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Congratulatory speech of the Director on the International Day of Knowledge...

Category: Headmaster's speeches
Date: 2018-09-01 19:31:12
Congratulatory speech of the Director on the International Day of Knowledge...
Dear teachers, parents, dear guests, students! Congratulations on September 1 - Day of Knowledge, with the start of the traditional new academic year.   At present, education in the world requires global changes and global trends for the rapid updating of school content.   The last academic year was full of success. Our students won prizes in competitions of knowledge, sports a...

Information about the holding of the solemn line in honor of the Day of Knowledge at the school -int №2 named after. M. P. Rusakov

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2018-09-01 12:26:10
Information about the holding of the solemn line in honor of the Day of Knowledge at the school -int №2 named after. M. P. Rusakov
September 1, 2018 in our school held a solemn line on the topic "Hello, my beloved school!" for pupils of grades 1-9. Director of our school Z. N. Rakhimberlina congratulated all students and parents on the Day of Knowledge. Among the guests of the solemn line were a main specialist of the education department Aitzhanova B. S. and veteran of education Aytkazina N.S., who also congratul...

Events held on the day of the Constitution

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2018-08-31 12:37:47
Events held on the day of the Constitution
    At the boarding school №2, events were held dedicated to the Constitution Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan in accordance with the plan. As part of the celebration of the Constitution Day, the school yard, school foyer, classrooms, information stands, school library were decorated according to the subject "Constitution is the key to an ideal future". On August 29, a s...

Information on the work carried out during the Republican campaign "Road to School" for boarding school № 2 named after. M. P. Rusakov

Category: Action "Road to school"
Date: 2018-08-27 17:45:37
Information on the work carried out during the Republican campaign
Since August 1, the republican action "Road to School" has started. To familiarize parents with the purpose of carrying out the action, an information stand was prepared, educators sent out additional information in electronic form. During the month, 36 applications were accepted, the total number of children was 57. Data were collected on those who needed material assistance from orph...

A drawing contest on the asphalt "Together we are power!" within the framework of the marathon "Adal zhol - an honest way"...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2018-08-27 16:43:00
A drawing contest on the asphalt
On August 22, a drawing contest took place on the alley of Astana on the asphalt "Together we are power!" within the framework of the marathon "Adal zhol - an honest way". The youngest members of the school clubs "Adal Urpak" painted pictures on the asphalt on anti-corruption topics. The marathon was attended by pupils of 3-4 classes of secondary schools of the ci...

The charitable action "Road to school - 2018" starts with the slogan "My choice is help to children!" ...

Category: Action "Road to school"
Date: 2018-08-03 13:03:36
The charitable action
By kind tradition, a charity event "Road to School" is held every year. The Committee for the Protection of Children of the Ministry of Education and Science traditionally holds the Republican campaign "The Road to School" a month before the start of the new academic year. This year the event is held from  1 August to 30 September under the slogan "My Choice is He...

The "Witch Competition"...

Category: SAFE SUMMER - 2021. Summer camp "Bolashak"
Date: 2018-07-30 14:38:19
  On July 27, at the Health Center "Bolashak" was held the "Witch Competition". The purpose of the competition: to reveal creative abilities, acting skills of children. At the end of the competition the following nominations were awarded: Aruzhan from group "Baldyrgan" - nomination "Truly witch", Ruslan from group "Shagala" - "Playful...

The traditional holiday "The Day of Neptune"...

Category: SAFE SUMMER - 2021. Summer camp "Bolashak"
Date: 2018-07-30 14:34:30
The traditional holiday
   On July 23, in the summer health camp "Bolashak" was held the traditional holiday "The Day of Neptune". The purpose of the holiday is to show the great importance of water for all living beings. The children spent a holiday on the lake in the village of Chubar-Tjubek. The children and the audience took an active part in the celebration.

Rules of behavior in water bodies

Category: SAFE SUMMER - 2021. Summer camp "Bolashak"
Date: 2018-07-20 12:54:04
Rules of behavior in water bodies
  Link to the video https://ru.files.fm/u/6cb3ta5x

First medical aid for drowning

Category: SAFE SUMMER - 2021. Summer camp "Bolashak"
Date: 2018-07-20 12:22:31
First medical aid for drowning
  Link to the video https://ru.files.fm/u/hc2g26fg

Information on the activities carried out in the summer health camp "Bolashak" from July 1-6, 2018, dedicated to the Day of Astana "Zhainai Ber, Astana" ...

Category: Activities within the framework of "Astana-20"
Date: 2018-07-08 11:58:05
Information on the activities carried out in the summer health camp
  On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the founding of the capital of our homeland Astana, in the summer health camp "Bolashak" from July 1 to July 6, various events were held, including the foolball and volleyball championship, the "Draw Your Capital" drawing contest, the chess tournament, and gala concert "Zhainai Ber, Astana". As a result of all the...

Information on the activities carried out in the summer health camp "Bolashak" from July 1-6, 2018, dedicated to the Day of Astana "Zhainai Ber, Astana" ...

Category: SAFE SUMMER - 2021. Summer camp "Bolashak"
Date: 2018-07-08 11:54:47
Information on the activities carried out in the summer health camp
On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the founding of the capital of our homeland Astana, in the summer health camp "Bolashak" from July 1 to July 6, various events were held, including the foolball and volleyball championship, the "Draw Your Capital" drawing contest, the chess tournament, and gala concert "Zhainai Ber, Astana". As a result of all the activitie...

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