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Class hours were held for the holiday of March 8 ...

Category: News
Date: 2020-03-06 09:41:19
Class hours were held for the holiday of March 8 ...
    On March 5, classes for the holiday on March 8 were held in all classes of boarding school No. 2 named after M. P. Rusakov. In addition, according to the plan of the methodological association of teachers in the framework of the celebration on March 8, teachers held classroom hours on the theme “Mother's Day” in the 2nd “Ә” class and the 6th “A&r...

An open online lesson was held at the regional level on the topic "Healthy lifestyle" ...

Category: News
Date: 2020-03-05 17:29:13
An open online lesson was held at the regional level on the topic
    On March 5, the Russian language teacher A. N. Amandykova held an open online lesson at the regional level on the topic “Healthy Lifestyle” in grade 5 “A”. The purpose of the lesson: to ensure the formation of interest in the study of the Russian language. The learning objectives that were set in the lesson are the ability to predict the content of the t...

Diagnostics were carried out in grades 5 and 8 in order to identify the psychological state of students ...

Category: News
Date: 2020-03-03 12:46:28
Diagnostics were carried out in grades 5 and 8 in order to identify the psychological state of students ...
    From February 25 to March 2, work was conducted with a psychologist in grades 5 and 8 in order to identify the psychological state of students. Methods used in the process: 1.Determination of the state of the emotional field by the colors of Lusher-Lutoshkin. 2. Psycho-geometric test. 3. Definition of indicators of educational motivation. 4. Self-assessment technique (psy...

Open lesson on the faculty “Human Biology” in grade 8 on the theme “The structure and functions of muscle tissue, muscle groups of a person”...

Category: News
Date: 2020-02-28 14:39:05
Open lesson on the faculty “Human Biology” in grade 8 on the theme “The structure and functions of muscle tissue, muscle groups of a person”...
    On February 28, S. K. Khamitova, a biology and chemistry teacher, held an open lesson in the 8th grade on the subject “The structure and functions of muscle tissue, muscle groups of a person” as part of the “Three Languages ​​- Three Worlds” week. The purpose of the lesson: To systematize the knowledge of the structure of muscles. Onthe lesson, video m...

Stage production of the life and immortal feat of the Heroes of the Soviet Union Nurken Abdirov and Kazybek Nurzhanov, dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory ...

Category: News
Date: 2020-02-28 10:37:15
Stage production of the life and immortal feat of the Heroes of the Soviet Union Nurken Abdirov and Kazybek Nurzhanov, dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory ...
    This year marks 75 years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. Many battles of World War II left their mark on the battlefield. The exploits of the illustrious sons of the Kazakh land, our countrymen Nurken Abdirov and Kazybek Nurzhanov are a legacy for the country, serve as an example for the younger generation. The exploits of Nurken Abdirov and Kazbek Nurzhanov are not forgot...

The essay competition "Trilingualism - the imperative of the time" was held among students in grades 5-7 ...

Category: News
Date: 2020-02-28 10:11:40
The essay competition
     On February 27, at the boarding school № 2 among students of grades 5–7, an essay competition on the topic “Trilingualism - the imperative of the time” was organized as part of the week “Three Languages ​​- Three Worlds”. The purpose of the competition is to foster competitiveness, to learn students' opinions on trilingualism, the ability t...

The intellectual game among 8-9 grades' students “More languages ​​to learn, state, foreign, and your own!”...

Category: News
Date: 2020-02-26 19:28:32
The intellectual game among 8-9 grades' students “More languages ​​to learn, state, foreign, and your own!”...
    On February 26, as part of the action plan of the week “Three languages ​​- three worlds”, was held the intellectual game among 8-9 grades' students “More languages ​​to learn, state, foreign, and your own!”. The purpose of the event: to evaluate the intellectual, non-standard thinking of students. To increase students' interest in learning langu...

Extracurricular event "Fun trip to the country of trilingualism" with students of 4 classes ...

Category: News
Date: 2020-02-25 15:51:51
Extracurricular event
    February 25 at boarding school № 2 named after M. P. Rusakov in the framework of the week “Three Languages ​​- Three Worlds”, extracurricular event "Fun trip to the country of trilingualism" with students of 4 classes. Purpose: To form a desire to master the Kazakh, Russian and English languages. To promote the development of cognitive activity, memory, th...

Solemn gathering on the occasion of the opening of the week “Three Languages - Three Worlds” ...

Category: News
Date: 2020-02-24 16:20:55
Solemn gathering on the occasion of the opening of the week “Three Languages - Three Worlds” ...
    In February, a trilingualism week “Three languages ​​- three worlds” is traditionally held in our school. This week, trilingualism is scheduled for February 24-29. During the week, events will be held among students and teachers of the school, an open lesson on the elective "Human Biology", a discussion among teachers about the importance of trilingual edu...

School Forum 2020: “Model of school education and upbringing: what? how? for what?"...

Category: News
Date: 2020-02-23 12:04:29
School Forum 2020: “Model of school education and upbringing: what? how? for what?
    According to the plan of the Balkhash city department of education, on February 21, the second stage of the school day was held at the sanatorium boarding school № 2 named after M. P. Rusakov. School Forum 2020: “Model of school education and upbringing: what? how? for what?". The goal is to educate young people about environmental education, instilling a sense of resp...

Festival-competition of the patriotic song...

Category: News
Date: 2020-02-21 20:13:38
Festival-competition of the patriotic song...
     On February 19, 2020, a patriotic festival-competition of patriotic songs was held at the Schoolchildren’s Palace with the goal of creating a civic position among students, instilling a sense of patriotism, developing their creative potential, aesthetic culture, and self-sufficiency. At the festival-competition, patriotic songs were performed by vocal performers of...

"Zhigit Sultans" competition among 6-7 grades...

Category: News
Date: 2020-02-21 16:22:48
     February 19 as part of the decade of the methodological association of educators in boarding school № 2 named after M. P. Rusakov was held "Zhigit Sultans" competition among 6-7 grades. Purpose: to teach restraint, humanity, to develop dexterity, to cultivate a culture of behavior in them. To reveal hidden talents, ingenuity, skills, the ability to express onese...

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