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The class hours “Nauryz - Spring Festival” were held at the school ...

Category: News
Date: 2019-03-19 14:03:32
The class hours “Nauryz - Spring Festival” were held at the school ...
    On March 15 at school the class hours “Nauryz - Spring Festival” were held. Objective: to consolidate children's knowledge about the Kazakh folk traditions, customs, rituals; instilling a sense of respect, interest in culture; fostering patriotism, love and respect for the motherland. In each class, students demonstrated various Kazakh customs, talked about how...

In the school grennhouse...

Category: News
Date: 2019-03-19 13:30:08
In the school grennhouse...
    Approaching the end of the first year of the school project "Do you need greenery in the classroom?" Our children studied various properties of indoor plants, found out which flowers are useful for the health of students, which of them can rightly be considered medicinal, how to care for and feed the flowers. The results of children's research will be shown at a sch...

The results of the winter-spring works in the school greenhouse...

Category: News
Date: 2019-03-15 15:56:13
The results of the winter-spring works in the school greenhouse...
    In anticipation of the great Nauryz holiday, young agronomists of our school sum up the results of winter-spring works. The last harvest of vegetables was harvested: beets, radishes, herbs - parsley, arugula, lettuce leaves. There is a preparation of the soil for planting flower seeds for the improvement of the school yard.

Our school hosted an exhibition called "National History of the Past"...

Category: News
Date: 2019-03-15 15:49:54
Our school hosted an exhibition called
    Spring is the time of equinox, the time when poplars spread their buds, birds sing and everything wakes up from sunlight. Spring - the time of the spring equinox from ancient times was considered the beginning of the year. Nauryz is widely celebrated in our country. On the eve of Nauryz, an exhibition entitled “The National History of the Past” was held at our schoo...

An exhibition dedicated to the celebration of Nauryz was organized in the school library ...

Category: News
Date: 2019-03-15 15:43:31
An exhibition dedicated to the celebration of Nauryz was organized in the school library ...
    On the eve of the celebration of the holiday of spring and the renewal of Nauryz, a familiarizing exhibition of books and printed publications was held in the school library. This exhibition is dedicated to the celebration of Nauryz. The purpose of the event: to attract the attention of children to reading periodical literature, available in the library instead of the Internet, t...

"The new age through the eyes of youth" ...

Category: News
Date: 2019-03-13 14:33:31
    March 12 in the City Palace of schoolchildren was an urban competition of propaganda groups "New Age through the Eyes of Youth". The team of the boarding school № 2 took the IIIrd place.

Concert charity program "Zhyly Zhүrek Zhastar" ...

Category: News
Date: 2019-03-13 10:08:43
Concert charity program
    On March 12, in the framework of the events dedicated to the celebration of the national holiday of Nauryz, students of our school with art directors made an excursion to the city orphanage with a concert charity program “Zhyly Zhүrek Zhastar”. During the concert program, the guys showed their talents in vocal singing, dancing, performing kyuis, expressive reading....

The competition “Come on, girls!”...

Category: News
Date: 2019-03-12 16:10:58
 The competition “Come on, girls!”...
   March 7 in the sanatorium boarding school № 2 named after M.P. Rusakov passed the competition “Come on, girls!”. The event consisted of 5 stages: the greeting contest “Men- Kazaktyk Kyzymyn”, the contest “Khalkyn Seugen Saltyn Seugen”, “United Url Zhuzer” creative performance of each participant, “Baiga” - a blitz tourn...

"Dedicated to mom" ...

Category: News
Date: 2019-03-12 16:02:37
    March 6 at 6 "A" class of the boarding school № 2 teacher Makhmutova D. A. held an open educational hour, "Mom is dedicated to ...", inviting mothers and grandmothers. The purpose of the educational hour: to give a festive mood to mothers, to cause a sense of respect for the mother, the formation of a respectful feeling for girls. During the evening, the chi...

In the club "Weekend" was conducted research work on the topic "Seven Facets of the Great Steppe" ...

Category: News
Date: 2019-03-05 10:49:33
In the club
    On March 3, 2019, the Weekend Club conducted research work on the theme “The Seven Facets of the Great Steppe”. For given topics, work was carried out on the independent search for information from books. The children were divided into two groups, each group chose its speakers: Seyfolla Saken and Balnur Serikhankyzy. The results of the search work were presented on sp...

A competition "Knowledge of the language" for the knowledge of vocabulary in three languages was held among primary school students...

Category: News
Date: 2019-02-27 22:05:43
A competition
  Within the framework of the week “Three languages - three worlds”, a competition "Knowledge of the language" for the knowledge of vocabulary in three languages was held among primary school students. Objective: to identify capable students to a foreign language, creating a motivational field for the desire of children to self-improvement; stimulating student inte...

In the framework of the week "Three languages - three worlds" with teachers was held a training seminar on the creation of methodical products ...

Category: News
Date: 2019-02-24 23:25:57
In the framework of the week
     On February 21, within the framework of the week “Three languages ​​- three worlds”, a training seminar on the creation of methodical products was held with teachers. During the seminar, teachers were given general information about the program of trilingual education, were also introduced to some methodological manuals on the study and teaching of a foreign lan...

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