
parent Meeting

Category: News
Date: 2013-09-18 10:29:12
12.09.2013 years have passed parent meeting. Acting Director Almuhanova Z.Sh. parents introduced with the aims and objectives of the 2013-2014 academic school year. Social school teacher Tleubekova M.Қ. offered information on universal education. School Psychologist Yerubayev RB spoke about the relationship between parents and students, and paramedic Saduakas GA gave information about the person...

September 1 in «Ата заңым-айбыным» posveschenny the day of the Constitution.

Category: News
Date: 2013-09-02 09:09:00
September 1 in «Ата заңым-айбыным» posveschenny the day of the Constitution.
 «Ата заңым-айбыным» posveschenny the day of the Constitution. September 1 ingrammar school number 7 was homeroom «Ата заңым-айбыным»posveschennythe day of the Constitution. It was attended by the organizer in neklasnoy work, students 5A-class parents. Participants talked about the Constitution in the life of the people, recited poems and sang songs.

Young chess player

Category: News
Date: 2013-06-20 05:16:57
Pupil Class 8A grammar school number 7 it. S.Seifullin Meshitbay Dana became a champion in chess Karaganda among girls under the age of 14, taking the place of I and won the gold medal. Our congratulations to Dan with a big victory!

The 1st June is a International Children's Day.

Category: News
Date: 2013-06-03 06:09:17
There was a brightevent On this day in grammar school number 7 dedicated to the celebration of children, which coincided with the opening of the summer camp "Balausa." 150 children and 50 parents came to feast. young artists and dancers of the school took part  In the concert program "Balgyn balalar - bіzdіn bolashagymyz". There were also competitions of drawings on...

"Last bell - 2013"

Category: News
Date: 2013-05-31 09:04:47
There was a traditionalceremony "Last bell-2013" in May, 25 inthe schoolgymnasium №7S. Seifullin.Guestsfromakimat, the city departmentof education, veterans education,graduates of previousyears was attended to thecelebration event.​​The Directorof grammar schoolKoybagarovaRK,deputydirector ofeducational workAlmuhanovaZ.Sh., parents of graduatesand spoke the owner of the medal "...

"Teacher of the Year 2013"

Category: News
Date: 2013-05-31 05:55:35
May 17, 2013 summed up the city contest "Teacher of the Year 2013". According to the contest in the first round, participants defended the electronic portfolio in the second round of the participants held open lessons. In the third round, the jury assessed the participants for the following tasks: presentation, reading the essay on the topic: "My school of the future", the...

A gifted student - the future of Kazakhstan

Category: News
Date: 2013-05-11 08:01:58
Team"Zerde" grammar school number 7 S. Seifullin back with a victory. Our team took part in the national educational competition "The talented student - a gifted teacher." The competition was attended by 15 teams. School defended the honor of the 10 students of class A: A.Agymbaeva, A.Tlepaldy, A.Isak, I.Zhumabay, N.Zhappargaly, showing their knowledge, demonstrating creat...

"Look down, and the song"

Category: News
Date: 2013-05-10 09:44:31
The commandof grammar school number 7 S.Seifullin took 1st place in the city competition "looks down and songs", dedicated to the 68th anniversary of the Great Victory, the 21 th anniversary of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The team leader, a teacher of military basic training Saugambaev TE, awarded commendation joint department of defense, the Balkhash.

«Coka-cola-Leather Ball 2013»

Category: News
Date: 2013-05-08 04:08:53
       In the tournament held city of Balkhash «Coka-cola-Leather Ball 2013" football teams of students born in 2000-2001, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Kazakhstan football. Team leader Sagymbekov SK Congratulations to our team, zanyavschuyu second place with a victory!

Student achievement - the result of the work of teachers

Category: News
Date: 2013-04-29 05:01:56
  According to the results of the 47th subject Olympiad 2012 - 2013 school year, 35 students of grammar school number 7 S.Seifullin took prizes. Among the innovative schools in our grammar school took third place in the team and was awarded the certificate.Students who took the first place was awarded to meritorious deeds and digital cameras. It's our students: the Kazakh language Alt...

"Kitap-bіzdің dosymyz"

Category: News
Date: 2013-04-27 07:17:23
Ingrammar school № 7 S.Seifullin evening was "Kitap-bіzdіңdosymyz" dedicated to the International Children's Book Day. The purpose of the evening was the rise of interest in reading, careful attitude to the book, teaching reading culture, education moral qualities. Organized exhibitions of books "Balalarғabazarlyқ" and "Әdemіbetbelgіlerі." In the evening, man...

"First Steps" regional competition Children's Art Festival

Category: News
Date: 2013-04-24 05:22:12
  On April 10, 2013goda in Karaganda, a festival of choreography competition for the nomination pupils mini center "Balbobek" came out on third place received diplomas. Dance "Barbariki" performed by a group of girls' Aigolek "

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