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Typical curriculum on the subject "Native speech" for grade 1 of primary school (teaching in Kazakh)

Appendix 2 to the Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 27, 2020 No. 496 Appendix 175-1 to the Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 3, 2013 No. 115

2021-10-05 16:51:51

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2021-10-05 16:48:59

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Video tutorial on obtaining a digital signature remotely


2021-10-05 14:08:26

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Congratulations on teacher's day ...

Dear Colleagues! On this beautiful autumn day, I am glad to congratulate you on your professional holiday - Teacher's Day! At all times, the highest demands were placed on the work of a teacher. It was the teacher who has always been a model of high spiritual strength, erudition, intelligence! And all these qualities are embodied by our wonderful teachers. I wish you professional and creative success, success in your difficult but necessary business, patience, optimism, good health and happiness!

2021-10-02 13:01:34

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On measures to prevent corruption, order № 226

On measures to prevent corruption, order № 226

2021-09-29 09:11:51

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International Tourism Day

On September 27, on the International Tourism Day, our students once again made an excursion to our school ecological project "rural ecotourism". The main goal of which is the protection of the environment, the use of alternative energy sources, acquaintance with the manners and customs of the Native Land.

2021-09-27 11:42:39

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Hour of the Leader

On September 25, at 10.00, the "Hour of the Leader" was held. At a meeting dedicated to parental issues, director P. Zhamshybayeva informed parents about some changes in the name of the school, drew the attention of parents to the observance of sanitary standards to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection, recalled the responsibility of parents for the upbringing and education of minors. The parents were asked questions of concern to them, to which the director gave constructive answers.

2021-09-27 09:45:13

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Academic Integrity Code

Academic Integrity Code

2021-09-27 09:39:22

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Action plan of the Department of Education of the Karaganda region for 2021-2023 for the implementation of the Anti-Corruption Strategy of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2015-2025 and the fight against the shadow economy

Action plan of the Department of Education of the Karaganda region for 2021-2023 for the implementation of the Anti-Corruption Strategy of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2015-2025 and the fight against the shadow economy

2021-09-27 09:37:55

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On measures to prevent corruption

On measures to prevent corruption

2021-09-27 09:35:36

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Work plan of the school club "Adal Urpak"

Work plan of the school club "Adal Urpak"

2021-09-21 16:16:45

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The plan of actions of the sanatorium boarding school named after Mikhail Rusakov for 2021-2023 as part of the Strategic Plan of the Republic of Kazakhstan to combat the shadow economy for 2015-2025

The plan of actions of the sanatorium boarding school named after Mikhail Rusakov for 2021-2023 as part of the Strategic Plan of the Republic of Kazakhstan to combat the shadow economy for 2015-2025

2021-09-16 21:17:37

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