January, the day of the 52nd city school for 400 students in the competition was attended by 17!

Students KSU "Comprehensive school №1 im.M.Gorky" has proved himself and has shown excellent results! According to the results of the 52nd Olympiad, our school took the 3rd team place.

2018-01-24 13:47:38

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The lesson of patriotism

13.01.2018 year for classroom teachers in grades 9-11 held a lesson of patriotism

2018-01-17 15:27:00

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School-wide parent meeting

16 January 2018, the school held a school-wide parent meeting to discuss the next presidential address N..Nazarbayev to people of Kazakhstan "New possibilities of development in the context of the fourth industrial revolution".

2018-01-17 15:08:42

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A healthy lifestyle


2018-01-12 16:03:18

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Opinion on the President's address

Opinion on the President's address "New possibilities of development in the context of the fourth industrial revolution"

2018-01-10 16:33:40

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Competition for food 08.01.2018


2018-01-09 13:40:05

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Information on activities undertaken on winter vacation

To organize cultural leisure of students, expanding horizons and intellectual abilities of pupils in school No. 1 plan developed and carried out activities for the winter holidays.

2018-01-09 11:40:58

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The Protocol of the Board of Trustees

The work plan of the Board of Trustees

2018-01-09 11:23:18

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