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Information about the self-assessment methodology

The school psychologist S. Abeuova took the method of "self-assessment" from students of grades 2 and 4 on the day of 15. 11. In front of the students were given cards with pictures of circles. On the card, inside the 9 circles, he was instructed to determine what level he was at. Goal: to determine the extent of the student's self-esteem, relationships with parents and friends, and provide advice.

2021-11-18 10:44:29

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KMM "What threat does religious extremism pose to young people?» psychological support for students discussion

The purpose of the event: to educate students in respect of the state symbols, to always hold them high, to instill in readers the dignity of the state symbols of the country, to instill in them patriotism, kindness, morality. In our school, on 17.11.21, students of the 10th grade asked the question: "What threat does religious extremism pose to young people?"the discussion was held on the topic: Students were divided into 3 groups, where they expressed their opinion on the given topics and held a discussion.

2021-11-18 08:14:56

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"Zhemkorlyk - kogam derti, aldyn alu - el mindeti" information essay

The voluntary school club "Adal urpak" holds events in our school. On November 16, students wrote an essay on the topic "Zhemkorlyk - kogam derti, aldyn alu - el mindeti".Anti-corruption is the main issue on the agenda. The goal is to form a model of anti-corruption behavior of students. Honesty is a set of noble qualities, such as conscience, purity of soul. A faithful generation, faithful to its country is the pledge of Mangilik El. It was said that the bright future of Kazakhstan is in the hands of young people, that a citizen who loves his country, his land, should take care of his people, not his black head.

2021-11-16 10:17:20

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"Raising adolescent awareness" "Among minors in Karaganda region within the framework of the program " suicide prevention the purpose of the event is to inform the students about the activities of the University. Information

On November 15, the school psychologist F. Saduakasova organized a lecture among students of the 8th grade on the topic "raising adolescent awareness" within the framework of the program "prevention of suicide among minors in Karaganda region".They discussed strategies for helping teenagers by developing their feelings and raising awareness of their ability to Choose Life Strategies.Special attention was paid to the fact that teenagers are able to feel better and overcome any difficult situations and difficulties. Participants: psychologist of the school: F. zh Saduakasova, students of the 8th grade (total number-62 students). Materials used: a brochure for raising adolescent awareness" raise your mood and find out with pleasure", a standard slide presentation in PowerPoint. Purpose: A strategy to help teenagers with self-help by developing their skills in controlling their feelings and raising awareness of their ability to choose a life strategy. Special attention was paid to the fact that teenagers are able to feel better and overcome any difficult situations and difficulties.

2021-11-15 15:08:31

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A round table organized by the volunteer school club "Adal Urpak" "There is no corruption!" was held at secondary school No. 9. A poster contest was organized among grades 5-6. The main purpose of the event is to educate students of a national, comprehensively developed personality capable of interpenetrating human values, a formed national identity through the promotion of corruption prevention.The best works were awarded with letters of thanks. The students of our school did not spare their opportunities in the fight against the global epidemic.

2021-11-12 17:48:48

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Book exhibition "Achievements of Independence"

Today, on November 11, 2021, the school library hosted a review of the book exhibition "Achievements of Independence" dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the country's independence. The exposition includes books about the formation of the country's independence and the formation of a state, as well as about the achievements and successes of the country. Purpose: to repeat the heroism of our ancestors on the way to independence, to tell about the victims and participants of December. To bring up to love the country, the land, respect the Motherland, to be honest.

2021-11-12 09:55:50

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Information of the training lesson" Dostyk"

At 11.11,the school conducted psychological development games and exercises for students of grades 2 A,B, and B. The goal: to teach children the ability to bring joy to each other, create a positive mood,create conditions for close acquaintance of students of the class between groups. During the training, students got to know each other more closely, and their mood improved. I aimed to treat others with forgiveness, understanding,and kindness. I worked with the children through such exercises as "rain in the Jungle", "Ring of friendship", "square of friendship", etc., to educate them to be responsible for their actions, to be patient with the people around them.

2021-11-11 14:42:43

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Мектеп кітапханасының алғашқы қонағы 1 «А» сынып оқушылары

Бүгін 09.11.2021 жылы мектеп кітапханасына 1 «А» сынып оқушылары алғаш рет қонаққа келді. Оқушыларды кітапханашы балалар әдебиетімен, мерзімді басылымдармен тыстырды.Балалар ашық түрлі-түсті кітаптарды аса қызығушылықпен қарады. Оқушылар кітапты қалай ұстау керектігін, кітап ережелерімен танысты. Сонымен қатар балалар өздерінің білетін өлең, тақпақ, мақал-мәтелдерімен бөлісті. Мақсаты: балаларды кітапханамен таныстыру. Ертегі кейіпкерлерін балаларға түсіндіре отырып, қайырымдылыққа, адалдыққа, мейірімділікке тәрбиелеу

2021-11-09 11:40:40

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Minutes of the National pedagogical Council

Minutes of the National pedagogical Council

2021-11-08 08:53:38

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Subject quality indicator for the 2021-2022 academic year

Subject quality indicator for the 2021-2022 academic year

2021-11-04 12:19:26

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Adistemelik nuskau hat 2021-2022 oku zhylyndagi oku zhuktemesi men BZHB TZHB san

Adistemelik nuskau hat 2021-2022 oku zhylyndagi oku zhuktemesi men BZHB TZHB san

2021-11-04 12:17:55

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1 тоқсан бойынша ЖБ, ТЖБ кестесі

1 тоқсан бойынша ЖБ, ТЖБ кестесі

2021-11-04 12:15:13

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