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Within the framework of the Decade of methodological association of teachers-educators with students 4 "A", 4 "Ә" grades, a competition was held...

Category: News
Date: 2021-05-09 19:30:16
Within the framework of the Decade of methodological association of teachers-educators with students 4
    On May 6, within the framework of the Decade of methodological association of teachers-educators with students 4 "A", 4 "Ә" grades, a competition was held. Main goal: to increase student interest in learning. Along with the general education program, the development of worldview and thinking skills. Popularization of the history, traditions and customs of our...

On the occasion of "May 7 - Defender of the Fatherland Day"...

Category: News
Date: 2021-05-09 19:24:55
On the occasion of
    We are always proud that the older and younger generations make a significant contribution to the defense of our country and military service. And how many of our brothers are working hard for the prosperity of our country?! On the occasion of "May 7 - Defender of the Fatherland Day", schoolchildren congratulate everyone on this holiday, they sent greeting cards and dra...

School Parliament presented a congratulatory video "May 7 - Defender of the Fatherland Day" to teachers and students of our school...

Category: News
Date: 2021-05-09 19:19:00
School Parliament presented a congratulatory video
    On May 7, Kazakhstan celebrates Defender of the Fatherland Day - a holiday of brave, proud and independent men. This holiday always has a special place. And today our congratulations are addressed to people who are responsible for the safety of the borders of Kazakhstan, for peace in our land, to all men who have fulfilled or are fulfilling their military duty. Let your heart bur...

A drawing competition...

Category: News
Date: 2021-05-09 19:15:40
A drawing competition...
    On the eve of the holiday of the Defender of the Fatherland Day, from 4 to 5 May in the Palace of Schoolchildren, a drawing competition "Erler isi - el esinde" was held. The goal of the competition is to educate the younger generation in the spirit of patriotism, develop love for the Motherland, pride in their history, and develop the creative abilities of children. Dra...

Within the framework of the “Onegeli Omir” project, an online meeting “Enbekpen Urilgen Omir” with the famous poet, writer and correspondent of our city Kuandyk Maksutovich Sadenov was held...

Category: News
Date: 2021-05-06 11:35:41
Within the framework of the “Onegeli Omir” project, an online meeting “Enbekpen Urilgen Omir” with the famous poet, writer and correspondent of our city Kuandyk Maksutovich Sadenov was held...
    On May 6, within the framework of the “Onegeli Omir” project, an online meeting “Enbekpen Urilgen Omir” with the famous poet, writer and correspondent of our city Kuandyk Maksutovich Sadenov was held. The poet spoke about the most important stages of his life and career, which will serve as a model for future generations. During the meeting, students asked...

The School Parliament presents a challenge action "Nobody is forgotten, nothing is forgotten!"...

Category: News
Date: 2021-05-06 10:23:03
The School Parliament presents a challenge action
    In honor of the holiday "May 9 - Victory Day", the School Parliament presents a challenge action "Nobody is forgotten, nothing is forgotten!" The purpose of the Action: to draw public attention to the opportunity to take part in the celebration of Victory Day and honor the memory of heroes, by combining such virtues as family values, unity of generations, the...

The quiz "Zhuzden zhuirik"...

Category: News
Date: 2021-05-06 10:16:17
The quiz
    On April 30, among the regional schools on the "ZOOM" platform, the quiz "Zhuzden zhuirik" organized by the ChU "Modern multidisciplinary college" of the city of Karaganda through the service "Kahoot" was held. 11-graders of our school Ayaganova Bayan and Suyindik Bekarys as part of the team "Alash Orda". For each stage of the qui...

A class hour "Do we know the rules of the road?"...

Category: News
Date: 2021-05-06 09:50:39
A class hour
    On May 5, as part of a decade of methodological association of educators with pupils of 3 "A", 3 "Ә" classes, a class hour "Do we know the rules of the road?" The topic is very relevant, since many accidents on the roads come from ignorance of the traffic rules. Colorful pictures and videos helped the children remember the traffic rules on the road....

In honor of the holiday "May 7 - Defender of the Fatherland Day" class hours were held ...

Category: News
Date: 2021-05-06 09:40:47
In honor of the holiday
    On May 5, in honor of the holiday "May 7 - Defender of the Fatherland Day", class hours were held. Purpose: Education of students in the spirit of patriotism, citizenship, attracting the attention of adolescents to their native history, to the fate of their people, the formation of the qualities necessary for service in the armed forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

A competition was held among second-graders...

Category: News
Date: 2021-05-04 20:01:43
A competition was held among second-graders...
    On May 4, as part of the week of methodological association of educators, a competition was held among second-graders "Oinayykta, oilayyk". The purpose of the competition: the development of logical thinking, broaden the horizons of students and teach them to freely express their thoughts, teach them to be organized. The competition was held in four sections. During the...

In honor of “May 9 - the Great Victory Day”, class hours were held among students of grades 1-11...

Category: News
Date: 2021-05-04 19:10:27
In honor of “May 9 - the Great Victory Day”, class hours were held among students of grades 1-11...
    On May 4, in honor of “May 9 - the Great Victory Day”, class hours were held among students of grades 1-11. Purpose: to teach morality, love and protection of the Motherland. Expansion of knowledge, acquaintance with the exploits of Kazakhstanis during the Great Patriotic War. Foster respect for veterans, reverence and patriotism. During the classes, the students lear...

An intellectual game about the state language "Memlekettik til - menin tilim"...

Category: News
Date: 2021-05-04 19:06:22
An intellectual game about the state language
    On May 3, in the 8 "A" class of our school, an intellectual game about the state language "Memlekettik til - menin tilim" was held. Purpose: to give an idea of the meaning of the Kazakh language, to foster respect for the state language, respect for other languages. Students played in teams, completed various tasks, watched videos. At the end of the game on th...

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