
Information about the holding of the Open Day on the topic "Updated content of education is a requirement of the present"

Category: News
Date: 2018-02-06 15:03:12
Information about the holding of the Open Day on the topic
     On the 6th of February, 2018 in KMA "General boarding school № 2 named after M. Rusakov" was held an open day, dedicated to the dissemination of the NIS experience on the topic "Updated content of education - the requirement of the present". The seminar was attended by the methodologist of the city department of education Zh. A. Aitzhanova and school c...

On February 4, 2018, the regular meeting of the Weekend Club...

Category: News
Date: 2018-02-05 21:24:00
On February 4, 2018, the regular meeting of the Weekend Club...
     On February 4, 2018, the regular meeting of the Weekend Club was dedicated to Altynbek Korazbayev. Altynbek Korazbayev is a Soviet and Kazakh composer and teacher, People's Artist of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, holder of the Order "Barys" for his services in musical art. In the cognitive hour, the children learned about the life and work of the composer, list...

On February 1, 2018, was held a traditional school day at boarding school № 2...

Category: News
Date: 2018-02-02 11:27:53
On February 1, 2018, was held a traditional school day at boarding school № 2...
     On February 1, 2018, was held a traditional school day at boarding school № 2. The program of the School Day - 2018: "Modernization 3.0 - the contribution of education". The purpose: implementation of the decisions of the August conference of pedagogical workers, the motivation of the city's teachers to raise the level of functional literacy, their pedagogic...

Victory in the urban intellectual game "League of Leaders" ...

Category: News
Date: 2018-01-30 23:50:13
Victory in the urban intellectual game
      In the urban intellectual game "League of Leaders", which was held in the framework of the "Ruhani zhang’yru" program, pupils of the 4th class of boarding school № 2 in the "Kyrandar" team were awarded 1 prize-winning place.

Victory in the city competition of essays "Alg’ysym Sheksis sag'an, Qazaqstan" ...

Category: News
Date: 2018-01-30 23:45:43
Victory in the city competition of essays
      In the city competition of essays "Alg’ysym sheksis sag'an, Qazaqstan", which was conducted as part of the "Ruhani zhang’yru" program, a pupil of the 8th form of Boarding School № 2 Karibai Ersultan was awarded with a diploma for 2 prize-winning places.

The students were given information and explanatory work on the issue of "Religious Literacy" ...

Category: News
Date: 2018-01-22 20:10:14
The students were given information and explanatory work on the issue of
     On January 22, with the students of boarding school № 2, theologian Basharov D., chief specialist A. Akisheva and psychologist Zhanabarenova Zh., of the theologian «Balkhash urban center for studying and analyzing the problems of interconfessional relations», conducted information and explanatory work with students on the issue "Religious literacy"....

Round table with parents on the topic "Conflict situations between parents and adolescents, ways to solve them"...

Category: News
Date: 2018-01-20 20:07:50
Round table with parents on the topic
      On January 18, held a round table with parents on the topic "Conflict situations between parents and adolescents, ways to solve them". Objective: To raise the level of parents' psychological and pedagogical competence in relation to the relationship between parents and children. 21 parents and 9th grade students took part in the round table. To determine...

The school organized a meeting for boys under the motto "Tug'an zherge tuyn'dy tіk" ...

Category: News
Date: 2018-01-15 17:40:35
The school organized a meeting for boys under the motto
      On January 12, at the boarding school № 2, within the framework of the "Rukhani zhang'yru" program, was held a meeting  for boys under the motto "Tug'an zherge tuyn'dy tik" with citizens of the city who contributed to the development of the literary and cultural sphere of our city in the development of cognitive interest of th...

Pedagogical Council on the theme "Education of a fully developed personality in the spirit of Kazakhstan's patriotism through the implementation of the program" Tug'an zher"...

Category: News
Date: 2018-01-09 00:32:44
Pedagogical Council on the theme
      On January 5, took place the Pedagogical Council  on the theme "Education of a fully developed personality in the spirit of Kazakhstan's patriotism through the implementation of the" Tug'an zher "program. The purpose of the Pedagogical Council is to describe the spiritual revival and modernization of national values ​​that stimulate...

New Year's Matinees

Category: News
Date: 2018-01-02 23:16:37
New Year's Matinees
Since December 27, 2017, New Year's morning performances were held at boarding school No.2. All students from 1 to 9 classes actively participated in the preparation and conduct of the New Year's fairy tale. All the New Year parties took place with a very good mood, fun and fervent. Each teacher responsible for the New Year performance prepared and developed the script, the fairy-tale an...

Independence is My Prerogative

Category: News
Date: 2017-12-21 16:47:37
Independence is My Prerogative
    А solemn line "Independence is My Prerogative" was held at the boarding school №2 named after M.Rusakov. The line was opened by the state anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Director of the school Rahimberlinа Zamzagul Narymbekovna congratulated the students and parents of the school on the holiday. Pupil 9 "ә" Adletuly Nursultan read the poem "Motherla...

Opposite Movement

Category: News
Date: 2017-12-14 15:19:03
Opposite Movement
In the general educational sanatorium boarding school №2 named after M.P Rusakov on December 12, in 4 "Ә" class the teacher of primary classes Aldakiyarov Aidana Aybatyrovna held an open lesson in mathematics on the topic "Opposite Movement". The lesson reached its goal. At the lesson, various types of receptions were applied. The cognitive moment was well connected with the...

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