
In the online format, class hours were held for the 175th anniversary of Zhambyl Zhabayev ...

Category: News
Date: 2021-02-22 21:57:15
In the online format, class hours were held for the 175th anniversary of Zhambyl Zhabayev ...
    This year marks 175 years since the birth of the most famous and most famous Soviet akyn Zhambyl Zhabayev. The legacy of Zhambyl, known at the time as the "Homer of the 20th century", is an example for future generations. On February 22, online classroom hours were held among grades 5-11, with the aim of teaching schoolchildren to love and appreciate poetry, instilling...

A book exhibition on the theme "Zhambyl Zhabayev and his legacy" is arranged in the school library, in the hall of the first floor there is an information stand on the theme "Honor of the people - Zhambyl abyz" ...

Category: News
Date: 2021-02-22 21:54:39
A book exhibition on the theme
    The classic writer of our time, who highly appreciated the gift of Zhambyl, Mukhtar Auezov wrote: “Zhambyl is a special phenomenon, not like other talent with a grasp of thought and a bright personality. It combines a great epic poet and aytys master with the vocation of a poet of high civil resonance”. February 28, 2021 marks the 175th anniversary of the birth of Zha...

Within the framework of the republican action "One country - one book" in 2021, a book exhibition "30 books - to the 30th anniversary of Independence" was organized, timed to the anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan ...

Category: News
Date: 2021-02-19 15:51:19
Within the framework of the republican action
     In Kazakhstan, 2021 is declared the Year of Independence. In this regard, the republican action "One country - one book" is dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the country's independence. Within the framework of this action, entitled “30 books - to the 30th anniversary of Independence”, 30 best works of famous Kazakhstani authors in the field of p...

A meeting was held with the head of the department of the city polyclinic № 1 Sagyndykova Gulnaz Umirzakovna ...

Category: News
Date: 2021-02-19 14:55:54
A meeting was held with the head of the department of the city polyclinic № 1 Sagyndykova Gulnaz Umirzakovna ...
     On February 19, 2021, girls of 9th and 11th grade met with the head of the department of the city polyclinic № 1 Sagyndykova Gulnaz Umirzakovna. During the meeting, the girls were given a lecture “Prevention of gynecological diseases”. The lecture contained important information that will help adolescents in the future, such as the prevention of gynecological di...

Remote drawing competition among students of grades 5-6 on the theme "The image of honest and unprincipled work" ...

Category: News
Date: 2021-02-17 16:31:34
Remote drawing competition among students of grades 5-6 on the theme
    From 12 to 17 February 2021, according to the next plan, the head of the school boys' club "Zhasulan" E. S. Mltykbekova organized a remote drawing competition among students of grades 5-6 on the topic "The image of honest and unprincipled work". Purpose: To form the moral qualities of a person; develop the individuality and subjectivity of children, creati...

"Roboland 2021"...

Category: News
Date: 2021-02-16 20:01:25
   Today, 16. 02. 2021, on the basis of KSU "Palace of schoolchildren of the city of Balkhash" in order to increase the interest of students in robotics and programming, the city qualifying stage of the VIІ International Festival of Robotics, Programming and Innovative Technologies "Roboland 2021" was held. The competition was attended by 16 teams from all schools...

The results of the city Olympiad in general subjects ...

Category: News
Date: 2021-02-16 19:52:06
The results of the city Olympiad in general subjects ...
    In the city stage of the republican Olympiad for students in grades 9-11, which took place on February 8-11, 20 students took part in 16 general education subjects, as a result: 1) Mathematics: Grade 9, Suyindik Erniyaz - ІІІ place; 2) Physics: grade 11, Ayaganova Bayan - ІІ place; 3) Informatics: grade 9, Dosymzhan Sagyndykov - ІІІ place; 4) Russian language: grade 9...

February 15 - Day of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan. Booklet Competition Results ...

Category: News
Date: 2021-02-16 12:00:46
February 15 - Day of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan. Booklet Competition Results ...
    February 15 - Day of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan. In this regard, from February 9 to 12, 2021, the Palace of Schoolchildren held a distance booklet competition. The purpose of the competition: to reveal and explain to students the historical meaning of the Afghan war, tell about war veterans and arouse respect for them. Pupils of our school took an active par...

A class hour with 5th grade students on the topic "Language - the legacy of centuries" ...

Category: News
Date: 2021-02-16 11:53:36
A class hour with 5th grade students on the topic
     Language is the greatest asset of the nation and its integral symbol. Nature, civilization, consciousness, literacy of a nation in the broadest sense are measured by its linguistic culture, the breadth of use of this language. On February 15, in order to implement the language policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Bitleuova Zhazira Berikovna spent a class hour with 5th grad...

In the local history museum of our school there was an excursion on the theme "Afghanistan is in our memory" ...

Category: News
Date: 2021-02-16 11:50:41
In the local history museum of our school there was an excursion on the theme
    One of the darkest years in the annals of history is the Afghan war. The tragic war in Afghanistan lasted 9 years and 10 months. This terrible war, which was initially silent, brought grief and pain to many families. On February 15, 2021, on the occasion of the 32nd anniversary of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan, an excursion on the theme "Afghanistan is in...

A parent meeting was held on the topic "The Rights of the Child in the Family"...

Category: News
Date: 2021-02-12 20:48:25
A parent meeting was held on the topic
     On February 12, within the framework of the Legal Navigator Legal Literacy Week, a parent meeting was held on the topic "The Rights of the Child in the Family". Purpose: to explain to parents the importance of children's rights. Strengthening civic responsibility. In whatever conditions the family lives, all children living in it have equal rights. It is in th...

A survey was conducted among students in grades 5-7 on the topic "Legal literacy" ...

Category: News
Date: 2021-02-12 20:38:32
A survey was conducted among students in grades 5-7 on the topic
    On February 12, within the framework of the Legal Literacy Week "Legal Navigator", a survey on the topic "Legal Literacy" was conducted among students of grades 5-7. In order to check the legal literacy of students, a questionnaire was compiled, consisting of 15 questions, monitoring was carried out on the answers of students. Monitoring showed that students a...

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