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Providing assistance from the Universal Education Fund to students from low-income families

Providing assistance from the Universal Education Fund to students from low-income families

2020-11-20 10:49:12

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Online training on the topic "Preparation for the Olympiad in Biology" was held.

Online training on the topic "Preparation for the Olympiad in Biology" was held.

2020-11-18 11:30:11

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Online training on the topic "Preparation for the Olympiad in Biology" was held.

11-12.11.2020 in order to prepare remote schoolchildren for the Olympiad online and use effective resources for schools in the Karaganda region, an online training was held on the topic "Preparation for the Olympiad in Biology."

2020-11-18 11:21:04

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" Using the capabilities of the ZOOM platform in the educational process "

" Using the capabilities of the ZOOM platform in the educational process "

2020-11-17 16:00:03

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On October 10, 2020, a meeting was held with Ayat Zhaksybekuly, Director of the branch Of the center for pedagogical excellence in Karaganda.

On October 10, 2020, a meeting was held with Ayat Zhaksybekuly, Director of the branch Of the center for pedagogical excellence in Karaganda. Aigul Sadvokasova, coordinator of Lyceum school No. 15, presented the activities of the leading school and the work plan for supporting partner schools. The main priority of the leading school is to address issues in the methodological work of partner schools, carried out in cooperation with teachers. During the meeting, Ayat Zhaksybekulystressed the need to be Open to any innovations and changes in the field of education, plan active actions in this direction, and constantly develop professionally.

2020-10-14 11:24:58

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Әдеп және сыбайлас жемқорлыққа қарсы іс-қимыл жөніңдегі уәкілді тағайындау туралы

Әдеп және сыбайлас жемқорлыққа қарсы іс-қимыл жөніңдегі уәкілді тағайындау туралы

2020-10-06 11:54:28

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2020-2021 оқу жылының тамақтануды ұйымдастыру іс-шаралар жоспары

2020-2021 оқу жылының тамақтануды ұйымдастыру іс-шаралар жоспары

2020-10-05 15:28:06

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Mentoring is the process of improving the experience of young professionals

On September 11, a webinar was held on the ZOOM platform to provide methodological support and develop young professionals as professionals. Mentors were assigned to young professionals who started their professional activities for the first time.

2020-09-30 10:06:49

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Distance lesson in synchronized format using Padlet's online whiteboard and Kahoot platform.

Distance learning is a form of learning that involves indirect interaction between the student and the teacher using various communication technologies located at a distance from each other. Distance learning fully preserves all components of the educational process – goals, content, teaching methods, and evaluation of learning outcomes. Russian Russian language and literature teacher of the Lyceum school kulbayeva B. T. conducted an online lesson on the Russian language on the PADLET AND KAHOOT platforms using a synchronous approach to distance learning in order to effectively use the technical environment for information exchange. https://www.instagram.com/tv/CFo2TfyJGYY/?igshid=1q9d0szqjeifb

2020-09-30 09:40:22

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Organization of work of the leading school

✅ 19 September 2020 KSU "School-Lyceum №15 name of Alikhan Bukeikhanov in Balkhash town" in the framework of implementation of the updated content of education programme developed by the Centre of pedagogical skills, organization of AEO NIS was held a seminar on the organization of work leading schools to provide post-course support for teachers who have undergone training. The seminar was attended by the methodologist of the Department of Education K. K. Ainabekova, Deputy Directors for academic Affairs and school coordinators: KSU "Lyceum No. 2 named after Abai of Balkhash", KSU "secondary school No. 5 of Balkhash" , KSU "Secondary school No. 6 of Sayak village", KSU " gymnasium school No. 7 named after Abai. Saken Seifullina", KSU " Secondary school No. 25 named after him. Altynsarina Balkhash". During the seminar, the participants discussed ways to work together with the main schools of the leading school in the new academic year and in the future as a teacher.

2020-09-30 08:56:55

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✅ On September 10-11, an online seminar was held on methodological support for teachers to organize the educational process in a remote format and to work in a systematic format.

✅ On September 10-11, an online seminar was held on methodological support for teachers to organize the educational process in a remote format and to work in a systematic format. In the course of distance learning, taking into account the rational use of school time in synchronous and asynchronous formats, explanatory work was carried out on the short-term lesson plan, explaining the lesson to students using links to video tutorials, electronic textbooks, and files for downloading tasks. In case of technical problems and the inability to broadcast live teachers warned about the translation of the lesson in an asynchronous format. The work is carried out by the teacher through reception and feedback from students in accordance with the established procedure. Deputy Director for information Affairs Aitimbetova E. K. explained that the teacher provides feedback to students through formative assessment in the electronic journal "Bilimal"in accordance with the established procedure.

2020-09-29 18:43:17

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2020 – 2021 оқу жылындағы жалпыға бірдей білім беру қорындағы қаражатты жұмсау туралы

2020 – 2021 оқу жылындағы жалпыға бірдей білім беру қорындағы қаражатты жұмсау туралы

2020-09-26 11:51:46

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