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Information about immunization week

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-05-03 02:23:43
Information about immunization week
24.04 to 30.04. 2016 g.  on the basis of a letter from № 6-5/1575 in school-lyceum events. In accordance with the schedule approved in the beginning of the academic year, a prevention of vaccination.  In order to implement the necessary measures to consolidate and strengthen health held dictations, organized meetings, provides information on immunization safety students.

The city month "Be careful!"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-05-03 02:21:13
The city month
Objective: prevention of road traffic and domestic injury among children, sensitization.  On the 1 floor was going to show a video, "Rescuer" 7-8 classes of Students preparing for the contest "young Inspector. 05.04.2016 pupils 6-7 classes wrote essays about the rules of the road and as a result created a book manual. Chaperone Abdrakhman T.E.gives students the leaflets w...

Leader of XXI century

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-04-28 02:41:27
Leader of XXI century
27.04.2016 on the eve of "25 years of independence of Kazakhstan" and "day of unity of the peoples of Kazakhstan" in the city took place 5 No.285 intellectual game "Leader of XXI century». Students 7 "А" grade of our school-lyceum Kasenhanova Nuray has been awarded with a diploma of I degree and 7 class Žumaseit Nuray Diploma of III degree.

1st regional competition «Жайдарман»

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-04-27 09:00:38
1st regional competition «Жайдарман»
26 April, on the eve of "25 years of independence of Kazakhstan" in the Palace of Metallurgists named Khamzin passed the 1st regional competition «Жайдарман». Our team of school-lyceum № 15 "Шаңырақ" for the skill and special talent was awarded the letter of Vice President of Kazakhstan KVN League  J. Abishova

Republican children's and youth organization unified«Жас қыран»

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-04-25 07:19:49
Republican children's and youth organization unified«Жас қыран»
25 April, on the eve of the day of Unity of the peoples of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in school-lyceum took place a ruler to adopt the best students into the ranks of the Republican children's and youth organization unified«Жас қыран». Peopls  7-8 classes took the oath for solemn awarding of badges and ties are invited to the school administration and young graduates.

VIII Festival "Гүлзар"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-04-23 12:46:07
VIII Festival
25.04.2016 plan, organized by area, campus decorated with festive banner. In the Hall of the symbolism of the book fair was organized. In order to improve functional literacy, formation of ethical, aesthetic education in school-lyceum passed traditional VIII Festival "Гүлзар". The event was attended by parents and agitbrigada 1Әclass. They call upon all to love nature, to take care of...

Мектеп күні -2016

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-04-23 12:42:06
Мектеп күні -2016
19.04.2016 күні 2015-2016 оқу жылы аясында мектеп-лицейдің оқу-тәрбие үрдісінің мазмұнын жаңартудағы нәтижелерін сараптау, озық   іс-тәжірибемен бөлісу мақсатында мектеп күні жоғары дәрежеде өтті. Күтілетін нәтиже: 1.      Мектеп-лицейдің кешенді даму бағдарламасының іске асыру. 2.      Қарағанды қаласындағы химия-биология бағыты...

Information on regional action, held 23.04.2016

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-04-23 09:18:28
Information on regional action, held 23.04.2016
23.04.2016 actionwas held on cleaning school site and adjacent territory.  All students 5A, 5Б, 5Ә, 5В, 6А, 6Ә, 6Б, 6B, 7Б, 7B classes, teaching staff and workers of school-lyceum took an active part in this event. Saturday started at 9:00 hours.  Each class for cleaning was assigned a certain territory. Students Organization of "murager" cleaned the territory of Shashubai 6,...

Өлең, мен сені аялап өтем

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-04-15 12:56:12
Өлең, мен сені аялап өтем
15.04.2016 year within ten days of school " Жас маман" was literary and musical evening for students 5-8 classes, called «Ізденіс нәтижеге жетелейді».  Competition organized by the spokesperson of the Centre "Жас өркен" and Kazakh language and literature preopdavatel  Baltabay A.S.      

Competition " World of Birds"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-04-14 12:47:11
13.4th of April on the basis of the Palace of schoolchildren held city competition " World of Birds" , dedicated to the International Day of Birds The aims and objectives of the competition: 1. The involvement of pupils in the work of preserving the ornithological fauna, promotion of the protection of their representatives, the formation of respect for the feathered world region...

Information holding ten "Proper nutrition is a guarantee for the future of the nation" from 1 April -2016 April 10, 2015 academic year.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-04-11 13:41:26
Information holding ten
From 01-10.04.2016 year in the KMM "№15 school-Lyceum of Balkhash town" on "Дұрыс тамақтану – болашақ ұлтымыздың кепілі!"  the ten-day event was held. The main objective: to establish the principles of healthy nutrition among pupils and foster students active life position. Proper nutrition for teenagers, systematize, enhance knowledge about harmful products to hea...

Congratulations !

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-04-11 04:40:59
Congratulations !
In the 6-7 of April in the city of Karaganda hosted the 2-nd stage of the regional contest within CI MAN 46-th scientific and practical Conference. In this contest on the subject of biology defended their research projects, students 8 "in" class Sessieva Tamiris and Urmedildaeva Gulsaya, were awarded the diploma of the second degree and passed on the Republican stage. Project theme: &q...

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