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Information about events dedicated to the Day of unity of the people of Kazakhstan KSU school №1 in 2019


2019-05-11 11:58:48

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I believe in youth!


2019-04-30 08:23:06

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20 APR 2019года - held Saturday.


2019-04-24 09:51:17

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"Presentation of the school Museum»


2019-04-24 09:49:01

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«safe Internet»


2019-04-24 09:47:52

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President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev as a candidate for President of the region received the Vatican Ambassador to Kazakhstan


2019-04-23 16:28:42

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Prakarana Commission in action


2019-04-18 10:38:37

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PROTOCOL the public hearings, the chairmen of the parent committees and boards of Trustees


2019-04-17 14:19:36

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Speeches of the President of Kazakhstan Kasym-Zhomart Tokayev at the opening ceremony of the year of Kazakhstan in Uzbekistan


2019-04-16 12:13:37

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Information about the events dedicated to the Day of Balkhash


2019-04-16 10:08:03

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Information on the preventive conversation on combating religious extremism and terrorism


2019-04-16 10:00:46

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Information about the events dedicated to the Day of science and cosmonautics in school №1


2019-04-16 09:36:29

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