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information on the class hour«Мәртебесі асқақтаған – Қазақстан»

Category: New
Date: 2015-05-16 05:48:06
information on the class hour«Мәртебесі асқақтаған – Қазақстан»
May 13, 2015 in the secondary school №24 was held class hour on the theme "Mәrtebesі asқaқtaғan - Kazakhstan". The class teacher - Shubaeva Janelle Zhanatovna. The main purpose to which is to hold the total for all activities carried out in the classroom dedicated to the significant dates of this year. For the class hour gotovelis children with all my heart. Of particular note agit-bri...
Author: School №24

We can not forget these songs!

Category: New
Date: 2015-05-08 09:09:53
We can not forget these songs!
May 6at the Palace of schoolchildren, teachers and students of schools №24 took part in the event dedicated to May 7 Fatherland Defender's Day. They sang patriotic songs. At the end of the event participants were awarded the Second World War and gave flowers. All city schools participated in the event were awarded with diplomas.
Author: School №24

May 1 - Feast of Unity of People of Kazakhstan

Category: New
Date: 2015-05-02 07:04:22
May 1 - Feast of Unity of People of Kazakhstan
On April 30 the SNR №24 solemn ruler among elementary school students on the Day of Unity of Peoples of Kazakhstan. On this auspicious day of class 1 students have been accepted into the ranks of "Jas Kyran". Students took the oath. With congratulatory speech to the boys asked the Deputy Director of OIA Asylbekova Mereke Serikovna that they wished to honor and wore a tie gordastyu &quo...
Author: School №24

April 29, 2015 in secondary school №24 of Balkhash held a solemn meeting devoted to the 70th anniversary of the victory celebration.

Category: New
Date: 2015-04-29 08:30:56
April 29, 2015 in secondary school  №24 of  Balkhash held a solemn meeting devoted to the 70th anniversary of the victory celebration.
The moderator of the meeting advocated director K.ZH Akhmetov, she congratulated all veterans of the labor front on Victory Day and wished all earthly wealth and long life. According to the Presidential Decree of 29 January 2015. for №922 «presentation of commemorative medals to the 70 anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War veterans and veterans of the labor front." Wit...
Author: School №24

Information about the work done in the framework of "Street Without Drugs", which was held in order to prevent crime and drug addiction.

Category: New
Date: 2015-04-24 06:09:09
Information about the work done in the framework of
Objective: Explain to students about the dangers of smoking and drug abuse. Deepen human qualities, to develop self-education. Instill in students a love for a healthy lifestyle.   21.04. among 8-11 classes were held on the topics of conversation: "Say NO!", "Do not cross the line." Students were explained the consequences of drug addiction. 22.04. among 1-4 grade...
Author: School №24

Information on the urban project on the "20th anniversary of the People's Assembly of Kazakhstan" among students in grades 9-10 schools in the city

Category: New
Date: 2015-04-20 06:58:13
Information on the urban project on the
On the 20thanniversary of the Assembly of the Republic of Kazakhstan passed the urban competition for projects on the theme "I am proud of my profession" among schools in the city. In this contest schoolgirl 9 "А"  class RzahanovaDiana, she was awarded a certificate for their participation, as well schoolgirl 9 "B" class Zhomartkyzy Ayaulym was awarded a diplom...
Author: School №24

Recitation Contest, dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Assembly of Peoples of Kazakhstan "We the people of Kazakhstan"

Category: New
Date: 2015-04-18 04:14:46
Recitation Contest, dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Assembly of Peoples of Kazakhstan
April 17, 2015 in high school №5 was a competition of expressive reading, on the 20th anniversary of the Assembly of Peoples of Kazakhstan "We the people of Kazakhstan" The students of our school took an active part, namely a student of class 8 Rzakhanov Nurislam in the nomination "I thank my homeland," took 1 prize, the audience reciting his own poetry. 6 pupil and class Kai...
Author: School №24

Webinar "Where to study?"

Category: New
Date: 2015-04-14 11:02:46
April 14 at 12:00 in the online name "Karaganda_Obl_UMC" was a lesson for pupils of grade 11 "Where to go to learn?". During the test was carried out online lesson the teacher answered questions, provision for UNT.
Author: School №24

"The choice of profession"

Category: New
Date: 2015-04-14 10:50:38
April 10 at the Balkhash humanitarian and technical college with the Director of College E.Malikulova held an open day. Students in grades 9 met with departments that train specialists full-time and part time. Also director of show and tell us about the equipment of material and technical base of the college. Teachers college graduates were given in grades 9 booklets about college.
Author: School №24

Information knowledge

Category: New
Date: 2015-04-14 10:42:45
Information knowledge
April 9-11, 2015 in Astana hosted an international scientific and practical exhibition under the auspices of «Worlddidac Astana 2015", this exhibition went Teacher Bekmagambetova NS and got the certificate. The theme shows "Information Knowledge".
Author: School №24

"Hometown -77 years"

Category: New
Date: 2015-04-13 09:09:15
April 11 at the station Balkhash celebrated day of the city. In connection with the day of the city were carried out various activities of passage yubeleyu city took its start with a solemn leneyki called "Tugan қalama - 77 zhyl". Festive events continued flashmob "Sүyіktі Kalam" with the participation of students from 1 to 11 classes and teachers. Just in the school yard amo...
Author: School №24

№ 24 орта мектебінде 9-11 сәуір күндері жүргізілген «Таза бейсенбі» және «Сенбілік» туралы ақпарат

Category: New
Date: 2015-04-13 08:58:23
№ 24 орта мектебінде 9-11 сәуір күндері жүргізілген «Таза бейсенбі» және «Сенбілік» туралы ақпарат
April 9-11 in secondary school №24 in order to bring the school yard in order and clean the debris was organized by the "Saturday". As a volunteer involved students grades 1-11 and their class teachers. During the school yard were cleaned, all the students came up with tools and work actively.
Author: School №24

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