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Ecoclub "Zhasyl Otan" (work of the school greenhouse)

Category: Ecoclub Zhasyl Otan (work of the school greenhouse)

«Қоршаған орта» атты ертегілерді талқылау жұмыстары ұйымдастырылды...

24 ақпан күні «Жасыл мамандықтар»экологиялық білім мен дағды апталығы аясында 2-сыныптар арасында «Пластиктен жасалған раушан гүл шоғы» және 3-сыныптар арасында «Пластик көбелектердің ұшуы» атты тәжірибелік жұмыстар, 4-сыныптар арасында «Қоршаған орта» атты ертегілерді талқылау жұмыстары ұйымдастырылды. Іс-шара мақсаты оқушылардың мамандық әлемі және оның ерекшеліктері туралы дүниетанымын кеңейту, мамандықтар туралы көзқарастарын қалыптастыру. Жүргізілген жұмыстарды оқушылар асқан қызығушылықпен орындап, «жасыл мамандықтарға» кімдер жататынын түсінді.

2022-02-24 21:04:59

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"Live a Christmas tree, a tree!" ...

As part of the action to preserve the ecological world "Live the Christmas tree, tree!" We present to your attention photo collages "On the New Year tree", "In winter and summer in one color" and poems by primary school students.

2022-01-11 13:34:09

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Within the framework of the waste management festival "Bul, tapsyr, Kaita өңde" ...

Within the framework of the waste management festival "Bul, tapsyr, Kaita өңde", organized by the Karaganda Ecological Museum with the support of the Kazakhmys Corporation, the school staff and the head of this work, teacher Dinara Makhmutova, were awarded letters of thanks. Congratulations!

2021-12-28 14:54:05

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"Day of the Ecologist" ...

In order to promote the enormous importance of nature in human life, respect for it, the reproduction of environmental knowledge, environmental education, our school annually celebrates the "Day of the Ecologist" on December 19. For this purpose, among 6 grades there was an educational lesson "Nature is your home", organized by G. Kasimova, and among 7-8 grades - a virtual excursion "Travel to the world eco-museums". Also in this area a special corner was organized, where the TV program “Ecology and Us” was presented to schoolchildren. “Young ecologists” took an active part in the events, the main tasks of which are environmental protection.

2021-12-21 22:43:23

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Essay and poster competition ...

The school continues activities within the framework of the waste management festival "Bul, tapsyr, Kaita Ade". Among 3-4 grades, an essay was organized on the topic “Protecting the Earth from garbage. Why not throw garbage into forests and lakes? ”, In grades 3-7 a poster contest“ People should keep the Earth clean ”was held.

2021-12-10 16:36:14

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Within the framework of the waste management festival "Bul, tapsyr, Kaita өңde" ...

Within the framework of the festival of waste management "Bul, tapsyr, Kaita өңde", a student of grade 9 "A", Minister of Ecology Toleukul Altyn published a video explanatory work on how to collect and separate garbage. A television program was also shown for the students in the hall of the school.

2021-12-07 15:21:35

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Practical lesson on the topic "What can be done from waste paper?"...

On the second day of the week of the festival "Bul, tapsyr, Kaita de", a practical lesson was organized on the topic "What can be done from waste paper?" During the lesson, 7th graders learned how to make various beautiful paper products and exchanged experiences.

2021-12-03 15:42:35

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Informative hour “Types of garbage. Why should we separate them? "...

On November 30, in our school, within the framework of the festival “Bul, tapsyr, ayda өңde” teacher G. A. Nokerbekova organized an educational hour among eighth-graders on the topic “Types of garbage. Why should we separate them? " During the lesson, students shared their thoughts and ideas.

2021-12-02 14:31:09

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Pupils of the "Agroclass" of our school were on an excursion to the agro-technical university of the city of Nur-Sultan

On November 24-26, the Agroclass students of our school were on an excursion to the S. Seifullin Agrotechnical University in Nur-Sultan. To form theoretical and practical knowledge in the agricultural direction of the school, our students got acquainted with the level of innovative knowledge of the university. We exchanged experience in the shops for the production of butter, sausages, milk and in the shops of the bakery. Our students also learned a lot about modern methods and technologies for soil cultivation and drought prevention. We can say that this excursion has become an important and interesting practical lesson for our "agroclass" students.

2021-11-29 16:46:38

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There was a presentation of agricultural classes from among students of grades 7-8 ...

As part of the development of specialized training in Eco-Agro-Economic education for schoolchildren, a presentation of agricultural classes from the 7-8 grades was held at the Mikhail Rusakov boarding school. For the formation of general educational skills in agronomy, the school has created certain conditions for the development of creative and scientific projects. And also for a deep acquaintance with agricultural specialties this year a bilateral memorandum was concluded with the Agrotechnical University of the city of Nursultan. We wish our students success on this path.

2021-11-22 10:20:56

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We became the winners of the Blooming Park competition ...

Man is part of nature. He cannot exist without nature. One cannot help but love her, one cannot but admire her. Today we have become the winners of the Blooming Park competition organized by the ecological museum of the city of Karaganda with the support of the Kazakhmys corporation. During the action, with the participation of schoolchildren and young environmentalists, we planted 65 tree seedlings on the territory of the schoolyard. Our people say - leave behind a tree, it is more valuable than all other riches. We believe that the duty of every citizen is to contribute to the prosperity of their homeland!

2021-10-30 16:53:43

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Work on preparing seeds for the next season ...

October has come. It got colder. It's time to think about next spring and summer. Biology teachers Abdirbai A. and Tusubekova A. taught our students how to collect flower seeds. Various seeds of marigolds, zinnias, petunias will again be planted in the schoolyard. Economical and practical.

2021-10-06 17:27:10

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