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Schedule of consultations of state examinations for the main secondary school for boarding school No. 2 for the academic year 2017 - 2018

Schedule of consultations of state examinations for the main secondary school for boarding school No. 2 for the academic year 2017 - 2018

2018-06-07 11:39:48

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Schedule of transfer exams for 2017 - 2018 academic year for boarding school № 2

Schedule of transfer exams for 2017 - 2018 academic year for boarding school № 2

2018-06-07 11:36:45

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Schedule of consultations for the transfer exams for the 2017 - 2018 school year for boarding school № 2

Schedule of consultations for the transfer exams for the 2017 - 2018 school year for boarding school № 2

2018-06-07 11:34:37

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Analysis of work on informatization for the 2017-2018 academic year

Informatization of the school is the creation of a single information and educational environment that includes a set of technical, software, telecommunication and methodological tools that allow you to collect, store and process databases using new information technologies in the education and administration process.

2018-06-07 11:05:13

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Memo for parents about the safety of children during the summer holidays

In the summer, with the beginning of the holidays, our children are trapped by an increased danger on the roads, near water bodies, in the forest, on playgrounds, in the garden, in yards. This is facilitated by the weather, summer trips and the curiosity of children, the availability of free time, and most importantly the lack of proper control by adults. For children to be rested, healthy and alive, one must remember a number of rules and conditions when organizing their rest with parents, relatives, friends.

2018-05-20 17:15:49

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About appointment of responsible persons for work in WEB-system "Analysis of social networks" limited partnership "Integro"

Order № 7/1 on February 2, 2018

2018-05-05 10:37:47

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Order on the completion of the academic year 2017-2018

Order № 262, dated May 3

2018-05-03 16:44:55

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On Amending the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of January 19, 2012 № 127

"On approval of the Model Rules for Admission to Education in the Educational Organization, Implementing General Educational Programs for the Primary, Basic Secondary and General Secondary Education"

2018-04-20 09:37:27

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7 of the most amazing "greenhouses" in the world

The greenhouse is an artificial ecosystem that allows you to grow more southern crops all year round, plant and harvest before the time.

2018-04-18 10:30:30

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News from "Bilimal" - New opportunities for class leaders

When the student marks "N" for the subject, then the parents (EDU-MARK) will receive messages "Your child has a note about the missed lesson. Was he in school today?

2018-04-18 09:36:03

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The project of attestation of pedagogical workers of the Republic of Kazakhstan - 2018

The project of attestation of pedagogical workers of the Republic of Kazakhstan - 2018. For pedagogical workers and persons equated to them, qualification categories: "teacher", "teacher-moderator", "teacher-expert", "teacher-researcher", "teacher-master".

2018-03-29 00:23:25

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Results for the IIІ quarter of the 2017-2018 school year, including grades 5-9

Results for the IIІ quarter of the 2017-2018 school year, including grades 5-9

2018-03-28 01:01:40

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