Category: Все

Pupils of the "Agroclass" of our school were on an excursion to the agro-technical university of the city of Nur-Sultan

On November 24-26, the Agroclass students of our school were on an excursion to the S. Seifullin Agrotechnical University in Nur-Sultan. To form theoretical and practical knowledge in the agricultural direction of the school, our students got acquainted with the level of innovative knowledge of the university. We exchanged experience in the shops for the production of butter, sausages, milk and in the shops of the bakery. Our students also learned a lot about modern methods and technologies for soil cultivation and drought prevention. We can say that this excursion has become an important and interesting practical lesson for our "agroclass" students.

2021-11-29 15:46:38

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Integrity Hours

On November 25th, school students spent hours of integrity at school. The students watched and listened to the message of the chairman of the youth wing "Zhas Otan" in the Karaganda region, Yerzhan Khamitov. He talked about how faithfully he serves his people, and called on to work just as faithfully for the good of the country. The students received a lot of useful information.

2021-11-25 15:36:22

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There was a presentation of agricultural classes from among students of grades 7-8 ...

As part of the development of specialized training in Eco-Agro-Economic education for schoolchildren, a presentation of agricultural classes from the 7-8 grades was held at the Mikhail Rusakov boarding school. For the formation of general educational skills in agronomy, the school has created certain conditions for the development of creative and scientific projects. And also for a deep acquaintance with agricultural specialties this year a bilateral memorandum was concluded with the Agrotechnical University of the city of Nursultan. We wish our students success on this path.

2021-11-22 09:20:56

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Drawing competition on the theme "No corruption!"

On November 17, a drawing competition was held among students in grades 5-11 on the theme "No corruption!" Purpose: providing legal information based on anti-corruption legislation, preventing corruption in various spheres of society. Education to serve the Republic of Kazakhstan with faith and truth, to respect the Constitution.

2021-11-19 15:59:08

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The system of criteria-based assessment of educational achievements of students with special educational needs in the context of inclusive education

The system of criteria-based assessment of educational achievements of students with special educational needs in the context of inclusive education. Toolkit.

2021-11-17 14:06:55

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Development of recommendations for the organization of education for children with special educational needs in 8 categories in an inclusive education

Development of recommendations for the organization of education for children with special educational needs in 8 categories in an inclusive education. Guidelines.

2021-11-17 14:04:19

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Methodological recommendations "Development of requirements for the professional competence of teachers working in an inclusive education"

Methodological recommendations for the development of requirements for the professional competence of teachers working in inclusive education

2021-11-17 14:02:32

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A thematic corner "Reasonable Citizen" was organized ...

In accordance with the plan of the "Adal Urpak" club, a thematic corner "Wise Citizen" was organized. Purpose: to teach students citizenship, patriotism, human rights, freedoms and duties, morality, hard work, culture of intolerance to corruption.

2021-11-17 12:31:04

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Class hours on the topic "Formation of an anti-corruption position."

On October 12, class hours were held on the topic "Formation of an anti-corruption position." Purpose: Promotion of work to prevent corruption in various spheres of society; provision of legal information, skills based on anti-corruption legislation; be able to freely express their thoughts, take into account their views on society, respect the Constitution, educate morality, form a person who knows political life.

2021-11-17 11:56:25

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Round table on the topic "Children's rights - human rights" ...

On November 16, as part of the month "November 20 - World Children's Day", a round table on the topic "Children's rights - human rights" was held among eighth-graders. Purpose: to provide students with information in the field of legal education, to teach them to know their rights, to apply them in life, to supplement knowledge. Raising political awareness and cognitive activity by fostering morality, honesty, justice and kindness. To teach to respect the basic law - the Constitution of the country.

2021-11-16 15:47:18

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1. In no case should you go out on the ice at night and in poor visibility (fog, snowfall, rain) 2. When crossing a pond as a group, it is necessary to keep the distance from each other (5-6m). 3. If you have a backpack, hang it on one shoulder, this will make it easy to get rid of the load in case the ice falls under you. 4. An earnest request to parents: do not let your children go on the ice (fishing, skiing and skating) unattended. 5. One of the most common causes of tragedies on water bodies is alcohol intoxication. People do not adequately respond to danger and become helpless in the event of an emergency. In cases where you fell through the ice. Your actions: · Do not panic, do not make sudden movements; Breathe as deeply and slowly as possible, make continuous movements with your legs so that as if you are pedaling a bicycle while calling for help, because there may be people nearby; Spread your arms out to the sides and try to hook onto the edge of the ice, giving your body horizontal position in the direction of flow; Try to gently lay your chest on the edge of the ice and throw one leg and then the other on the ice, use sharp objects (knife, nails), if the ice withstood, rolling, slowly crawl to the shore; · Crawl in the direction you came from, because the ice has already been tested for strength; · After getting to the shore, do not stop, so as not to freeze completely; Jog to get to the nearest warm premises. Call 112 or 8 (7212) 43-36-36, 43-37-37 about all the facts of accidents and emergencies.

2021-11-13 12:25:16

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With students in grades 1-4, a discussion was held with students on the rules at school and behavior in public places ...,

On November 11, from 1 to 4 grades, a discussion was held with students on the rules at school and behavior in public places. Purpose: to tell, explain to schoolchildren about the rules of the school. To foster in children the desire for knowledge. Development of students' theoretical thinking, speech. In order to educate students for cohesion, friendship, morality.

2021-11-11 14:48:51

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