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At the weekend club ...

Category: library
Date: 2021-11-21 23:53:07
At the weekend club ...
On November 21, at the Weekend club, the guys got acquainted with the newly received books in the library. In 2021, the Karaganda publishing house "Qasym" published a series of works for children: works by Saiyn Muratbekov, Berdibek Sokpakbaev, Lev Tolstoy, Mikhail Bulgakov, Karzhaubai Omarov, Adil Balt, fairy tales of the peoples of the world and other works. Children read fairy tales...

Conversation-review dedicated to the 129th anniversary of the birth of Mikhail Petrovich Rusakov ...

Category: library
Date: 2021-11-19 17:02:43
Conversation-review dedicated to the 129th anniversary of the birth of Mikhail Petrovich Rusakov ...
On November 19, 2021, in the reading room of the school library, a review conversation was held with students in grades 4, dedicated to the 129th anniversary of the birth of Mikhail Petrovich Rusakov. November 21 marks the 129th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding scientist, geologist, discoverer of the Konyrat deposit, MP Rusakov. In 1928, the Kounrad copper ore was discovered - in the...

Round table on the topic "Children's rights - human rights."

Category: School psychologist
Date: 2021-11-19 16:54:52
Round table on the topic
On November 16, as part of the month "November 20 - World Children's Day", a round table was held among grades 7-9 on the topic "Children's rights - human rights", where school psychologist Kasimova G.K. conducted a survey on violence prevention measures. Purpose: To give students an idea of ​​violence, to say that this is the worst quality of a person. The main value...

Competition of patriotic songs

Category: Work of clubs and sports sections
Date: 2021-11-19 16:51:15
Competition of patriotic songs
Duysenbai Rakhat was awarded a diploma for the third place in the city competition of patriotic songs, organized within the framework of the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the aim of instilling respect for heroism in the younger generation, respect for their native land, country, and instilling patriotic feelings. Artistic director A.B.Shaimerdenov. Congratul...

Educational work on the topic "Raising a girl - raising a nation", "Personal hygiene of a teenager" ...

Category: School psychologist
Date: 2021-11-19 15:51:34
Educational work on the topic
On November 12, among girls in grades 7-11, educational work was held on the topic "Raising girls - raising a nation", "Personal hygiene of a teenager", where school psychologist GK Kasimova spoke on the topic "What is sex life and prevention of early pregnancy". The purpose of the conversation: health education and counseling on family planning and marriage, edu...

The training "On UNT with confidence!"

Category: School psychologist
Date: 2021-11-18 12:27:49
The training
On November 11, the training "On UNT with confidence!" Was held for 11th grade students. All students took part in the training. Purpose: psychological preparation of students, the formation of ideas about affirmations. Through self-knowledge of students, the formation of self-esteem, showing the way to overcome stress.

The training "On UNT with confidence!"

Date: 2021-11-18 12:21:32
The training
On November 11, the training "On UNT with confidence!" Was held for 11th grade students. All students took part in the training. Purpose: psychological preparation of students, the formation of ideas about affirmations. Through self-knowledge of students, the formation of self-esteem, showing the way to overcome stress.

The meeting "On some issues of pedagogical ethics"

Category: Methodical vernissage
Date: 2021-11-18 11:29:21
The meeting
On November 17, 2021, a meeting "On some issues of pedagogical ethics" was held for the teaching staff of the school. At this meeting, the question of the ethical behavior of teachers with both students and parents was raised. The teacher respects the honor and dignity of students and pupils, their parents (legal representatives), people who become the objects of his professional att...

Meeting among grades 8-9 on the topic "Advice for boys"

Category: School Parliament
Date: 2021-11-17 22:00:17
Meeting among grades 8-9 on the topic
On November 17, 2021, the president of the school parliament, Zhasulanov Amanat, held a meeting among grades 8-9 on the topic "Advice for boys." self-improvement, responsibility for the history of the Fatherland, for the present and future of independent Kazakhstan, fostering the feeling that neither in the family nor in the public environment a man can not work and sit around.

Passed the school project "Five Music Competitions"

Category: Scientific Society of pupils
Date: 2021-11-17 21:57:38
Passed the school project
On November 16, 2021, in honor of the 30th anniversary of Independence, a school project "Five Music Competitions" was held at the school. Purpose: to instill in students a love of art, increase interest in music, strengthen memory, vocabulary, systematic speech skills. Fostering friendship and organization. The competition was attended by students of 9 "A" and 9 "Ә"...

Regional stage of the Republican ecological competition of projects "ProEco" ...

Category: Scientific Society of pupils
Date: 2021-11-17 21:54:51
Regional stage of the Republican ecological competition of projects
On November 4, 2021, the regional stage of the Republican ecological competition of projects "ProEco" was held. The purpose of the competition: to attract the attention of students to environmental problems, the development of environmental competence of students by organizing design and research activities, the formation of environmental culture and a positive environmental attitude t...

On the implementation of the plan for preparing students for the UNT ...

Date: 2021-11-17 16:34:55
On the implementation of the plan for preparing students for the UNT ...
Participation in the UNT not only reveals the level of knowledge of a student-graduate, but is also a kind of test of his social and psychological readiness for the constantly changing conditions of reality. In this regard, there is a need for a multidimensional work in the preparation of graduates for the UNT: educational, methodological, psychological. The predicted high performance of the UNT...

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