An urban competition "Journey to the History"

Date: 2015-12-21 17:09:50
An urban competition
      On 21st of December, held an urban competition "Journey to the History". The competition was held within the framework of events dedicated to the 550 anniversary of the Kazakh Khanate. The main goals and objectives of the contest: the formation of Kazakhstan patriotism, education of the feelings of respect and love for the motherland. Raising the intellectua...

A theatrical staged competition "From Khan Kerey to Kenesary"

Date: 2015-12-21 16:02:51
A theatrical staged competition
      21.11.2015 in the city was organized a theatrical staged competition "From Khan Kerey to Kenesary" dedicated to the 550 anniversary of the Kazakh Khanate. 9th grade students of the boarding school № 2 were awarded the nomination "For virtuosity" and Seyfulla Kabibolla was awarded the nomination "The best way of Khan". Congratulations! &nbs...

Book exhibition dedicated to the significant dates of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2015

Date: 2015-12-21 15:59:02
Book exhibition dedicated to the significant dates of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2015
      This year our country will celebrate the 550th anniversary of the formation of the Kazakh Khanate. For this event in the school library book exhibition" Kazakh HANDYGYNA-550zhyl". It consists of books and magazines, reveals the history of the formation of the Kazakh Khanate, the story of the life and work of the Khans, biy, brave men, independent of the founders...

Exhibition "Atameken"

Date: 2015-12-21 15:42:02
      28.02.2015  City Department of culture and language development among students of secondary schools in the city organized an exhibition of paintings and handicrafts creativity. The event wastimed to coincide with the landmark date for the Republic - 550 anniversary of the Kazakh Khanate. The purpose of the event: to support and promote the work of young artists, wor...

Solemn meeting, devoted to 550 - anniversary of the Kazakh Khanate

Date: 2015-12-21 15:32:32
Solemn meeting, devoted to 550 - anniversary of the Kazakh Khanate
     On February 23, MGA "Comprehensive sanatorium  boarding school № 2 named by M. P. Rusakov of Balkhash" solemn meeting, devoted to 550 - anniversary of the Kazakh Khanate. Students 8 "A" class prepared speech propaganda team. The children talked about the formation of the Kazakh Khanate. Boarding were acquainted with the main stages of development Kh...

City competition computer slide presentation "Sak, Sarmatian, Hun, Ussun, Canley taypalary tarikhy-memleketіmіzdіn negіzі"

Date: 2015-12-21 15:22:36
City competition computer slide presentation
         13.02.2015 at school № 10 held city competition computer presentation on "Sak, Sarmatian, Hun, Ussun, Canley taypalary tarikhy-memleketіmіzdіn negіzі".  The purpose of the contest: · Educating the students respect for the history of our state; · Skills-conscious and rational use of computer technology in their work, as a me...

EDUCATION of Kazakh khanate

Date: 2015-12-21 15:13:20
EDUCATION of Kazakh khanate
     The formation of the Kazakh Khanate was complex in nature and multidimensional time-consuming process. It was a natural result of the socio-economic and ethno-political events in the vast area of ​​East Dasht-i Kipchak, su, and Turkestan (South Kazakhstan). Formation in the XIV - XV centuries. a single economic region based on the integration of natural areas with a mixed e...


Date: 2015-12-21 15:00:39
  Kazakh Khanate tried to make diplomatic and trade relations with all the countries in the neighborhood. Only in the years 1758-1823 under Qing dynasty sent an ambassador to China 31 times. Jungar, Khiva, Bukhara, Qaşqarïyamen strong relationship. 90 people are in the Tole of the Kazakh Embassy in 1743 led to Zhungaria in the liberation of the Kalmyks Ablai Khan was one of the great...

550 years of Kazakh khanate official site

Category: Official sites of Kazakhstan
Date: 2015-12-18 10:54:56
550 years of Kazakh  khanate official site

Urban competition of models "The house of my dreams - a house of the future"

Date: 2015-12-15 19:20:15
Urban competition of models
     11.12.2015 at the Palace of Culture named after M. Khamzin held the urban competition of models of the "House of my dreams - a house of the future", organized by the cultural and leisure center of Balkhash supported by the department of culture and languages ​​as part of the World Exhibition "EXPO - 2017". The purpose of this competition: the implementat...

Librarian School organized an exhibition on the theme of "EXPO-2017 kоrmesі-eldіktіn Eren zhemіsі"

Date: 2015-12-03 11:12:49
Librarian School organized an exhibition on the theme of
      In Kazakhstan, as well as throughout the world, are particularly relevant issues gained economical and clean energy, energy efficiency, research and use of different types of alternative energy. In 2017 Astana will host the International specialized exhibition "EXPO - 2017" under the theme "Future Energy". In connection with these events, in educational...

Homeroom on the theme of "Expo-2017. The future of Kazakhstan"

Date: 2015-12-03 09:19:04
Homeroom on the theme of
     December 2, 2015 under the guidance of the teacher Abylkasymova Zh.O. in the 8 th grades was held homeroom on the theme of "Expo-2017. The future of Kazakhstan". The purpose of class hour - creating conditions to introduce students to the International Exhibition EXPO - 2017 to be held in Kazakhstan. Introducing students to the history of exhibitions EXPO. Educati...

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