Category: Все



2021-01-18 13:43:56

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Want to know everything


2021-01-15 06:40:45

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Psychological kaleidoscope.


2021-01-15 06:39:58

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Parent Academy


2021-01-15 06:38:59

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Telegram for inclusive learning

Since January 2021, the Education Department of the Karaganda region has launched a chat on the Telegram channel to support parents of children with special educational needs, where they are given the opportunity to receive advice from the heads of education departments, specialists in psychological, medical and pedagogical consultations, offices of psychological and pedagogical correction on educational issues and raising children. Chat link:

2021-01-12 13:14:21

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Participation of secondary school № 1 in events, competitions, contests and olympiads


2021-01-11 16:33:15

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On January 6, 2021, a methodological council was held at the School No. 1


2021-01-08 07:47:25

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Favorite book promotion


2021-01-06 13:48:14

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Reading family


2021-01-06 13:47:00

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"Bir otbasy-bir kitap"


2021-01-06 13:46:08

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Award for participation in the city competition


2021-01-06 13:44:18

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Advisory work


2021-01-06 12:55:15

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