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E-environment "Bіlіmal"

Category: E-Learning Environment "Bіlіmal"



For  parents

Using Bilimal allows you to:

- Create personal cabinet in Білімалsystem;

-To monitor performance and child's school attendance (via personal cabinet or SMS);

- view the school schedule (personal cabinet);

- see the amount of child’s homework (personal cabinet);

- receive reminders about existing debts on the child’s subjects (personal cabinet);

- receive timely information about parent meetings, events, etc. (via personal cabinet or SMS);

- communicate with the class teacher, teachers and school administration with the help of a messaging system (personal cabinet);

- detect violations and inconsistencies of legislation in school (personal cabinet).

All of these services, except for SMS service, are free of charge.

For student

Using Bilimal allows you to:

- Create personal cabinet in Білімалsystem;

- see schedule of classes (personal cabinet);

- view homework assignments (personal cabinet);

- receive reminders about existing subject debts (personal cabinet);

- share information with classmates /group mates (personal cabinet).

For teachers

Using Bilimal allows you to:

- Create personal cabinet and e-mail in Білімалsystem;

- save time and effort in planning lessons;

- improve the efficiency of interaction with parents;

- learn and share experiences with colleagues;

- participate in teachers rating.

For educational institution administration

Using Bilimal allows you to:

-  Create personal cabinet in Bilimal system;

- receive automatically generated reports;

- view statistics for an educational institution anywhere in the world (via Internet);

- save time and effort for generation of staff’s reports;

- to improve management;

- to receive reports in a graphical image;

- to control the execution of orders.

 For public servant

Using Bilimal allows you to:

-  Create personal cabinet in Білімалsystem;

- receive automatically generated reports;

- view statistics anywhere in the world (via Internet);

- to receive reports in a graphical image;

- monitor compliance with the legislation;

- to control the execution of orders.

The order of work of the Administrator in the system "Bilimal. PedAtt"

The order of work of the Administrator in the system "Bilimal. PedAtt"

2021-11-08 08:14:59

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Duty classes

Duty classes

2020-12-20 17:49:36

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EduMark (version 2.0.7) (1)

EduMark (version 2.0.7) (1)

2020-10-22 22:14:32

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REMINDER on formative assessment during training under restrictive measures

REMINDER on formative assessment during training under restrictive measures

2020-10-22 22:10:51

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Quarter grade calculation and formative grading explanations in Bilimal

Quarter grade calculation and formative grading explanations in Bilimal

2020-10-22 22:08:41

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Information on the updated scheduling functionality

Information on the updated scheduling functionality

2020-10-22 22:05:47

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Instruction for the journal of duty classes

Instruction for the journal of duty classes

2020-10-22 22:00:50

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Instructions for organizing distance learning in the system "Bilimal. Electrondy mektep "

Instructions for organizing distance learning in the system "Bilimal. Electrondy mektep "

2020-10-22 21:57:34

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Instructions for organizing distance learning in the system "Bilimal. Electrondy mektep ".

Instructions for organizing distance learning in the system "Bilimal. Electrondy mektep ".

2020-10-22 21:51:10

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Instructions for making changes to the automated system "Bіlіmal.Elektrondy mektep"

Instructions for making changes to the automated system "Bіlіmal.Elektrondy mektep"

2020-03-16 13:00:32

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The quality of knowledge for the 1st quarter of the academic year 2018-2019

The quality of knowledge for the 1st quarter of the academic year 2018-2019

2018-11-14 16:16:59

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Young professionals about the capabilities of the system Bіlіmal

The electronic journal allows you to quickly inform parents about the performance of their children using modern technologies, as well as to quickly receive reports on classes, parallels, methodological associations.

2018-10-16 17:45:42

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