
A reading competition “My President is my pride”, dedicated to December 1 - the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan...

Category: News
Date: 2018-11-22 17:00:23
A reading competition “My President is my pride”, dedicated to December 1 - the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan...
    On November 22, boarding school № 2 hosted a reading competition “My President is my pride”, dedicated to December 1 - the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan among students of grades 2-5. The purpose of the competition: to instil in the younger generation a love for the Motherland, native land, a sense of national spirit, a love for history, li...

An open lesson on the Kazakh language was held in the 7 Ә class...

Category: News
Date: 2018-11-22 16:15:08
An open lesson on the Kazakh language was held in the 7 Ә class...
    On November 22, within the decade of the subjects of the social and humanitarian cycle, an open lesson on the Kazakh language was held in the 7 Ә class. A lesson was conducted by A.T. Esimbekova. The grammar theme of the lesson onomatopoeic words. The purpose of the lesson: To understand the content of the text, the ability to distinguish between facts and opinions on the informa...

A school-wide gathering familiarize students with the Head of State’s article “Seven Facets of the Great Steppe”...

Category: News
Date: 2018-11-22 14:35:06
A school-wide gathering familiarize students with the Head of State’s article “Seven Facets of the Great Steppe”...
    On November 22, was held a school-wide gathering familiarize students with the Head of State’s article “Seven Facets of the Great Steppe”, which was announced on November 21, 2018. The students were given a brief explanation of this article, in which our president clearly named traditional faces and noted their importance in shaping our history. Class teachers h...

A cognitive game “50 questions about animals” took place among 4th grade students ...

Category: News
Date: 2018-11-21 09:51:09
A cognitive game “50 questions about animals” took place among 4th grade students ...
    November 20 in boarding school number № 2 M. P. Rusakov among the pupils of the 4th grade passed the informative game “50 questions about animals”. Purpose of the game: Formation of students' ideas on the protection of animals, the expansion of knowledge about animals in the Red Book. The development of thinking, memory, listening skills of students. During th...

The opening of the chess tournament dedicated to the Day of the First President ...

Category: News
Date: 2018-11-20 16:09:40
The opening of the chess tournament dedicated to the Day of the First President ...
    On November 20, 2018, a traditional chess tournament was launched at boarding school No. 2 within the decade dedicated to the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Tournament organizer Turgumbaev Vladimir Nurkasymovich. The tournament is held in three age categories 7-8-9 years, 10-11-12 years, 13-14-15 years. The tournament will be held in several stages. T...

In the 9 “A” class, an open lesson was held on the topic “Mass repressions of 1937-1938” ...

Category: News
Date: 2018-11-20 15:58:43
In the 9 “A” class, an open lesson was held on the topic “Mass repressions of 1937-1938” ...
     From November 19 to November 29, it is planned to hold a decade of subjects of the humanitarian and public cycle. On November 20, history teacher Zhanat A. Zh. Conducted an open lesson on the history of Kazakhstan on the topic “Mass repressions of 1937-1938”. The lesson’s educational goal: to learn about the political oppression of members of the Alash p...

November 19 was held school-wide parent meeting...

Category: News
Date: 2018-11-20 13:39:57
November 19 was held school-wide parent meeting...
    November 19 in boarding school № 2 was held school-wide parent meeting. The director of the school, Zhamshybaeva P. S., introduced the agenda of the meeting. History teacher Zhanat A. provided information on the law on countering terrorism and religious extremism. He acquainted with the order of action in the case of incoming calls on acts of terrorism. The second question wa...

Solemn line in honor of the day of acceptance into the ranks of the young Rusakovs ...

Category: News
Date: 2018-11-19 15:36:55
Solemn line in honor of the day of acceptance into the ranks of the young Rusakovs ...
    On November 19, in the boarding school № 2 named after M. P. Rusakov, a solemn meeting was held in honor of the birthday of academician M. P. Rusakov. The solemn line was opened by the school anthem. The director of the school Zhamshybaeva P. S., spoke on the line and the history teacher Nukerbekova K. I., who noted the importance of this event for our school. The gathering was g...

Information on the Republican Safe Road Traffic Week from November 12 to November 18, 2018 ...

Category: News
Date: 2018-11-19 14:54:34
Information on the Republican Safe Road Traffic Week from November 12 to November 18, 2018 ...
    From November 12 to November 18, the Republican wide-scale week of the “Safe Traffic Week” took place. The purpose of the week: to educate law-abiding road users, to increase the effectiveness of work to prevent children's road traffic injuries, to promote the rules of the road among children and adolescents, to develop their skills of safe behavior on the ro...

In the weekend club ...

Category: News
Date: 2018-11-19 14:37:34
In the weekend club ...
    November 18, the Weekend Club hosted an hour of an interesting report about the life and work of the poet, writer, literary critic Taken Tanirbergenovich Alimkulov, dedicated to the 100th anniversary. Articles were read and were shown videos about the work of T. Alimkulov.

On the work of the extra curriculum "Pictures speak" in the framework of the project "Reading to Joy" ...

Category: News
Date: 2018-11-16 14:54:18
On the work of the extra curriculum
    In 3 "A", the class on Mondays and Thursdays is held an extra curricular "Pctures speak" in the framework of the project "Reading to Joy". Head of the circle: Magauina G. E. The purpose of this curricular: To increase students' interest in reading, to develop basic literacy, as well as to increase the culture of learning and information competenc...

With pupils of the 9th grades held a round table, devoted to the day of the national currency...

Category: News
Date: 2018-11-15 16:53:42
With pupils of the 9th grades held a round table, devoted to the day of the national currency...
    November 15 teacher Akshabaeva A.S. with pupils of the 9th grades held a round table, devoted to the day of the national currency. Purpose: to foster Kazakhstani patriotism, respect for national attributes and symbols, history, traditions, to help students determine the role and place of the national currency of RK in the world community. Independence is a great happiness giv...

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