
The results of the contest "Abai's heritage is eternal" ...

Category: News
Date: 2020-05-03 15:43:48
The results of the contest
    In April, the students of the 7th “A” class, Toleukul Altyn and the of the  6th “Ә” class Seifolla Didar, led by the teacher of the Kazakh language and literature, Esimbekova A.T., took part in the republican distance contest “Abay’s Legacy - Eternal”, organized by the intellectual portal education "Onege" and awarded with...

Today, May 3 is the Day of the Sun ...

Category: News
Date: 2020-05-03 13:58:49
Today, May 3 is the Day of the Sun ...
    Today, May 3, is celebrated the Day of the Sun (Sun Day), sometimes called the World Sun Day or the International Day of the Sun. The sun is the closest star to Earth. Without the sun, there would be no air on Earth. Thanks to the sun, life came to life on our planet millions of years ago. The European branch of the International Solar Energy Association has traditionally and vol...

The results of the republican distance contest ...

Category: News
Date: 2020-05-03 13:55:49
The results of the republican distance contest ...
    In April, students of the 3rd “A” class also took part in the republican distance contest organized by the Onege intellectual education portal and received prizes. In particular, in the nomination “Amazing Picture” Beksultan Zhandosov received the “Grand Prix”, Saylaubek Asylnaz in the nomination “Segiz Kyrly, bir syrly” also receiv...

Republican distance competition organized by the portal of intellectual education ...

Category: News
Date: 2020-05-03 13:53:54
Republican distance competition organized by the portal of intellectual education ...
    In April, pupils of the 9th “A” class of Seyfolla Saken and Ibraeva Nurgul took part in the republican distance contest organized by the intellectual education portal. Participated in the nominations "Сәуір жаңбыры туралы Деректер" and "Абай мұрасы - мәңгілік", presented poems of their own composition and received high marks. In addition, both part...

Congratulations on May 1 - Day of Friendship of the Peoples of Kazakhstan! Sapargalieva Moldir not only shared the preparation of the berek, but also demonstrated the skills of the Turkish language ...

Category: News
Date: 2020-05-01 17:59:19
Congratulations on May 1 - Day of Friendship of the Peoples of Kazakhstan! Sapargalieva Moldir not only shared the preparation of the berek, but also demonstrated the skills of the Turkish language ...
    Turks always start their breakfast with bread. They make two kinds of bread, wheat bread and corn bread. Types of baking include pita bread, no dough, yufka, gozlem. One of the national dishes of the Turks is Berek. The student of the 8th grade Sapargalieva Moldir not only shared the preparation of the berek, but also demonstrated the skills of the Turkish language. Congratula...

On the eve of the holiday, Uldana, a 2nd grade student, cooked one of the national dishes of the Azerbaijani people - dyushbara ...

Category: News
Date: 2020-04-30 15:35:31
On the eve of the holiday, Uldana, a 2nd grade student, cooked one of the national dishes of the Azerbaijani people - dyushbara ...
    Azerbaijani cuisine is one of the oldest and most diverse in the world. National dishes of the country mainly consist of milk, meat, flour and vegetables. There are different ways of cooking. Lamb, poultry, river and sea fish, fruits and vegetables are often used in Azerbaijani cuisine. In addition, various spices and aromatic herbs are widely used: Vasari, green and black bas...

The main dish of the tea table is baursak ... Student 3 of the A class on the eve of May 1 - Friendship Day of the peoples of Kazakhstan, prepared bauyrsaks ...

Category: News
Date: 2020-04-30 15:27:31
The main dish of the tea table is baursak ... Student 3 of the A class on the eve of May 1 - Friendship Day of the peoples of Kazakhstan, prepared bauyrsaks ...
    The main course of the tea table is the baursak. The word "baursak" in the Kazakh language means fraternity. Baursak is also considered the most nutritious and plentiful among bakery products. Baursak - the first thing that is served on the table with a treat of tea and koumiss. One of the national dishes of the Kazakh people was prepared by a student of grade 3 A on...

On the eve of May 1 - the Day of Friendship of the Peoples of Kazakhstan, Tolegen Ainaz, a 2nd grade student, cooked one of Korean dishes with her mother ...

Category: News
Date: 2020-04-30 15:21:31
On the eve of May 1 - the Day of Friendship of the Peoples of Kazakhstan, Tolegen Ainaz, a 2nd grade student, cooked one of Korean dishes with her mother ...
    On the eve of May 1, the Day of Friendship of the Peoples of Kazakhstan, Tolegen Ainaz, a 2nd grade student, cooked one of Korean dishes with her mother. Korean cuisine is usually spicy. Koreans add a lot of spices to their food. That is why the colors of their dishes are orange-red. Korean cuisine is not so rich in spices. Often garlic and pepper are used in different proporti...

A meeting was held under the director for teachers of boarding school № 2 on the platform ...

Category: News
Date: 2020-04-30 15:08:02
A meeting was held under the director for teachers of boarding school № 2 on the platform ...
    On April 30, a meeting was held under the director for teachers of boarding school № 2. The meeting was organized on the platform. Agenda Issues: 1. Instructions for carrying out SAY and SAT, dates. Sakharieva M. M. 2. Organization of work on career guidance. Suleimenova M. N. 3. Various questions. The relevant information was provided on the agenda, teachers a...

As part of the celebration of May 1 - the Day of Unity of the Peoples of Kazakhstan, class hours were held online ...

Category: News
Date: 2020-04-29 16:08:40
As part of the celebration of May 1 - the Day of Unity of the Peoples of Kazakhstan, class hours were held online ...
     April 28 at the sanatorium boarding school № 2 named after M. P. Rusakov, as part of the celebration of May 1 - Day of Unity of the Peoples of Kazakhstan, classroom hours were held online for students in grades 1-10. The purpose of the lesson is to show that mutual understanding, restraint, respect for the spiritual and cultural values of different nationalities contribute...

Challenge Proud of your feat...

Category: News
Date: 2020-04-29 15:45:21
Challenge Proud of your feat...
    The world is made at an inconceivable price And him, so as not to go out in the ashes, We protect as before the fight They conserve ammunition in a regiment. A great victory! Victory did not come to us on its own. She came to us thanks to the courage of men, young people aged 17-18 years.  

To the holiday of unity of the people of Kazakhstan ...

Category: News
Date: 2020-04-28 20:51:49
To the holiday of unity of the people of Kazakhstan ...
    Kazakhs say: "Without unity, there is no life". The people of Kazakhstan celebrate May 1, Day of Solidarity and Unity. This holiday has a special place for a country that adheres to the principle "Unity is a source of prosperity, peace in the country". Every year, more than 130 nationalities and ethnic groups living in Kazakhstan celebrate a holiday in peace,...

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