
A book exhibition and an information stand for the Victory Day were decorated ...

Category: News
Date: 2021-05-04 19:02:00
A book exhibition and an information stand for the Victory Day were decorated ...
    On May 3, a book exhibition was arranged in the school library, and an information stand for the Victory Day was arranged in the lobby of the first floor. The main content of the information stands is to provide information about the Great Patriotic War, its consequences, the Great Victory and the heroism of fathers and sisters who gave their lives for their Motherland, our veter...

Action "Reading family" ...

Category: News
Date: 2021-05-04 18:21:04
    We bring to your attention a video fragment of the reading of Mukagali Makatayev's poem "Ush bakytym" by Magauiya Fatima, a 5th grade student of our school, a participant in the "Reading Family" action within the framework of the "One Family - One Book" regional project.  

An expressive reading contest "Zhyr zhazamyn zhuregimnen ..." ("I am writing songs from the heart ...")...

Category: News
Date: 2021-04-30 23:06:53
An expressive reading contest
    April 30 in the framework of the week of social sciences "Use of new technologies in the context of updating the content of education" teacher of the Kazakh language A. T. Esimbekova organized an expressive reading contest "Zhyr zhazamyn zhuregimnen ..." ("I am writing songs from the heart ...") in the framework of the 110th anniversary of the poet K...

An intellectual game "Kazakhstan - the House of Friendship"...

Category: News
Date: 2021-04-30 22:55:52
An intellectual game
     On April 30, in honor of the holiday "May 1 - the Day of the Unity of the Peoples of Kazakhstan", an intellectual game "Kazakhstan - the House of Friendship" was held among students of the 5th grade. Purpose: to teach students an independent search, to freely express their thoughts, to foster Kazakhstani patriotism, love for the Motherland, land and resp...

Challenge “Kazakhstan is our common home!”...

Category: News
Date: 2021-04-30 22:46:13
Challenge “Kazakhstan is our common home!”...
    In honor of the celebration of May 1 - the Day of the Unity of the Peoples of Kazakhstan, the School Parliament supported the city challenge “Kazakhstan is our common home!”.  

An intra-school workshop "Ways to improve the quality of teaching English"...

Category: News
Date: 2021-04-30 22:31:09
An intra-school workshop
    On April 30, within the framework of the subject week of the social and humanitarian cycle, Ytykbekova G. K. held an intra-school workshop "Ways to improve the quality of teaching English". Purpose: exchange of experience on the use of various resources and methods used by the teacher in her practice to improve the quality of students' knowledge of the English langu...

A challenge was organized for cleaning and landscaping the yard...

Category: News
Date: 2021-04-30 13:43:43
A challenge was organized for cleaning and landscaping the yard...
    April 30, as part of the Environmental Education Week "We are responsible for the future!" a challenge was organized for cleaning and landscaping the yard. The main goal is to form a warm attitude towards nature among students and improve the sanitary condition of the city. Schoolchildren and their parents took an active part in the event, cleaning and decorating their...

Dance Challenge ...

Category: News
Date: 2021-04-29 20:35:28
Dance Challenge ...
    On April 29, in honor of the celebration of May 1 - the Day of the Unity of the Peoples of Kazakhstan, a dance cheooenj was organized, Students of different classes in national costumes performed national dances. The aim of the competition is to teach people to respect the culture and customs of other nationalities. Several classes took an active part in the challenge.  ...

A competition of projects "The future of my town"...

Category: News
Date: 2021-04-29 20:30:39
A competition of projects
    April 29, within the framework of the Environmental Education Week "We are responsible for the future!" A competition of projects "The future of my town" was held among students of grades 9-10. The purpose of the event: to assess the current ecological situation of Lake Balkhash and its environs, to summarize the damage caused by complex pollutants from coasta...

A webinar on the topic "Ways and methods of improving the quality of students' knowledge in the lessons of the Russian language and literature"...

Category: News
Date: 2021-04-29 20:24:24
A webinar on the topic
    On April 29, within the framework of the week of social and humanitarian subjects, the teacher of the Russian language Abeuova Z. U held a webinar on the topic "Ways and methods of improving the quality of students' knowledge in the lessons of the Russian language and literature", where the teacher shared with colleagues the active teaching methods used for each sta...

In-school seminar "Ways to improve the quality of knowledge in the Kazakh language"...

Category: News
Date: 2021-04-29 20:20:24
In-school seminar
    On April 29, in accordance with the plan of the week of social and humanitarian sciences "Use of new technologies in the context of updating the content of education", the teacher of the Kazakh language and literature Syzdykova S. R. held an in-school seminar "Ways to improve the quality of knowledge in the Kazakh language." In pedagogical science, the goal of...

A workshop "Effective use of fluent reading techniques in literacy classes"...

Category: News
Date: 2021-04-29 20:16:32
A workshop
    Today, on April 29, primary school teacher Magauina G. Ye. Held a city workshop "Effective use of fluent reading techniques in literacy classes" within the framework of the regional project "Birge oqimyz". The teacher shared her experience with the teachers of the city on this topic, showed photos and video materials of the work done. In addition, Gulnur Erbol...

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