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The action of charity «Мейірім шуағы»

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-09-23 11:37:30
The action of charity «Мейірім шуағы»
In order to provide social assistance to children from large, low-income, single-parent families 23.09. the holiday "Kurban Ait" in school Rally charity. Within the framework of the republican action «Road to school" collected school supplies and belongings were given boarding school number 3 and orphanage.

Information meeting for boys

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-09-23 11:25:15
Information meeting for boys
September 23 the school day was a meeting among boys 7 to 11 class in order to create conditions for the development of skills of the day, and procedures at the school on the agenda was told right pupil in the school rules, hygienic cleanliness.

Meeting for girls

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-09-22 11:33:02
Meeting for girls
21.09. there was a meeting among girls grades 5-11. Objective: To educate girls decency, punctuality, politeness. Forming girls concept of positive traits and deeds. The meeting opened by the Chairperson Beysekina KA Crime prevention information director gave lyceum Dubirbekova KS MS nurse Atkeltirova He told about the correct personal hygiene.

Seminar “Үштілділік-заман талабы”

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-09-22 11:11:05
Seminar “Үштілділік-заман талабы”
On 17th September was held seminar “Үштілділік-заман талабы” between 9 grades, dedicated to celebration oflanguage’s Day. This event organized by teacher of Russian language and literature Satenova Sh.Sh., teacher of Kazakh language and literature Taizhanova K. B. and English teacher Bazhenova A.O Aim: to develop in pupils three languages Pupils divided into three groups an...

"Road to School"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-09-21 07:44:19
To the period from August 1 to September 30, 2015 it is carried out Republican charitable the stocks "Road to School". The action purpose – identification of the children who aren't captured by training, rendering financial support to school students from needy and large families, to orphan children, children without parental support, in preparation by the beginning of acad...

Ел болмысы – өткен тарихтан

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-09-18 13:06:11
Ел болмысы – өткен тарихтан
On 16th September  pupils 8 classes held historical hour "Ел болмысы - өткен тарихтан" librarians spoke about the history of the Kazakh Khanate, on got acquainted new books on the history of Kazakhstan.    

Intellectual game «Тіл әлемінде»

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-09-18 06:06:32
  Intellectual game  «Тіл әлемінде»
The 16th  of September  teachers of the Kazakh language  B. B. Sultanova, Russian Tolkina D. M., English Iklasbaeva D. E held intellectual game on the theme of "Тіл әлемінде" dedicated to the day of languages.

Information on a meeting with veterans of education Balkhash

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-09-16 12:48:14
Information on a meeting with veterans of education Balkhash
16.09.2015 years in the assembly hall of school - lyceum 15 there took place the meeting with veterans of formation of our city. At a meeting there was a vice-chairman of Balkhash city branch of Nur Otan party Sekerbekova B. M., the deputy head of city department of education Kuanyshbayev A. K., veterans of pedagogical work Syzdykova Sh. R., Shvedov R. S., Tsyganyuk N. I. Action purpose: to te...

Information about the events dedicated to the Day of family.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-09-15 15:26:37
Information about the events dedicated to the Day of family.
Purpose: formation of a succession of generations, respect for elders, care for children, the tradition of mutual support, strengthen family values. 11.09. organized a book exhibition "My favorite book of my family" theme decorated booth. With 09.0.9- at 15.09 2-10 grade students participated in the design of photo collage. The best works were awarded with diplomas. Among the pupils...

Information on the solemn line,devoted to the 550 anniversary of the Kazakh Khanate.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-09-14 13:11:19
Information on the solemn line,devoted to the 550 anniversary of the Kazakh Khanate.
Objective: To deepen students' knowledge on the history of the formation of the Kazakh Khanate and the activities of the first Kazakh khans Kerey and Zhanibek. Education of the Kazakhstan patriotism and respect for the historical past of their state;     The Library organized a book exhibition on the 1st floor features an information stand. Also showing movies was "Kazak...

"The role of the family in a child's life" рarent meeting

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-09-14 10:31:35
09/11/2015. "The role of the family in a child's life" held a meeting with parents. A total of 180 parents gathered and "Hospital number 2 in the city of Balkhash" is number 2 Hospital pediatrician Sakenova Sakenovna Madina, "the Department of Emergency Situations of the city of Balkhash" senior lieutenant Bolatovich Assylbek Merkeev. Considered on the age...

Information on the "Festival of Health-2015" From 01.09.to 07.09. shares within "Festival of Health-2015" held an event "I am for a healthy lifestyle."

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-09-05 13:19:43
Information on the
The festival aims: creating a culture of health and wellness of children and youth. 29th of September  was organized Information on the "Festival of Health-2015". 1st of September  announced the opening week of the Festival of health. From 01.09.-06.09.on the 1st floor of the school was shown the video. Among the pupils of 7-8 classes held an essay contest.5th of Septem...

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