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Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 29, 2018 № 316

On Amendments and Addenda to the Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 27, 2016 № 83 “On approval of the Rules and conditions for certification of teaching staff and persons equivalent to them holding positions in educational organizations implementing general education curricula for preschool education and training , primary, basic secondary and general secondary, educational programs of technical and vocational, post-secondary, additional education and special educational programs programs, and other civil servants in the field of education and science "

2018-10-26 16:49:33

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The club "Gulzar" announces the holding of the contest "The Greenest Cabinet" ...

Our school has a club "Gulzar". Schoolgirls of primary and 5-6 grades are involved in the work of the club. The purpose of the work club: care for indoor plants, to teach to distinguish between the benefits and harms of some plants. To interest adolescents in the cultivation of indoor plants, to teach that some plants are useful for our health. According to the work plan of the club at school, the contest “The Greenest Study” takes place. The rules of the competition were distributed to all classes, each class assigned to the cabinet together with its teacher and educator should plant a garden. The results of the competition will be announced in April. For winners there are diplomas and gifts.

2018-10-26 15:40:11

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Safety rules for the autumn holidays

Safety rules for the autumn holidays

2018-10-25 14:07:32

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A round table in the framework of the “Man and Nature”... A round table in the framework of the “Man and Nature”...

On October 24, was held a round table in the framework of the “Man and Nature” club with students of the 4th grade. Head of the club: Magauina G.E. The topic of the round table: “Ecology. Green country and ways to solve environmental problems in our country. " Objective: to expand students' knowledge of ecology. Identify, prevent, seek solutions to environmental problems. The round table began with psychological preparation. The guys opened the topic through the reception “Visiting the gallery”. Videos about environmental issues were shown. Also job on making words. The guys made a cluster on the theme of ecology. During the round table environmental problems were revealed.

2018-10-24 17:22:20

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Memo for parents of students in grades 8-9

Conference proceedings. Psychological assistance to parents of teens, students in grades 8-9

2018-10-16 21:43:11

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Memo for parents of students in grades 5-7

Conference proceedings. Psychological assistance to parents of younger teens, students in grades 5, 6, 7

2018-10-16 21:36:37

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Memo for parents of students in grades 2-4

Conference proceedings. Psychological assistance to parents of primary school students

2018-10-16 21:29:43

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The main indicators of the financial activities of the educational organization by October 01, 2018.

The main indicators of the financial activities of the educational organization by October 01, 2018.

2018-10-16 19:05:55

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Young professionals about the capabilities of the system Bіlіmal

The electronic journal allows you to quickly inform parents about the performance of their children using modern technologies, as well as to quickly receive reports on classes, parallels, methodological associations.

2018-10-16 17:45:42

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The Kalamger Club (Eco-Journalists) continues its work ...

We live in the age of information. Today's students are ready to share everything they see and hear to the whole world at the same moment. And why not turn this ability in the right direction. In this regard, the Kalamger Club (Eco-Journalists) works at boarding school № 2, which continues its work in the new academic year.

2018-10-08 21:20:38

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Students in institutions of secondary education rules of catering Students in institutions of secondary education rules of catering

Students in institutions of secondary education rules of catering Students in institutions of secondary education rules of catering

2018-09-23 19:49:51

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Rules of social assistance, social assistance to citizens Rules of social assistance, social assistance to citizens

Rules of social assistance, social assistance to citizens Rules of social assistance, social assistance to citizens

2018-09-23 19:48:47

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