We express our gratitude to the sponsors who took part in the republican action "Road to school"

Category: Action "Road to school"
Date: 2017-09-09 13:29:07
We express our gratitude to the sponsors who took part in the republican action
      Every year on the eve of the start of the school year for many years held the Republican action «Road to school." Administration of boarding school №2 expresses its sincere gratitude to all the patrons and just good people who helped raise orphans and children from poor families to school, for their non-indifference, sensitivity, generosity and kindnes...

Results of UNT graduates of boarding school № 2 of June 23, 2017

Date: 2017-07-19 11:12:34
Results of UNT graduates of boarding school № 2 of June 23, 2017
    № Student History of KZ Math literacy Readers literacy elective subject Elective subject Total score score score score s...

Information on the visit of pupils of the schools of the city of Balkhash International Exhibition EXPO - 2017

Date: 2017-07-19 10:28:05
Information on the visit of pupils of the schools of the city of Balkhash International Exhibition EXPO - 2017
     In the period from 11.07.2017 to 14.07.2017, 150 students of the city's schools visited the International Specialized Exhibition "Astana Expo-2017". Children from low-income, large families, as well as orphans and left without parental care  have a unique opportunity to see in Kazakhstan the sights of the world, get acquainted with culture, trad...

The script of the opening of the summer health center "Bolashak"

Category: Methodical vernissage
Date: 2017-06-04 13:52:30
The script of the opening of the summer health center
    Goals: expansion of horizons; Education of curiosity; Organization of leisure for students; Activation of creative activity; Development of interest in cognitive activity. Create a joyful, festive, friendly atmosphere. To call for active participation in the celebration.

Analysis and monitoring of the participation of students of KSU "Sanatorium general boarding school named after MP Rusakov" in KIO Kazakhstan Internet Olympiads ...

Category: Scientific Society of pupils
Date: 2017-05-26 07:14:47
Analysis and monitoring of the participation of students of KSU
  The main goals and objectives of the Distance Contest is to encourage participation in intellectual competitions, to identify and support talented students and teachers, stimulating their creative activity of teachers, development of professional skills.  In distance competitions for pupils, students may participate in the general secondary education institutions from 6 to 11 cla...

Scenario of the holiday of the last bell "Good luck, GRADUATE!"

Category: Methodical vernissage
Date: 2017-05-25 17:32:13
Scenario of the holiday of the last bell
  May 25, 2017, a light, light sadness and joy of hope on the threshold of adulthood - both these feelings are experienced by alumni at the last bell, and together with them their teachers, their parents and friends. We offer the scenario of the last call "Good luck, graduate!".

Information on the pre-employment of graduates of 9 grades as of the end of 2016-2017 academic year

Category: Professional orientation
Date: 2017-05-21 08:30:34
Information on the pre-employment of graduates of 9 grades as of the end of 2016-2017 academic year
№ school all graduates to college of them military schools not settled 10th grade for state order on a fee basis 1 SBS № 2 35...

The script of the holiday "Farewell, Elementary School!"

Category: Methodical vernissage
Date: 2017-05-18 09:52:25
The script of the holiday
     Goals and objectives: Summing up the results of education in primary school, developing the creative abilities of students, developing the ability to express their feelings, their relationship to ongoing events in life, educate the positive emotional attitude to the school, teachers.

The results of regional pilot testing of pupils 11 classes from 11.05.2017

Date: 2017-05-13 03:47:19
The results of regional pilot testing of pupils 11 classes from 11.05.2017
    № Name of student Readers literacy Math literacy History of Kazakhstan The elective subject The elective subject Total score score score score...

Plan homeroom may 9 - victory Day "Respect this holiday, the younger generation!"

Category: Methodical vernissage
Date: 2017-05-04 11:39:57
Plan homeroom may 9 - victory Day
     Objective: to acquaint students with the heroism of the people during world war II; to broaden students ' knowledge about the great Patriotic war; to educate younger students Patriotic feelings: respect for the older generation, a sense of pride for their people and their Homeland.

The results of pilot testing of pupils 11 classes from 22.04.2017

Date: 2017-05-03 07:39:51
The results of pilot testing of pupils 11 classes from 22.04.2017
  Date of testing: 22.04.2017     № Name of student Readers literacy Math literacy History of Kazakhstan The elective subject The elective subject Total score score...

An intellectual game Leader of the 21st Century: "The future of the country is an educated generation"

Date: 2017-05-02 16:22:29
An intellectual game Leader of the 21st Century:
     As part of the celebration of the 80th anniversary of Balkhash town on May 2, the city hosted an intellectual game Leader of the 21st Century: "The future of the country is an educated generation".The team of the boarding school № 2 named after M. Rusakov took part in the game, which as a result became the winnerof the І place. CONGRATULATIONS!   &nb...

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