
Information on the campaign "Attention, children!"

Category: New
Date: 2016-09-05 10:26:18
Information on the campaign
The main objective of the action: To deepen the children's knowledge about traffic rules. 02-05 September was held a drawing competition "Road safety for us!". Revealed the winner and awarded a diploma. film «ЖолДОСкөмеккеасығады».  was featured among grades 1-4. At the end of the movie the teachers held informational work, the children were given written feedbac...
Author: School №24

Events dedicated to the Day of Knowledge September 1 KSU SNR №24

Category: New
Date: 2016-09-02 02:59:33
Events dedicated to the Day of Knowledge September 1 KSU SNR №24
The main purpose of the event - to bring a sense of patriotism and tolerance among young people under the Patriot Act "Mangilik El" "I - patriot of my country!" To deepen students' knowledge of the motherland, the people of culture, stories and talk about current developments, educate in children a sense of patriotism and love Kazahstanu.Torzhestvennaya line began in 10.0...
Author: School №24

Information on the activities undertaken in the framework of "White scarf"

Category: New
Date: 2016-08-31 08:01:30
Information on the activities undertaken in the framework of
26,27,28 August was sostalen plan and carried out activities on the "Manifesto. "Mir.21 century." In the speech of the head of state on N.Ә.Nazarbaeva ІVSammitte in Vshington.             26.08 was held on the theme «Ақорамал- достықтың негізі»" round table organized by the club of mothers' Kәusar &q...
Author: School №24

City competition of drawings "The Constitution - the beginning of a peaceful life"

Category: New
Date: 2016-08-26 04:49:46
City competition of drawings
August 24 th to the 25 th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan and on the day of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan city drawing competition was organized. Students from our school take an active part and showed their best side. They were awarded letters of commendation for the best picture.
Author: School №24

№24 орта мектебіндегі «Балауса» мектеп жанындағы балалар демалыс орталығында «Денсаулық фестивалі» кең ауқымды акциясы аясында жүргізілген іс – шаралар туралы ақпарат

Category: New
Date: 2016-06-19 12:44:48
№24 орта мектебіндегі «Балауса» мектеп жанындағы балалар демалыс орталығында «Денсаулық фестивалі» кең ауқымды акциясы аясында жүргізілген іс – шаралар туралы ақпарат
6 және 11 маусым аралығында қазақстандықтардың арасында саламатты өмір салтын танымал ету және қалыптастыру мақсатында «Денсаулық фестивалі» кең ауқымды акциясы өткізілді. Аталған  акция«Біз - саламатты өмір салты үшін!» ұранымен «Балауса» мектеп жанындағы балалар демалыс лагерінде де өтіп, барлық балалар мәдени-спорттық   іс-шараларға ат салыса...
Author: School №24

Information on the event dedicated to the 4 June to Day of the State symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Category: New
Date: 2016-06-05 19:47:27
Information on the event dedicated to the 4 June to Day of the State symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
June 4 school camps SSH№24 "Balausa" held an event dedicated to the Day of the symbols of RK "State symbols honor the people" .target: to deepen the knowledge of the symbols of Kazakhstan. Instill respect for the state symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Foster a sense of responsibility and patriotism. The event began with the training "circle of trust", where th...
Author: School №24

Information about event of opening school camp “Balausa” in secondary school.

Category: New
Date: 2016-06-02 07:57:41
Information about event of opening school camp “Balausa” in secondary school.
On the 1st of June was hold event  in secondary school 24. By the opening of the camp began with a festive event “We are flowers of the future”. Head master of secondary school K. Zh. Akhmetova congratulated all with Day of Protection of children. Children was funny and they recited poems,  guessed riddles, danced. 
Author: School №24

Information about event in memory of victims of political repressions and famine 30 years in secondary school №24.

Category: New
Date: 2016-05-31 06:44:23
Information about event in memory of victims of political repressions and famine 30 years in secondary school №24.
In secondary school of №24 among the students of grades of 9 was hold event in memory of victims of political repressions and famine 30 years. There were films such as Karlag, Alzhir. The students participated actively by that theme.
Author: School №24

Information about the event "Last Bell -2016"

Date: 2016-05-25 11:12:48
Information about the event
Very interesting and zapominatelnym for all students, parents and graduates of KSU "OSSH№24" held an event "Last Bell -2016". Yesterday's children, and today young people entering adulthood, said goodbye to the school. This holiday will forever remain in the hearts and memory of our graduates. It was evident, as the children are reluctant to say goodbye to the school. I...
Author: School №24

The contest "The best class teacher"

Category: New
Date: 2016-05-22 06:51:28
The contest
May 19 OSSH№8 KSU held a competition "The most" cool "cool-2016" among the student leaders of the city schools. The competition consisted of 3 stages, the results of a 2-stage primary school teacher Balmagambetova GE He held on the last tour, which showed all his qualities and teaching ability. According to the results of the contest Balmagambetova GE was awarded in the categ...
Author: School №24

Cool hour "My Rodina Independent Kazakhstan!"

Category: New
Date: 2016-05-13 17:48:53
Cool hour
May 12, 2016 in the second stage of the competition "! The coolest Cool" was held homeroom "My Rodina Independent Kazakhstan!" the teacher Class 2A Balmagambetovoy GE .. Objective: To deepen the children's knowledge about the history of our country, to develop communication skills of students , logic, cognitive qualities. Cool hour has passed at high level.
Author: School №24

Information about the event «Eternal memory to the heroes!" Dated May 9 celebrations "Victory Day!"

Category: New
Date: 2016-05-08 09:37:01
Information about the event «Eternal memory to the heroes!
06.05.16 at KSU "Secondary School №24 in Balkhash town" was held a concert dedicated to the 71 anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. Our concert attended by war veterans and home front: Abramova Valentina Vladimirovna, Bikesheva Zinaida Stepanovna, Zoe G. Kiseleva, Titka Matrona Moiseevna Chernenko Clara Atamyshevna. Students showed a military staging, sang songs, danc...
Author: School №24

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