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Within the week of mastery in the use of ICT, were held open lessons on history and the Russian language ...

Category: News
Date: 2018-10-16 17:03:31
Within the week of mastery in the use of ICT, were held open lessons  on history and the Russian language ...
  Within 15-20 in our school is a week of skill in the use of ICT in the educational process. Ten lessons are planned for various subjects. On October 16, a history teacher conducted a lesson on the history of Kazakhstan on the topic: “Domestic and foreign policy of Abylaikhan” in the 8 Ә class. The purpose of the lesson: Objective: to form knowledge about the outstanding ru...

On 13 and 14 October was held a conference for parents of 2-4 and 8-9 grades ...

Category: News
Date: 2018-10-13 18:23:59
On 13 and 14 October was held a conference for parents of 2-4 and 8-9 grades ...
 The theme of the conference is “Parents of Kazakhstan in the XXI century: to become an example to their child” Psychological counseling was provided to parents regarding the age group of students in grades 2–4 and 8-9. The meeting was attended by 106 parents. Parents were provided with brochures on the conference topics. Demonstrated video "The future of our child in...

A meeting to clarify the Address of the Head of State N. A. Nazarbayev dated October 5, 2018...

Category: News
Date: 2018-10-13 16:25:38
A meeting to clarify the Address of the Head of State N. A. Nazarbayev dated October 5, 2018...
    Today, October 13, was held a meeting  with teachers of the school to clarify the Address of the Head of State N. A. Nazarbayev dated October 5, 2018 "Growth of the welfare of Kazakhstanis: increasing incomes and quality of life" to the people of Kazakhstan. The Address is devoted to topical issues of socio-economic development of the country and the ta...

School "Young Specialist" has started its work ...

Category: News
Date: 2018-10-12 17:51:21
   October 12, 2018-2019 school year, was held the first meeting of the “Young Specialist” school at our school. The purpose of the meeting: to learn to demonstrate oneself and one's professional qualities. At the beginning of the meeting were awarded teachers who participated in the school stage of the competition “Teacher of the Year”. Then Nukerbekova...

On 11th of October was the decisive stage of the school competition "Teacher of the Year" ...

Category: News
Date: 2018-10-11 18:02:03
On 11th of October was the decisive stage of the school competition
    Today, October 11, the boarding school № 2 passed the decisive stage of the school competition “Teacher of the Year”. Teachers conducted various extracurricular activities with students. Esimbekova A.T. at 7 “Ә” class held a class hour on the topic “Family - the Resident of Happiness”. Objective: to cultivate feelings of love and pride for th...

On October 10, the school stage of the competition “Teacher of the Year” continued...

Category: News
Date: 2018-10-10 14:33:01
On October 10, the school stage of the competition “Teacher of the Year” continued...
    On October 10, the school stage of the competition “Teacher of the Year” continued. Primary school teacher Eleubekova Aizhan Bolatbekovna conducted an open lesson in the 4 "A" class on the topic "Syntax". Children in the classroom showed activity. During the lesson, the teacher used digital educational resources.  

The school held the first stage of the school competition "Teacher of the Year" ...

Category: News
Date: 2018-10-09 14:06:18
The school held the first stage of the school competition
     On October 8, at boarding school № 2 was held the first stage of the school competition “Teacher of the Year”. Essimbekova Assel Tishbekovna, a teacher of the Kazakh language and literature, conducted an open lesson in the Kazakh language in 5 “A” class on the topic “Tusau Keser”, with elements of gaming technology. Mathematics teac...

The Kalamger Club (Eco-Journalists) continues its work ...

Category: News
Date: 2018-10-08 19:54:05
The Kalamger Club (Eco-Journalists) continues its work ...
  We live in the age of information. Today's students are ready to share everything they see and hear to the whole world at the same moment. And why not turn this ability in the right direction. In this regard, the Kalamger Club (Eco-Journalists) works at boarding school № 2, which continues its work in the new academic year. Creativity is the highest quality of thinking. Thanks to...

In the Weekend Club...

Category: News
Date: 2018-10-08 19:36:26
In the Weekend Club...
    On October 7, 2018, passed a cognitive hour in the Weekend Club dedicated to the 5th anniversary of the opening of the «Astana Opera»Opera and Ballet Theater. The school library has created a 3D book, which the librarian used to illustrate the story of the creation of the theater.

The Head of State delivered Address to the people of Kazakhstan...

Category: News
Date: 2018-10-08 19:30:20
The Head of State delivered Address to the people of Kazakhstan...
    On October 5, at the Akorda residence, the Head of State delivered Address to the people of Kazakhstan. It is devoted to topical issues of socio-economic development of the country and the objectives for further improving the welfare of Kazakhstan. Particular attention is paid to the development of education. First, equipping all schools and kindergartens with video surveillanc...

At our school held the traditional event “Golden Autumn”...

Category: News
Date: 2018-10-08 10:12:32
At our school held the traditional event “Golden Autumn”...
    On October 4, 2018, at boarding school № 2 named after M. P. Rusakov was held the traditional event “Golden Autumn”.  The purpose of the event: to create comfortable conditions for the inclusion of pupils, both junior and senior, in active cognitive activity and development of communicative competence based on the organization of joint (teac...

Round table "One World, One House, One Heart", dedicated to World Heart Day

Category: News
Date: 2018-10-03 17:55:03
Round table
    In the human body, all organs are undoubtedly important. However, two of them, you can say "run by" life in general. It's about the brain and the heart. They are responsible for the very possibility of our existence with you. The holiday is devoted to the “natural motor”, as the heart muscle is also called. At the end of the first month of autumn, Septem...

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