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Republican environmental hour...

Category: News
Date: 2019-10-04 12:10:52
Republican environmental hour...
    In the framework of the republican environmental hour on October 3 at 12.00 in the sanatorium boarding school № 2 named after M. P. Rusakov passed eco-lesson in all classes. As part of the lesson, the importance of protecting nature and protecting it from pollution was explained. Students expressed their views, watched videos, learned that nature plays an important role in our li...

By October 1 - International Day of Older Persons ...

Category: News
Date: 2019-10-02 20:12:49
By October 1 - International Day of Older Persons ...
    At boarding school № 2 named after M.P. Rusakov, the events planned for the celebration of October 1, International Day of Older Persons, were held. Purpose: to instill in students respect for elders, to teach respect for their ancestors, to cultivate respect for traditions and customs, morality, the ability to distinguish between good and bad. According to the plan, an informati...

We heartily congratulate you on Teacher's Day!

Category: News
Date: 2019-10-02 19:32:36
We heartily congratulate you on Teacher's Day!
    Dear teachers! We, students of boarding school No. 2, in the framework of the relay race “Instead of a bouquet, a newspaper, instead of a gift, a craft,” we congratulate you on your professional holiday, Teacher’s Day, which is traditionally celebrated in early October. We highly appreciate the generosity of your loving hearts, your patience and understanding,...

To the day of the elderly ...

Category: News
Date: 2019-10-01 14:30:01
To the day of the elderly ...
     October 1 - on the International Day of Older Persons, students of the boarding school № 2 named after M. P. Rusakov held a festive concert for residents of the Rusakov microdistrict. At the concert, the dance group "Zhuldyz" and the members of the art club "Ak Bulak" sang songs and danced. Residents of the neighborhood with joy and warm wishes thanked t...

The school celebrated the "Golden Autumn" ...

Category: News
Date: 2019-09-28 11:18:57
The school celebrated the
    So came one of the most beloved holidays - "Golden Autumn". This holiday is one of the traditional holidays in the life of the school. To this end, in our elementary grades, on September 27, a festive event "Araily Altyn Kuz" was held. The guys demonstrated their talents and took an active part in competitions such as homework, autumn fashion, drawing from n...

Getting to know the school library ...

Category: News
Date: 2019-09-25 16:36:40
Getting to know the school library ...
  September 24 in the school library of boarding school № 2 was an excursion for the 1 "A" class. Children got acquainted with book exhibitions, rules for using the library, and 3D books created by themselves. Also on September 24, the school library hosted a review of children's magazines "Pages of periodicals" for children of the 3 "Ә" class.  ...

School-wide parent meeting ...

Category: News
Date: 2019-09-25 14:59:12
School-wide parent meeting ...
    September 24, 2019 at the sanatorium boarding school № 2, an all-school parent meeting was held. The following issues were considered on the agenda: 1. "Features of the updated educational content for the 2019-2020 academic year," school director Zhamshybaeva Perizat Serikbaevna. 2. “The child and the law”, social teacher Katenova Arina Kanatovna. 3. &...

About collaborative work planning ...

Category: News
Date: 2019-09-23 15:36:30
About collaborative work planning ...
     In the framework of the memorandum of bilateral educational relations between boarding school № 2 and the Department of Ecology and Assessment of the Karaganda Economic University of the city of Karaganda, a meeting was held at the station of young naturalists on planning collaboration in environmental education and upbringing of the younger generation.

Сontest of expressive reading...

Category: News
Date: 2019-09-18 10:14:22
Сontest of expressive reading...
     On September 17, within the framework of the week of languages, a contest of expressive reading was held among students in grades 5-10. The main objective of the competition is to give an idea of the meaning of the state language. Educating students of a sense of patriotism, respect for the state language. Students read poems written by poets and writers about the lan...

A national dictation based on the Latin alphabet was written...

Category: News
Date: 2019-09-17 15:17:21
A national dictation based on the Latin alphabet was written...
    On September 17, in all regions of the republic at 11.00 a single national dictation was written based on the Latin alphabet. 50 students from grades 8–9 and 30 teachers took part in writing the dictation of the boarding school № 2 of Balkhash. First of all, this is an answer to the reform of the president. Secondly, drawing public attention to the Latin script.

Debate on the topic "Trilingual education" ...

Category: News
Date: 2019-09-17 14:52:17
Debate on the topic
     On September 16, students in 9th grade held a debate in the format of Karl Popper on the topic “Trilingual education”. During the debate, the speakers of both teams listened to the positions of the parties, were able to express their ideas on this topic. The goal is to educate students in respect for their native language. explain that language is our future and...

Family game “Dad, Mom and Me”...

Category: News
Date: 2019-09-15 14:58:05
Family game “Dad, Mom and Me”...
    September 14 at the sanatorium boarding school № 2 named after M. P. Rusakov hosted the family game “Dad, Mom and Me” as part of the Republican Week "Family is a place of happiness". The purpose of the family, sports competition: close cooperation with parents, improving communication between the school and parents. Increased interest in sports. The compet...

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