Category: Все


"24" may 2018g. Board of Trustees of KSU " Secondary school №1.M. Gorky of the city of Balkhash» The venue of the meeting: Balkhash town, Lenin street, 56,

2018-05-29 09:05:49

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"Last call – 2018"- KSU №1 M.Gorky.

On may 25, 2018, the last bell celebration was held at the secondary school № 1. The celebration was attended by guests of honor: - Agliulin Alexander Minvalievich-akim of Balkhash - Agdarbekova Gulmira Zhenisbekovna-head of the Department of education of Balkhash - veterans of pedagogical work, teaching staff of the school, parents of graduates, students.

2018-05-29 08:27:44

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Republican campaign "Kazakhstan-the territory of good".

School № 1 named after M. Gorky participated in the action "Help shelter for homeless animals." Primary school students and their parents were the most active. A group of activists and class leader Rumyantsev and E. Yu after school took the collected food to a shelter for homeless animals.

2018-05-24 17:28:38

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On may 16, 2018, the regional workshop "Implementation of inclusive education in secondary school and types of correctional work with children of OOP" was held»

This event was held in the framework of the regional project "Development of inclusive education in the Karaganda region" and the activities of the training platform on the basis of the school.

2018-05-17 11:45:43

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On may 16, 2018, the regional workshop "Implementation of inclusive education in secondary school and types of correctional work with children of OOP" was held»

This event was held in the framework of the regional project "Development of inclusive education in the Karaganda region" and the activities of the training platform on the basis of the school.

2018-05-17 11:44:42

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Information about the national parent meeting in the KSU " school№1 named after M. Gorky»

15.05.2018 at 18.30 in school № 1 held a national parents ' meeting, held at the same time in all schools of the city. Responsible for the meeting: the administration of school №1, teaching staff, parent community.

2018-05-16 10:12:09

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May 9-Victory Day

In order to preserve the historical continuity of generations, education of respect for the historical past and the present, the formation of spiritual, moral and civil-Patriotic qualities of the person in our school held events dedicated to this significant date. According to the plan of educational work of school the actions directed on education of patriotism of younger generation, love to the Homeland, pride of the historical past of the people were carried out. In all classes were class hours on the military-Patriotic theme. Information stand is decorated. The students watched videos, videos about the years of the second world War., about heroes-Kazakhstan. Students got acquainted with the poems and songs of the war years, listened to the war letters of that time.

2018-05-16 10:10:36

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Дня защитника Отечества.

С целью активизации работы по патриотическому воспитанию, повышение авторитета Вооруженных сил, защитников Отечества, ветеранов войны и военной службы в школе проведены мероприятия, посвящённые Дню защитника отечества. Был оформлен информационный стенд. Учащиеся среднего звена 6-7 класс в количестве 10 человек приняли активное участие в строевом конкурсе «Юных войск».

2018-05-16 10:08:56

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Schedule final certification and consultation of students 6,8, 9, 10,11 classes school № 1 for 2017-2018 academic year


2018-04-25 16:27:23

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Information on preventive measures taken on prevention of religious extremism and terrorism


2018-04-19 08:02:17

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"Disease prevention and control»


2018-04-19 07:59:35

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Information call on Saturday


2018-04-13 16:20:40

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