Category: Все

For use in work, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan sends an Instructional and Methodological Letter "On the specifics of the educational process in educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the 2020-2021 a

Ref No: 5-11-4 / 3207-И from: 02.09.2020

2020-09-26 13:12:27

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The budget of "General educational sanatorium boarding school № 2 named after M. P. Rusakov" for 2020

The budget of "General educational sanatorium boarding school № 2 named after M. P. Rusakov" for 2020

2020-09-23 14:37:34

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Memo for the commissions for monitoring the quality of food in educational institutions

Memo for the commissions for monitoring the quality of food in educational institutions

2020-09-23 12:13:52

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Recommendations for organizing the activities of interdepartmental expert groups on food quality control

Recommendations for organizing the activities of interdepartmental expert groups on food quality control

2020-09-23 12:13:13

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Recommendations for the implementation of monitoring by nutrition monitoring commissions (marriage commissions)

Recommendations for the implementation of monitoring by nutrition monitoring commissions (marriage commissions)

2020-09-23 12:12:29

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Staffing and rating list MPI "Secondary sanatorium boarding school № 2 named after M.P. Rusakov of Balkhash town"

Staffing and rating list MPI "Secondary sanatorium boarding school № 2 named after M.P. Rusakov of Balkhash town"

2020-09-22 13:45:46

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Renovation work / photos of completed work - before and after /

Renovation work / photos of completed work - before and after /

2020-09-22 09:12:54

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New tasks have been set, new projects have been discussed...

2020 - 2021 is declared the year of ecology. At boarding school № 2 named after M. P. Rusakov for several years now, teachers have been working on the eco-agro profile of teaching and educating students. New tasks have been set, new projects have been discussed, the work of which will begin in remote mode. Projects "Eco-green corner", "Ecopark", "Eco-library", "Garden on the windowsill", "Eco-laboratory", vocational guidance on environmental specialties and other activities.

2020-09-17 22:50:32

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Congratulations to the headmaster on September 1 - the day of knowledge ...

Congratulations to the headmaster on September 1 - the day of knowledge ...

2020-09-01 19:20:25

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Implementation of the project "Digital Education" ...

Secondary education Since 2021, the discipline "Digital Literacy" has been introduced from grade 1. 25 special IT lyceums, 447 STEM laboratories and about 2 thousand robotics classrooms were opened. In the palaces of schoolchildren, more than 560 technology parks and robotics rooms are open. Teachers will take IT literacy courses.р

2020-07-03 12:40:13

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Let's comply with quarantine measures!

Dear parents, pay attention!

2020-06-15 12:49:22

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Congratulations on June 4 - symbolism day

Congratulations on June 4 - symbolism day

2020-06-15 12:31:13

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