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Congratulations on the victory in the city poetic competition ...

Category: News
Date: 2019-02-20 20:16:35
Congratulations on the victory in the city poetic competition ...
    Within the framework of the "Modernization of kazakhstan’s identity" program, a city poetry contest was held to mark the 125th anniversary of the state and public figure Saken Seyfullin, one of the founders of Kazakh literature, with the goal of developing and promoting the art of poetry among the people, popularizing poetry among young talents and young people. H...

Drawing competition among students in grades 5-6 "Learning English" ...

Category: News
Date: 2019-02-20 18:56:59
Drawing competition among students in grades 5-6
    On February 20, a drawing competition “Learning English” was held among students in grades 5-6. Pupils not only painted pictures on free topics, but also presented translations of drawn objects into Kazakh, Russian and English. The purpose of the drawing contest: Support for modern policy of trilingualism. The younger generation should know three languages. Promot...

Open lesson on the optional “Human Biology” in the 8th grade on the topic “Skin diseases” ...

Category: News
Date: 2019-02-20 18:50:07
Open lesson on the optional “Human Biology” in the 8th grade on the topic “Skin diseases” ...
    19. 02. 2019 the teacher of biology and chemistry Khamitova S.K. within the framework of the week “Three languages ​​- three worlds” held an open class on the optional course “Human biology” in the 8th grade on the topic “Skin diseases”. Objective: to acquaint with the types of skin diseases, to develop terminological vocabulary, to develop...

According to the plan for the implementation of trilingual education, was held a lesson in computer science on the topic “Export of sounds”...

Category: News
Date: 2019-02-20 18:46:02
According to the plan for the implementation of trilingual education, was held a lesson in computer science on the topic “Export of sounds”...
    On February 18, computer science teacher Aliyeva Sh. A. held an open optional lesson in computer science in the 8th grade on the topic “Export of sounds”. The lesson was conducted according to the plan for the implementation of trilingual education. Purpose: To give an idea about the sound installation devices. Development of self-education skills, thinkingskills; m...

We continue the school project “Do we need landscaping in the classroom?"...

Category: News
Date: 2019-02-19 23:00:09
We continue the school project “Do we need landscaping in the classroom?
    We continue the school project “Do we need landscaping in the classroom?". The goal of this project is to expand knowledge about indoor plants. To deepen knowledge about plant care techniques. To develop educational interest. Today, pupils of the 6th grade studied indoor flowers on the theme “Does houseplants bring benefit or harm?” And studied the effect...

There was a presentation of the next issue of the eco-magazine ...

Category: News
Date: 2019-02-19 22:55:26
There was a presentation of the next issue of the eco-magazine ...
    A new ninth edition of «EcoOtan»magazine has been released at the boarding school. Young journalists, along with their leader Farida Mukhamedzhanova, presented it, introducing some pages and articles. The journal published all the work of the school for the period June-December 2018.

Started week "Three languages - three worlds" ...

Category: News
Date: 2019-02-19 22:23:56
Started week
     In February, the week of trilingual education is traditionally held in our school. This school year, the holding of the week "Three languages ​​- three worlds" is scheduled from February 15 to February 22. Within the week, open lessons are planned in the subjects “biology” and “computer science”, a seminar for teachers on the creation of me...

Competition of readers "Dariga Zhurek", dedicated to the birthday of Mukagali Makatayev...

Category: News
Date: 2019-02-14 20:05:55
Competition of readers
February 13 at the boarding school №2 named after M. p. Rusakov was a competition of readers "Dariga Zhurek", dedicated to the birthday of Mukagali Makatayev. Participated students grades 2-9. According to the terms of the competition were evaluated by age criteria: "primary", "middle", "senior". The purpose of the competition is: acquaintance with t...

Meeting with soldiers-internationalists, dedicated to the Day of the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan ...

Category: News
Date: 2019-02-13 00:44:35
Meeting with soldiers-internationalists, dedicated to the Day of the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan ...
    February 15, 1989 exactly 30 years ago, the last part of the Soviet army was withdrawn from Afghanistan. On February 12, on the eve of a significant date, a meeting with soldiers-internationalists was held at boarding school № 2. The purpose of the event: the education of patriotism on the examples of courageous and brave people-soldiers who went through the war in Afghanistan...

Within the framework of the decade of self-knowledge, thematic class hours have passed ...

Category: News
Date: 2019-02-12 10:09:06
Within the framework of the decade of self-knowledge, thematic class hours have passed ...
  On February 12, thematic class hours were held in all classes within the decade of self-knowledge. The purpose of these classroom hours: to teach students to study themselves, to determine their potential; develop your abilities; formulate positive qualities.

A book exhibition on the topic “Kind mother”...

Category: News
Date: 2019-02-07 14:03:27
A book exhibition on the topic “Kind mother”...
     On February 4, in the framework of the week of self-knowledge and in the implementation of activities within the framework of the action “Kazakhstan - the territory of good”, in the library of the boarding school № 2 was organized a book exhibition on the topic “Kind mother”. The purpose of the exhibition is to acquaint students with the biog...

A solemn series devoted to the opening of the decade "Self-knowledge: pedagogy of Love and Creativity" under the motto "Self-recognition - recognition of life"...

Category: News
Date: 2019-02-05 20:43:28
A solemn series devoted to the opening of the decade
    On February 4, at the boarding school № 2 named after M. P. Rusakov, was held a solemn series devoted to the opening of the decade "Self-knowledge: pedagogy of Love and Creativity" under the motto "Self-recognition - recognition of life". The school organization of the local government introduced the plan of the decade and encouraged teachers and s...

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